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I think Jon got more than he signed on for. It was gonna be all 90s shits and giggles, then the 2000 election, then 9/11, then the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. It was all downhill from there and set the tone for the rest of the decade.

But then he didn't say the same shit about Obama did he, which was the point dear boy.

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I think Jon got more than he signed on for. It was gonna be all 90s shits and giggles, then the 2000 election, then 9/11, then the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. It was all downhill from there and set the tone for the rest of the decade.

But then he didn't say the same shit about Obama did he, which was the point dear boy.



You obviously don't watch the show, but anyways:




And some criticism of Netanyahu for good measure.



Yes he went after the Republican party more often - but the stupidity exhibited by the members of that party on a regular basis is a) astounding in its frequency, and b) a lot more fun to make fun of.


And let's remember, despite all protestations to the contrary, the Daily Show, was, and continues to be, a comedy show first and foremost. So making fun of stupid shit is going to feature highly on the list of things that are funny.

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I think Jon got more than he signed on for. It was gonna be all 90s shits and giggles, then the 2000 election, then 9/11, then the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. It was all downhill from there and set the tone for the rest of the decade.

But then he didn't say the same shit about Obama did he, which was the point dear boy.



You obviously don't watch the show, but anyways:




And some criticism of Netanyahu for good measure.



Yes he went after the Republican party more often - but the stupidity exhibited by the members of that party on a regular basis is a) astounding in its frequency, and b) a lot more fun to make fun of.


And let's remember, despite all protestations to the contrary, the Daily Show, was, and continues to be, a comedy show first and foremost. So making fun of stupid shit is going to feature highly on the list of things that are funny.


i watched the show pretty regularly and it was very clear to anyone paying attention that he was very soft on the obama administration in comparison to Bush. You can post all the example youtube videos you want of that rare time where he was hard on Obama or the whitehouse under his watch but it doesn't change actual reality.


I wasn't that bothered by Stewart becoming a bit of a softie under Obama, it was the turn Colbert made that really got under my skin, i'd argue he was hoodwinked (not the character but the man) far more by Obama than Stewart was. Some of the only time I saw Colbert 'break character' was to passionately advocate or defend Obama. It didn't happen very often but when it did I cringed like a mofo, it hurt physically


The worst John Stewart moment happened when he tried interviewing John Yoo (the guy who said George W Bush has the right to crush a child's testicles) and softballed the shit out of him. IT was one of the times where he actually apologized to the audience the next day for fucking it up so bad. 2nd worst is when he interviewed Erik Prince the founder of blackwater after Erik Prince was accused (in an official testimony recorded into court) of ordering a murder/hit on 2 of his employees. One of the most softball/frustrating interviews I've ever seen.


Stewart wanted to be part of the political class i think somewhere deep down, but his inability to actually be confrontational in interviews with evil mother fuckers was pretty apparant early on. His adversarial vibes only really had a strong effect I think when he was doing monologues.

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From my perspective, he did occasionally softball guests, but that was mostly motivated by a desire to keep having political guests come on his show. He softballed conservatives too, to be nice so they would keep coming on his show.


The perception of bias is because Stewart is a moderate leftist. He agrees much more with the Democrats than the Republicans. It's just a straight-up, honest bias, not political posturing.


The only two significant times I remember Colbert breaking character was (1) for Paul Mccartney (threw up a bit in my mouth that episode), and (2) for Seinfeld, but that was because Seinfeld broke him down (it didn't look intentional). I didn't notice him breaking character to advocate for Obama. I do remember him using his character to parody Obama's opponents.

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Was a good show a lot of the time, but also terrible a lot of the time, the recent correspondents have all been pretty terrible as well (but was amazing to see how many good ones there have been over the years). The interviews were the worst part of the show, especially the brown nosing celebrity cringe-fests, but whenever he had someone of public note on they were always softballed; the only decent interviews were with historians, other non-fiction writers plugging their latest book, and the like. Overall though he was a likeable character, and while I'd probably disagree with his politics in most areas, it was still fun to seem him skewer republican morons on a regular basis. I don't buy this 'only a comedy show' business much either, despite it's failings, it was still a far better news program than the vast majority of US news media. The writers on the show were pretty good, so there's a chance this new guy might be decent, he's not a particularly good stand up, but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll be a failure as a host.


If there's a hot war against Russia he's partially to blame, when we kill Assad and Turkey and Israel get to extend their borders he's partially to blame, when people think for no reason that Putin is an anti gay, Crimea stealing tyrant, 'steward of the mailable of mind' is to blame.



