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what does your username mean?


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At the time, it was a current favorite track by Boxcutter. I got over his tunes though, so I should probably change it...


You make it sound like you caught a disease...


Haha, didn't mean for it to come out that way, just wouldn't mind changing it.

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Guest onesixoneight

Im quite into the works of Bob Frissell (Nothing in this book is true but it is exactly how things are) and also ancient civilisations and noticed a while ago that The Golden Ratio was discussed a fair bit and that it was noticeable in nature also which fascinated me.



I also noticed that I own a copy of this limited ep and the unique number seemed to speak to me, hence the name.


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Guest JW Modestburns

My name reflects my belief that a man's facial hair should be stylish but not boisterous. It's more than a name, it's a lifestyle.


Plus, you know this shit just sounds classy.

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Mine came from a VGA video mode:


It was my main artist name for a while before I consolidated all of my electronic music into Pselodux.

Encey started calling me modey and it just stuck, I guess!


As for Pselodux, I actually have no recollection of how or why I came up with that name.


anyone who doesn't know where Bob's name came from ought to be ashamed



for a while i was lucas boots, turned into viia when i registered for watmm drunk and missed the keys

lol. I love those offset-by-1-key typos. one time when I was visiting London with my sis, we went to an internet cafe just round the corner from where we were staying to google/wiki some places we could go to that day, and I went to type in "Westminster" but typed "Westnubster" instead, then pressed Enter before I saw my typo. some silly lols were had and "westnubster" became an in-joke.


coolstorybro, I know.

Fucking zole! I frequently typed Aphex Twub..
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A name I gave my Skeletor action figure which was one of my favourite toys when I was a little kid. I never watched he-man, just thought he looked cool I guess, so that's what I called him.
I think it unintentionally looks like I'm trying to have some electronicy sounding name though which is kinda bleh but I still like it

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