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Guest Ron Manager


Mercadian Masques, worst expansion ever, amirite?




lol. good man. I didn't think anyone else here had played Magic back in the day...

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It's a piss-take of German writer and artist Bertolt Brecht. Brechtakt is basically the literal German translation of breakbeat. And since I love breakbeats...

I just liked the piss-take idea. I haven't read anything from Bertolt Brecht though.

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Mercadian Masques, worst expansion ever, amirite?




lol. good man. I didn't think anyone else here had played Magic back in the day...


I played a little. Won a small tournament once, by some fluke. My band mates in high school had a lot of nerdy hobbies, so I often got pulled into it. The bassist still plays competitively, 10+ years later.

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Guest Ron Manager




Mercadian Masques, worst expansion ever, amirite?




lol. good man. I didn't think anyone else here had played Magic back in the day...


I played a little. Won a small tournament once, by some fluke. My band mates in high school had a lot of nerdy hobbies, so I often got pulled into it. The bassist still plays competitively, 10+ years later.


Yeah I used to play tournaments at a local shop too. Played between about Urza's Saga and... maybe Odyssey? Looking at how many sets there are now on Wikipedia though, that looks like such a tiny stretch. God knows what the game is like now...

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My minds been blown a few times throughout the thread (EleminoP, This is Michael Jackson). I was hoping Wahrk's name was referenceing Riven. I was so obsessed with that game in Highschool. Had a notebook filled with notes, but I couldn't beat that fucking topographic map puzzle. Oh well.


Anyway, I used to just go by "Lake33" my middle name + favorite number, but it was taken on LEGO.com (the second website I ever registered for. Murve is a character I made up when I would draw comics in 5th grade. He has a warped head, a low IQ, and a pink behive-like afro. It's become my internet name. I added the Man because I am a man, and because my full name when I have to fill out forms is Murve Manahan.


Here is a picture of Murve leaving for the army, from the slapstick-filled mspaint animation "Murve Joins The Army".


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Mercadian Masques, worst expansion ever, amirite?



lol. good man. I didn't think anyone else here had played Magic back in the day...


I played a little. Won a small tournament once, by some fluke. My band mates in high school had a lot of nerdy hobbies, so I often got pulled into it. The bassist still plays competitively, 10+ years later.


Yeah I used to play tournaments at a local shop too. Played between about Urza's Saga and... maybe Odyssey? Looking at how many sets there are now on Wikipedia though, that looks like such a tiny stretch. God knows what the game is like now...


I didn't do much playing around that time, but my best friend is a huge Magic nerd, so I knew about it from him and a few other folks.


The game now is pretty grand. The Return to Ravnica block has been amazing so far, and coupled with one of the top sets of all time (Innistrad) it's been a fun ride since I got back in.


Maybe we should have a Magic: The Gathering thread...

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milk snatcher


i'd rather go for snatch milker



give me a new watmm nickname, go!




lol u obviously forgot the 69

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Mercadian Masques, worst expansion ever, amirite?



lol. good man. I didn't think anyone else here had played Magic back in the day...


I played a little. Won a small tournament once, by some fluke. My band mates in high school had a lot of nerdy hobbies, so I often got pulled into it. The bassist still plays competitively, 10+ years later.


Yeah I used to play tournaments at a local shop too. Played between about Urza's Saga and... maybe Odyssey? Looking at how many sets there are now on Wikipedia though, that looks like such a tiny stretch. God knows what the game is like now...


I didn't do much playing around that time, but my best friend is a huge Magic nerd, so I knew about it from him and a few other folks.


The game now is pretty grand. The Return to Ravnica block has been amazing so far, and coupled with one of the top sets of all time (Innistrad) it's been a fun ride since I got back in.


Maybe we should have a Magic: The Gathering thread...

i used to play as well, i stopped after CHRONICLES i think. i remember really liking ICE AGE... i think i might have some good rare cards but i'd never sell, good memories attached to those cards.

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Guest Ron Manager

lol! Homelands came out before my era but it was definitely regarded as the cream of the crap. I totally forgot about that one.


I think the Masques block was dismal because the Urza block had been ridiculously overpowered. Tolarian Academy? Yawgmoth's Bargain? Fuck knows what they were thinking.

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lol! Homelands came out before my era but it was definitely regarded as the cream of the crap. I totally forgot about that one.


I think the Masques block was dismal because the Urza block had been ridiculously overpowered. Tolarian Academy? Yawgmoth's Bargain? Fuck knows what they were thinking.


urza block is where magic topped out, for me. the tempest block before that was my favorite. masques was the first expansion where i lost interest in the gameplay and then a lot of new players were picking it up and the base editions were getting out of control (sixth changed things a little too much for my tastes). plus you can only ban so many staple cards from tournaments. haven't touched that game in over a decade though, no clue where it's at now.

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