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Just got back from the Fantastic Four


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Seriously, where to begin?


This is a total train wreck. What astounds me most is the purported 120 million it cost to make.


Don't make the mistake I did.


Just say no.

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The director posted this on Twitter a couple of days ago and then quickly deleted it. But not fast enough apparently.


But it sounds like the whole production had been fucking terrible, which is why Disney also pulled him out of one of the Star Wars Anthology movies.



While director Josh Trank said Friday that he had “made a personal decision” to leave the Star Wars universe, sources say reports of the young director’s unusual conduct during the making of Fox’s upcoming Fantastic Four movie had raised alarm among Lucasfilm executives that were entrusting him with the second Star Wars stand-alone film.

Trank, 30, had raised eyebrows in April when he didn’t appear as scheduled at a Star Wars celebration in Anaheim. At the time, both Disney and the director cited illness as the cause but multiple knowledgeable sources say the studio had asked the filmmaker not to attend while considering whether to proceed with him on the second spinoff in a planned series of films.

Indeed, producers on Fantastic Four, set for release on Aug. 7, are said to have faced great challenges pulling the film together given behavior described by one insider as “erratic” and at times “very isolated.” Trank did not offer clear direction, this person adds, saying, "If you've got someone who can't answer questions or who isn't sure or is in hiding, that's not good."


A Fox spokesman says the studio is “very happy with the movie and we can’t wait for audiences to see it” but acknowledges, “There were definitely some bumps in the road.”

Among those bumps: Trank has several small dogs who were left in a rented house in New Orleans while the film was shooting there. According to sources, as much as $100,000 worth of damage was done to the property. (LOL!) A source says the production considers any destruction of the property to be Trank's responsibility.

Citing Trank’s work on the 2012 found-footage superhero movie Chronicle, an insider says: “No question there’s talent there. You can’t do Chronicle by accident.” But Trank seemed “like one of these kids who comes to the NBA with all the talent and none of the character-based skills to handle it. There’s equipment he doesn’t yet have.”

According to sources, Trank was sometimes indecisive and uncommunicative. Producers Simon Kinberg and Hutch Parker had to step in to help pull the film together, though sources stress that Trank was still on set and directing the film. (Were that not the case, the production could have run afoul of the Directors Guild of America.)



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hmm. He says he had a much better version, but his producers and staff and such say he's not very personable or didn't put much as much effort into it as he should have. I wonder if he acted this way because the other version was canned, or if he naturally was just like that.

Maybe you shouldn't piss off the most important guy in a movie production.

Very interesting...

suddenly not interesting.

why does he have an rpg maker game as his avatar

y don't u?

Go to his twitter page and check out whatever that huge picture is called up top, the banner or whatever https://twitter.com/joshuatrank

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Has a single of the dozens of superhero movies that have been produced this decade strayed away from the archetypal superhero movie plot and structure? Honest question. I've seen a handful of them and they're all exactly the same

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Has a single of the dozens of superhero movies that have been produced this decade strayed away from the archetypal superhero movie plot and structure? Honest question. I've seen a handful of them and they're all exactly the same

Nope, I still like a good fourth of them though. The most unique one will probably be deadpool when that comes out.

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I would say the only superhero film with a weird structure was the Dark Knight: if the Batman hadn't stopped the Joker at the end, you could see the film continuing to escalate, further and further into chaos. In all the other superhero films, there's a Final Plan or obvious doomsday device/power to negate. In that film, the Joker had no true grand scheme or Final Plan: he just kept doing shit, and might have continued doing so, until Gotham really was rubble. Maybe even the world.


When you look at the Dark Knight in between the other two Nolan films, or even most other superhero flicks, it makes them look extremely linear in plotting. That said, I was dragged to Thor 2 by my little brother and was surprised at how goofy the film is, if still linear and empty, and I still like the Iron Man films, which were the first and more sincere than most of the others.


Entirely inconsequential popcorn flicks, but fun sometimes. Best not think about it too hard, comic book logic failing miserably on the screen in general.

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The director posted this on Twitter a couple of days ago and then quickly deleted it. But not fast enough apparently.


But it sounds like the whole production had been fucking terrible, which is why Disney also pulled him out of one of the Star Wars Anthology movies.


While director Josh Trank said Friday that he had “made a personal decision” to leave the Star Wars universe, sources say reports of the young director’s unusual conduct during the making of Fox’s upcoming Fantastic Four movie had raised alarm among Lucasfilm executives that were entrusting him with the second Star Wars stand-alone film.

Trank, 30, had raised eyebrows in April when he didn’t appear as scheduled at a Star Wars celebration in Anaheim. At the time, both Disney and the director cited illness as the cause but multiple knowledgeable sources say the studio had asked the filmmaker not to attend while considering whether to proceed with him on the second spinoff in a planned series of films.

Indeed, producers on Fantastic Four, set for release on Aug. 7, are said to have faced great challenges pulling the film together given behavior described by one insider as “erratic” and at times “very isolated.” Trank did not offer clear direction, this person adds, saying, "If you've got someone who can't answer questions or who isn't sure or is in hiding, that's not good."


A Fox spokesman says the studio is “very happy with the movie and we can’t wait for audiences to see it” but acknowledges, “There were definitely some bumps in the road.”

Among those bumps: Trank has several small dogs who were left in a rented house in New Orleans while the film was shooting there. According to sources, as much as $100,000 worth of damage was done to the property. (LOL!) A source says the production considers any destruction of the property to be Trank's responsibility.

Citing Trank’s work on the 2012 found-footage superhero movie Chronicle, an insider says: “No question there’s talent there. You can’t do Chronicle by accident.” But Trank seemed “like one of these kids who comes to the NBA with all the talent and none of the character-based skills to handle it. There’s equipment he doesn’t yet have.”

According to sources, Trank was sometimes indecisive and uncommunicative. Producers Simon Kinberg and Hutch Parker had to step in to help pull the film together, though sources stress that Trank was still on set and directing the film. (Were that not the case, the production could have run afoul of the Directors Guild of America.)



some animals where harmed in making this movie

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