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Was a good show a lot of the time, but also terrible a lot of the time, the recent correspondents have all been pretty terrible as well (but was amazing to see how many good ones there have been over the years). The interviews were the worst part of the show, especially the brown nosing celebrity cringe-fests, but whenever he had someone of public note on they were always softballed; the only decent interviews were with historians, other non-fiction writers plugging their latest book, and the like. Overall though he was a likeable character, and while I'd probably disagree with his politics in most areas, it was still fun to seem him skewer republican morons on a regular basis. I don't buy this 'only a comedy show' business much either, despite it's failings, it was still a far better news program than the vast majority of US news media. The writers on the show were pretty good, so there's a chance this new guy might be decent, he's not a particularly good stand up, but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll be a failure as a host.



I didn't watch many of the interviews either. I'd watch Louis CK or other comedians, the occasional pundit.


Doesn't that say more about the quality of cable news than whether or not the Daily Show was actually a news program?

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Aaall right... I just watched the last episode now... Great last episode.


I used to watch The Daily Show from 2001 to around 2006, and then I started watching snippets online; then rarely. But when I did watch it, I was a huge fan of the show and felt it was pretty next level shit.


I feel that the negative criticism towards Jon Stewart is missing the point. He was not Buddha or some sort of being incapable of having his criticism of media skewed highly towards his personal opinions, so of course he's going to leave out things that are deserving of criticism. But EVEN IF HE WAS some perfect being, it still wouldn't be reasonable to expect perfect coverage in the allotted time.


There are always gonna be people like me who believe in hardcore conspiracy theories and all that shit, but the general populace is quite naive in believing that central government- and even advertising- has the public's best interests in mind. The Daily Show under Jon Stewart got the average Joe to potentially realize that media is not all that it seems. To me, that was always Jon Stewart's greatest strength! His views being left wing whatever, are irrelevant, as his main point was always that the media is skewed and that people- the public that he was addressing- are being lied to constantly. Through gaining of popularity and having a huge following, his message to the liars was that their days are numbered. Even if he eventually was preaching to the choir, this supports the point that there are millions who aren't willing to take the bullshit any longer. Never has there been a show on USA television that lasted as long as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, that assisted the opening of minds with regards to skewing of media and bullshit practices of politics and other shit, as well as showing resistance without violence, under the guise of comedy.


If you didn't realize it- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was a straight up revolution action (and The Colbert Report and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver were offshoots/continuation of that revolution).


Jon Stewart is a hero, because he spent massive amounts of his energy over 1.5 decades, to educate, with a willful desire to make the world a better place, by showing people how fucked up the media and politics can be. To see how great of a service Jon Stewart provided for the USA- and the world, through social media spreading of videos- just look at how horrible the majority of general programming is in the USA; look at the intentions of most of television! Just because Jon Stewart criticized views and practices that opposed his beliefs, does not mean he did a disservice-- he criticized by means of showing how people were full of shit; not trying to make the point that people supporting his beliefs were somehow better. And in that sense, that's how "news networks" he criticized ARE fucked up, because THEY AREN'T SUPPOSED TO SKEW VIEWS, yet they do, and have hardcore agendas. It is SUPPOSED TO BE news networks' responsibility to show the whole picture, but they do not. So even though Jon Stewart did not show negatives of so many things that he could have, he did present enough bullshit to help the masses realize that it's all mostly fucked.


Jon Stewart is a revolutionary, and he spent his blood and tears to educate the masses, with an agenda- NOT to follow his left wing whatever beliefs-- an agenda that was anti-bullshit, anti-lies, and pro-education. In a world of celebrity where most are interested in nonsense, Jon Stewart spent 16 years of his life, FOR THE PEOPLE. He is IDM Cosmic Warrior as fuck.

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Doesn't that say more about the quality of cable news than whether or not the Daily Show was actually a news program?


absolutely. but if that's the best you've got, it's the best you've got. I mean it did actually contain novel and valid, relatively unbiased, news information. there might be one or two other shows around that aren't completely awful as well, but it's not a big pool to draw from.

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Doesn't that say more about the quality of cable news than whether or not the Daily Show was actually a news program?


absolutely. but if that's the best you've got, it's the best you've got. I mean it did actually contain novel and valid, relatively unbiased, news information. there might be one or two other shows around that aren't completely awful as well, but it's not a big pool to draw from.



