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theres going to be a few anxious faces today!!


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It's pretty rare to just be prosecuted for adultery under Article 134, usually added to a stack of crimes if you really fucked up badly, and they want to save face. However, if this constitutes a massive breach of protocol and behavior unbecoming of officers / enlisted personnel, then the JAG office might decide to make an example of some, or a bunch, depending on how many turn out to be members, we'll see. Maybe someone will claim some kind of violation of their private information, but again, if they were using computers on a US base, or ship, or submarine, who knows what will happen.



you can't handle the truth! (I had to)

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right now, the e-mail addresses alone aren't proof those people had accounts on ashley madison because the site didn't require e-mail verification: eg. this pastebin wrongly attributes virginia state e-mails as vatican officials although almost all are fake (curiously, the (supposed) israeli gov. officials e-mail dump was removed so have most of the .edu dumps- perhaps to avoid lawsuits?)


the only way to verify would be to cross-reference cc numbers with billing info. but that has to be incredibly tedious and boring

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right now, the e-mail addresses alone aren't proof those people had accounts on ashley madison because the site didn't require e-mail verification: eg. this pastebin wrongly attributes virginia state e-mails as vatican officials although almost all are fake (curiously, the (supposed) israeli gov. officials e-mail dump was removed so have most of the .edu dumps- perhaps to avoid lawsuits?)


the only way to verify would be to cross-reference cc numbers with billing info. but that has to be incredibly tedious and boring


Sounds like a job for /b!

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right now, the e-mail addresses alone aren't proof those people had accounts on ashley madison because the site didn't require e-mail verification: eg. this pastebin wrongly attributes virginia state e-mails as vatican officials although almost all are fake (curiously, the (supposed) israeli gov. officials e-mail dump was removed so have most of the .edu dumps- perhaps to avoid lawsuits?)


the only way to verify would be to cross-reference cc numbers with billing info. but that has to be incredibly tedious and boring


Sounds like a job for /b!



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Squee - ordinarily I'd agree with you, but Josh Duggar is a piece of trash.


Okay, I take that back. What a piece of shit.


And he's YOUNGER than me? What the fuck? He looks like in his late 30s.


I see he first stated he had Satan in his heart, then he deleted that and said he was addicted to porn, then he deleted that and is now going with the usual "I'm putting my faith in God" bullshit that busted christians always tow. I'm surprised he's not trying to blame Jared.

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December 8th 2018 :


"some men just want to watch the world burn"

- team fuckgoogle



Enjoy your 1000 Petabytes of the ENTIRE Gmail database divided into downloadable torrents/mega links


(the future)

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i thought new york ranked #1, maybe they didn't include every major us city in the one i saw

portland seems to have an overwhelmingly healthy amount of strip clubs though. When i looked last time i was there they seemed to have every sub genre imaginable, they had like 5 goth strip clubs alone

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1) http://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/top-10-cities-with-the-most-cheaters/10/


i'm guessing the discrepancies are based on different ways to calculate...e.g. per capita vs total amount



2) I had no idea we had so many strip clubs

that is truly bizarre

p.s. how did you stumble upon this information?

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if you're poly, why sign up to an "affair" site that takes the level-playing field honesty out of it all?


the few poly couples i know discuss pretty much every decision (in that direction) together & openly

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if you're poly, why sign up to an "affair" site that takes the level-playing field honesty out of it all?


the few poly couples i know discuss pretty much every decision (in that direction) together & openly

thats true, although you'd not know how 'intelligent' polys were if you knew some of the ones I know in the bay area.

There seems to be a lot of confusion especially among younger more sexually adventurous people on the difference between being a narcissistic sociopath and being polyamorous. For example being in a relationship with a person and lying to them about who you have sex with outside of said relationship is not a smart or valid form of polyamory, its called being a liar and an asshole but somehow a surprising number of people think cheating and polyamory are the same thing.


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Funny how god always forgives, where's the Old Testament god once in a while, the one who made you cut off your foreskin, and flooded the world to kill evil men?


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Funny how god always forgives, where's the Old Testament god once in a while, the one who made you cut off your foreskin, and flooded the world to kill evil men?




*groans to death*


fuck people saying God has forgiven them


always makes me think of Mark Walhberg

who took out some old man's eye when he was a teenage punk

but he said that God forgave him

who cares how half-blind guy is doing

or how he feels

God has forgiven me, so all is well

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Apparently they are the worst couple ever


They recently had to take down a video of them teaching their daughter that homosexuality is a sin


Their claim to fame is

She was a few weeks 'late'

So he snuck into the bathroom after she peed

Dunked a preg test into the toilet

And then surprised her with her own pregnancy


(She later had a miscarriage which--as everyone knows-- is why you don't announce your pregnancy that early)


And they literally have a video called like "good-looking parents sing Frozen"



They are so fucking gross and douche-y


(Oh yeah, and he spent $500 at Ashley Madison while his wife was pregnant)

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and edit:



With a baby on the way

Spending $500usd

To dip your cane wherever you're able

All the while moralizing to the world about family values


I do believer that people's business is their business

Except when they are in the public moralizing game

Then they have opened the door

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