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A little sad - the show was consistently funny, and Stewart was usually pretty on point with his calling of bullshit. Not always, but usually.


I didn't really start watching until about ten years ago, after his crossfire appearance. I didn't start watching consistently until his epic takedowns of Glenn Beck.

It's been a fun ride, with many laughs. A little sad to see him go, but I think Trevor Noah will do a great job as his replacement.



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A little sad - the show was consistently funny, and Stewart was usually pretty on point with his calling of bullshit. Not always, but usually.


I didn't really start watching until about ten years ago, after his crossfire appearance. I didn't start watching consistently until his epic takedowns of Glenn Beck.

It's been a fun ride, with many laughs. A little sad to see him go, but I think Trevor Noah will do a great job as his replacement.


Good riddance, he helped warp the minds of too many of the youth into caring about non issues through misdirection and lying through omission, he is scum.


If there's a hot war against Russia he's partially to blame, when we kill Assad and Turkey and Israel get to extend their borders he's partially to blame, when people think for no reason that Putin is an anti gay, Crimea stealing tyrant, 'steward of the mailable of mind' is to blame.

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I read this a couple days ago:





As much as I liked the Daily Show, I always secretly felt this way. He was embarassingly soft on Democrats.



Whenever I encounter someone who agrees with everything Democrats do (which is pretty often), I get really suspicious.

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I understand when people criticize Jon Stewart but ffs, its a comedy show, not a real news show

As the article nicely stated, he was, 'I'm just a comedy show don't expect me to be the news" when questioned as to his soft touch when it came to the democrats, who lets face it continued and extended ALL the policies of the bush era. But went full mental on the just as easy to point out the failings of, repubs, tea partiers, libertarians, christians. Like my song says, he's just a hypocrite that's about it.


The point of his program was to manage left wing opinion on govercorporatal policy both at home and abroad. John Oliver has now taken those reigns for a bit despite his first couple of programs talking about real issues like civil asset forfeiture.

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my god man, the point of his show was to get ratings, and partisan shenanigans do it, welcome to television


also did you know tv personas have to be hyprocrites? there's a script :cat:

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my god man, the point of his show was to get ratings, and partisan shenanigans do it, welcome to television


also did you know tv personas have to be hyprocrites? there's a script :cat:


John Stewart is lauded as a legit journalist by many.


His image is not that of merely a comedian, doing merely a comedy show.

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I haven't seen his show in years but from what I remember, the show simply reported on the news. What the mainstream news was talking about. I also remember jokes made on both parties but lets face it, Republicans do a lot of funny shit in the media so it's easy to make fun of them

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I haven't seen his show in years but from what I remember, the show simply reported on the news. What the mainstream news was talking about. I also remember jokes made on both parties but lets face it, Republicans do a lot of funny shit in the media so it's easy to make fun of them


I agree that Republicans are more worthy of ridicule, but he almost never gave the left a hard time.


That's one thing that Bill Maher is good at, at least: The left does some goofy shit too, and he's very quick to point that out.

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limpy - indeed some people are idiots. and the daily show was definitely targeted at democrats wanting to feel smart and inclusive and good about themselves. that said, my post is still true :cisfor:

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I have no idea why, but i had to blink away some tears after the first 20 minutes; i guess heartfelt goodbyes do that to me.

having said that, i really liked his last talk on bullshit and I think that, although he's a democrat, he, in that speech, shows that he knows that there is bullshit everywhere, and not just with the republicans.

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If he had a real mea culpa well I would reconsider cause it would change the whole paradigm of the conversation, this admission would help usher in transition.lord knows we need.

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I think Jon got more than he signed on for. It was gonna be all 90s shits and giggles, then the 2000 election, then 9/11, then the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. It was all downhill from there and set the tone for the rest of the decade.

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limpy - indeed some people are idiots. and the daily show was definitely targeted at democrats wanting to feel smart and inclusive and good about themselves. that said, my post is still true :cisfor:

I do think the daily show was a good place to get half the story. It wasn't just rubbish entertainment or anything.

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I think Jon got more than he signed on for. It was gonna be all 90s shits and giggles, then the 2000 election, then 9/11, then the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. It was all downhill from there and set the tone for the rest of the decade.

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