Did it? I thought most of his current affairs coverage consisted of making fun of other stations' coverage of current affairs. Well I suppose he has morphed in the last few years to making fun of idiotic policies, and corrupt politicians. So I gues that counts as news information.

You win this round Caze...curses!!! :flower:

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Doesn't that say more about the quality of cable news than whether or not the Daily Show was actually a news program?


absolutely. but if that's the best you've got, it's the best you've got. I mean it did actually contain novel and valid, relatively unbiased, news information. there might be one or two other shows around that aren't completely awful as well, but it's not a big pool to draw from.



Did it? I thought most of his current affairs coverage consisted of making fun of other stations' coverage of current affairs. Well I suppose he has morphed in the last few years to making fun of idiotic policies, and corrupt politicians. So I gues that counts as news information.

You win this round Caze...curses!!! :flower:



I would say that making fun of others' coverage of current affairs, but then recontextualising it to fix the glaring inaccuracies, you are providing valid news, and at a higher standard than that provided by the original coverage.

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From my perspective, he did occasionally softball guests, but that was mostly motivated by a desire to keep having political guests come on his show. He softballed conservatives too, to be nice so they would keep coming on his show.

this is true, but the same issue is the reason why 'serious' journalism isn't taken very seriously. If 'access' is the most important aspect of having a political show, you can never really be adversarial in a proper way with any 'big' guest.

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Aaall right... I just watched the last episode now... Great last episode.


I used to watch The Daily Show from 2001 to around 2006, and then I started watching snippets online; then rarely. But when I did watch it, I was a huge fan of the show and felt it was pretty next level shit.


I feel that the negative criticism towards Jon Stewart is missing the point. He was not Buddha or some sort of being incapable of having his criticism of media skewed highly towards his personal opinions, so of course he's going to leave out things that are deserving of criticism. But EVEN IF HE WAS some perfect being, it still wouldn't be reasonable to expect perfect coverage in the allotted time.


There are always gonna be people like me who believe in hardcore conspiracy theories and all that shit, but the general populace is quite naive in believing that central government- and even advertising- has the public's best interests in mind. The Daily Show under Jon Stewart got the average Joe to potentially realize that media is not all that it seems. To me, that was always Jon Stewart's greatest strength! His views being left wing whatever, are irrelevant, as his main point was always that the media is skewed and that people- the public that he was addressing- are being lied to constantly. Through gaining of popularity and having a huge following, his message to the liars was that their days are numbered. Even if he eventually was preaching to the choir, this supports the point that there are millions who aren't willing to take the bullshit any longer. Never has there been a show on USA television that lasted as long as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, that assisted the opening of minds with regards to skewing of media and bullshit practices of politics and other shit, as well as showing resistance without violence, under the guise of comedy.


If you didn't realize it- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was a straight up revolution action (and The Colbert Report and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver were offshoots/continuation of that revolution).


Jon Stewart is a hero, because he spent massive amounts of his energy over 1.5 decades, to educate, with a willful desire to make the world a better place, by showing people how fucked up the media and politics can be. To see how great of a service Jon Stewart provided for the USA- and the world, through social media spreading of videos- just look at how horrible the majority of general programming is in the USA; look at the intentions of most of television! Just because Jon Stewart criticized views and practices that opposed his beliefs, does not mean he did a disservice-- he criticized by means of showing how people were full of shit; not trying to make the point that people supporting his beliefs were somehow better. And in that sense, that's how "news networks" he criticized ARE fucked up, because THEY AREN'T SUPPOSED TO SKEW VIEWS, yet they do, and have hardcore agendas. It is SUPPOSED TO BE news networks' responsibility to show the whole picture, but they do not. So even though Jon Stewart did not show negatives of so many things that he could have, he did present enough bullshit to help the masses realize that it's all mostly fucked.


Jon Stewart is a revolutionary, and he spent his blood and tears to educate the masses, with an agenda- NOT to follow his left wing whatever beliefs-- an agenda that was anti-bullshit, anti-lies, and pro-education. In a world of celebrity where most are interested in nonsense, Jon Stewart spent 16 years of his life, FOR THE PEOPLE. He is IDM Cosmic Warrior as fuck.


Agree 100%

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Aaall right... I just watched the last episode now... Great last episode.


I used to watch The Daily Show from 2001 to around 2006, and then I started watching snippets online; then rarely. But when I did watch it, I was a huge fan of the show and felt it was pretty next level shit.


