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Cheetah EP

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cirklon1 has some serious magic in it. Can't wait to hear it in proper quality. That is clearly the "single" to my ears. But damn.. solid stuff. This is a special little ep.

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What's "@ the Dandelion Spaceship (pre-Syro)"? He named one of his studio setups the Dandelion Spaceship and that's where he composed these tracks?

Apparently so... wonder where it is/what it is...

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Dandelion Spaceship... Carl Sagan Cosmos reference, right? I'm into that

Apparently so... I hadn't heard that in decades... an old observatory, perhaps? He's lived in a bank, so I wouldn't put an old observatory out of his reach...

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gah, i nearly pulled the trigger. waited 20 minutes with the cassette in my 'crate'/checkout. then i saw it'd be upwards of $20, cancelled, and then it was gone.


a google search for the conversion rate (Euro to USD) showed $16.49, though Boomkat's final estimate was like $19.65 (approx.) -- how is it that their estimate is $3 more than the Google result?

Edited by barbara planar
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This ep's grown on me a lot after only a few listens! Liking the claps that sound like those things people spin round at football matches in particular. Can't wait for some future bangers though.

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I'm not feeling as excited for the Cheetah EP as I was for ODJ. Not sure why. I've only listened to CIRKLON3, and I do think it is great, even if it does meander a bit. I just don't think it is as strong a single as serge fenix Rendered 2 was.


I keep comparing the two releases, not because they are the two most recent official releases, but because I was in the same place when they were announced, visiting family in the US. The EPs were announced roughly a year apart, so I caught wind of them around the same time, just a year apart. Mid June 2015 for ODS, and Mid June 2016 for Cheetah.


Nevertheless, I am still excited to hear the full EP.


Since I'm still typing for some reason, I will mention that I went on a record shopping spree recently, but there is never enough money, and I passed up ODS on vinyl for Bibio's Fi reissue. I regretted it soon after, but this did spark another deep listening session of ODS, and damn that is a good EP. I had forgotten how easy it is to dance to it.


alright peace x

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Whenever I have ODS on my phone I usually have it in a playlist following CCAI2.

I'm glad Cheetah exists as that will now change to a playlist that runs ODS then Cheetah.

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Strange that I wasn't that much into the original SC Cheetahs, while most of you really loved them I wasn't that bothered. Cheetah3 is still growing on me but funny how this whole ball got rolling with a couple of tunes I wasn't that fussed about. Have to be honest the last 2 tracks on this seem very special. This could wind up being one of my favorite Aphex releases.

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Despatched :-)



Dispatch vs. despatch

There is no difference between dispatch and despatch. The latter is an alternative spelling that was common in the 19th century and earlier, but dispatch has gained undisputed dominance in modern English. Despatch has mostly disappeared from the language—except in the U.K., where it appears in place of dispatch about a third of the time—and dispatch is the preferred spelling for all senses of the word.

The main exception is in the phrase despatch box, which refers to the lectern in the British House of Commons and the Australian House of Representatives. This use is the main contributor to the relative frequency of despatch in the U.K.

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Looked up the meaning for dispatch, and found what I was looking for....
deal with (a task or opponent) quickly and efficiently.
"the WATMM team were dispatched comfortably by the opposition"
synonyms: deal with, dispose of, sort out, execute
"he dispatched the WATMMer with one blow"

synonyms: kill, put to death, do to death, do away with, put an end to, finish off, take the life of, end the life of;

Edited by beerwolf
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Edit: Anyone else go for the holy trinity of CD, vinyl and cassette?

Edited by BUNKUM
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