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ah, it wasn't real socialism. deep stuff darreich.


The Soviet Union was the opposite of how Marx described socialism. I think Chomsky's analysis of how the perversion of the term from an Utopian idea to mass suppression happened is pretty accurate and well thought out. You can stick your sarcasm right up your bum hole. Most of your political posts suck

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utopian political ideas are the problem in the first place. also Marx wouldn't have had a problem with how the soviet union started out under Lenin, he thought a 'dictatorship of the proletariat' was a necessary transitionary stage, what he didn't realise was that it could be the only stage before the whole thing collapses.

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utopian political ideas are the problem in the first place. also Marx wouldn't have had a problem with how the soviet union started out under Lenin, he thought a 'dictatorship of the proletariat' was a necessary transitionary stage, what he didn't realise was that it could be the only stage before the whole thing collapses.

Marx was wrong about a lot of things. The whole idea of societies only transforming in sudden steps (revolutions) is absurd because the only irreversible societal transitions  in history have so far only happened through gradual technological progress. He although was completely right with his analysis of the capitalism of his time, thoughts that were the basis to progressions like the modern social state. Leninism managed to pervert the idea of workers owning the means of production into the idea of a united workforce under the obedience a central leader or party which basically defies the original intend of a fairer distribution of power. The term ultimately became a synonym for powers like the Soviet Union by both blocks' agreement. That makes it very hard to discuss it

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eat your heart out squarepusher! jk


EDIT: apologies. Owl of Minerva already posted this vid like three years ago. Shoulda searched first. Owl of Minerva, why u always b flyin' at midnight! Gah!

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