I feel that the negative criticism towards Jon Stewart is missing the point. He was not Buddha or some sort of being incapable of having his criticism of media skewed highly towards his personal opinions, so of course he's going to leave out things that are deserving of criticism. But EVEN IF HE WAS some perfect being, it still wouldn't be reasonable to expect perfect coverage in the allotted time.


There are always gonna be people like me who believe in hardcore conspiracy theories and all that shit, but the general populace is quite naive in believing that central government- and even advertising- has the public's best interests in mind. The Daily Show under Jon Stewart got the average Joe to potentially realize that media is not all that it seems. To me, that was always Jon Stewart's greatest strength! His views being left wing whatever, are irrelevant, as his main point was always that the media is skewed and that people- the public that he was addressing- are being lied to constantly. Through gaining of popularity and having a huge following, his message to the liars was that their days are numbered. Even if he eventually was preaching to the choir, this supports the point that there are millions who aren't willing to take the bullshit any longer. Never has there been a show on USA television that lasted as long as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, that assisted the opening of minds with regards to skewing of media and bullshit practices of politics and other shit, as well as showing resistance without violence, under the guise of comedy.


If you didn't realize it- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was a straight up revolution action (and The Colbert Report and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver were offshoots/continuation of that revolution).


Jon Stewart is a hero, because he spent massive amounts of his energy over 1.5 decades, to educate, with a willful desire to make the world a better place, by showing people how fucked up the media and politics can be. To see how great of a service Jon Stewart provided for the USA- and the world, through social media spreading of videos- just look at how horrible the majority of general programming is in the USA; look at the intentions of most of television! Just because Jon Stewart criticized views and practices that opposed his beliefs, does not mean he did a disservice-- he criticized by means of showing how people were full of shit; not trying to make the point that people supporting his beliefs were somehow better. And in that sense, that's how "news networks" he criticized ARE fucked up, because THEY AREN'T SUPPOSED TO SKEW VIEWS, yet they do, and have hardcore agendas. It is SUPPOSED TO BE news networks' responsibility to show the whole picture, but they do not. So even though Jon Stewart did not show negatives of so many things that he could have, he did present enough bullshit to help the masses realize that it's all mostly fucked.


Jon Stewart is a revolutionary, and he spent his blood and tears to educate the masses, with an agenda- NOT to follow his left wing whatever beliefs-- an agenda that was anti-bullshit, anti-lies, and pro-education. In a world of celebrity where most are interested in nonsense, Jon Stewart spent 16 years of his life, FOR THE PEOPLE. He is IDM Cosmic Warrior as fuck.


Agree 100%



I feel that your criticism of the negative criticism towards John Stewart is missing the point.



I agree that John Stewart has been a force of good in the world. I agree with the show's premise that, essentially, Republicans are rediculous. But I think that he has also given Democrats a license to dig in their heels, whether they should or not.



This whole debate has prompted me to sift through the archives to see what Stewart has said about obviously bad Democratic policy etc. I was somewhat relieved to stumble upon this clip of Stewart calling out the drone program...that is, until I watched it:



Somehow, a segment about the morality/legality of drones turned into "hey, remember when Bush and Cheney did all that torture stuff?" And so what should have been a straightforward "this isn't the world we want to live in" plead, felt more like a "yeah but c'mon, all administrations are shady." At its heart was that petty age-old 'dem vs repub talley-keeping' that plagues American politics.


But anyway, as I said, I like Stewart and the Daily Show. But just like a friendly drug dealer, I still expect him to cut his product and short the count.

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I think John Oliver is taking what Stewart started to the next level. I always felt that important topics on the daily show never got the full depth of detail they demand. Jon Oliver commits 15-20 mins at a time to a topic, and I always come away feeling more informed from his segments, than entertained. I also love his delivery.

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Re: the comments about the daily show as an actual news source:


While the show was mostly a comedy show, poking fun at news networks and dysfunctional politics, the show did occasionally break important stories.


The best example of this would be the time Stewart brought on the dying civil servants who worked rescue on 9-11, got cancer from inhaling the fumes, and were denied medical coverage. That was in no way comedy, and in every way an important news story.


It happened from time to time. But usually the show was comedy regarding news topics. It just so happened that in doing so it still provided a more informative perspective than the actual news networks, which is sad.

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John Bloom was pure genius, he also played Joe Bob Briggs on TNT I believe, where he would show terrible movies and rag on them. He was obsessed with Black Sunday, where the Super Bowl gets bombed, and showed it every single year. The same with The Warriors, where he would track their progress across NYC with a map, interactive media ahead of its time.


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