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Rephlex Symbology


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not sure if im duplicating a previous thread, but i was looking at some 'phlex slipmatts i have and started wondering where some of their symbols come from (eg their logo) or mean, as well as other stuff thats been rendered on various media over the years.


for instance, what exactly is the rephlex logo supposed to be ? any ideas what it means? i used to see it as some sort of sun or other type of star but other times as a ship.


i also wonder where some of the mech robot stuff came from or if it was original artwork. for instance on these slipmatts there is a giant (what appears to be) robot battling another.


then in my sig, the japanime characters (which i saved from the original site way back when)...any ideas?


theres countless other things, for instance the bradley strider stuff etc.


any input appreciated ! if this is all known and has been gone over, my appos : )

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to me the rephlex logo is at least in part a way of graphically depicting the letters in the label name. it's a bit hard to visualize the "h" i guess but all the other letters seem quite present. quite present indeed.

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About a year ago DMX Krew (I think...) posted something about the Rephlex symbol on facebook. It had Grant explaining (kind of) some of the ideas behind the logo: https://www.facebook.com/edmxofficial/posts/785026814885254

it begins with Babylon and the Minotaur. The original & final 3D version is shown on D'Arcangelo Audiovisual Designs artwork (see the 2D projection inside). the round shape is an impressionist perspective, originating from the braindance coincidence. There are similarities and differences of comparable magnitude between sine waves and colundi waves, viewed on an oscilloscope.
(defun c-tone (hz g)
(let ((c-array (make-array 2048)))
(dotimes (i 2048)
(setq x (- 1 (/ i 1024.0)))
(setf (aref c-array i) (sqrt (- 1 (* x x)))))
(setf positive (snd-from-array 0 1024 c-array))
(setf negative (mult -1 positive))
(setf *c-table*
(list (seq positive negative) (hz-to-step 1.0) t))
(mult g (osc (hz-to-step (* 4.0 hz)) 1 *c-table*))))
(c-tone 440 0.8)
it appeared in a dream in 1991, translated by pen on the back of a tube ticket in fact; simply a square, split by 2 lines into quarters and also from corner to corner, with a circle inside.
you'll see an upper and a lower case letter 'Rr" in there, plus a reflex angle (also on 'we are dmx' labels) and more besides. the round one is never shaded in. there's a relevant version on kosmik kommando laptop dancing too, & vibert simmonds. some things must remain a mystery tho.

Also, most likely nonsense but when I went to Cornwall a few years ago I went to Bodmin Jail and I couldn't help but think of the Rephlex logo in theirs:


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it's meant to be a pie chart. The piece being pulled away symbolizes rephlex's contribution to music as a medium. it's pulling away, because rephlex was meant to be a label of artists that stepped away from cliche sounds, patterns, and music defined by or confined to any specific genre. The 4 points are the cardinal directions. They are turned on their axis, because rephlex was meant to be so mind altering that it tilted everything.

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About a year ago DMX Krew (I think...) posted something about the Rephlex symbol on facebook. It had Grant explaining (kind of) some of the ideas behind the logo: https://www.facebook.com/edmxofficial/posts/785026814885254


it begins with Babylon and the Minotaur. The original & final 3D version is shown on D'Arcangelo Audiovisual Designs artwork (see the 2D projection inside). the round shape is an impressionist perspective, originating from the braindance coincidence. There are similarities and differences of comparable magnitude between sine waves and colundi waves, viewed on an oscilloscope.
(defun c-tone (hz g)
(let ((c-array (make-array 2048)))
(dotimes (i 2048)
(setq x (- 1 (/ i 1024.0)))
(setf (aref c-array i) (sqrt (- 1 (* x x)))))
(setf positive (snd-from-array 0 1024 c-array))
(setf negative (mult -1 positive))
(setf *c-table*
(list (seq positive negative) (hz-to-step 1.0) t))
(mult g (osc (hz-to-step (* 4.0 hz)) 1 *c-table*))))
(c-tone 440 0.8)
it appeared in a dream in 1991, translated by pen on the back of a tube ticket in fact; simply a square, split by 2 lines into quarters and also from corner to corner, with a circle inside.
you'll see an upper and a lower case letter 'Rr" in there, plus a reflex angle (also on 'we are dmx' labels) and more besides. the round one is never shaded in. there's a relevant version on kosmik kommando laptop dancing too, & vibert simmonds. some things must remain a mystery tho.

Also, most likely nonsense but when I went to Cornwall a few years ago I went to Bodmin Jail and I couldn't help but think of the Rephlex logo in theirs:





the fuck

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  • 2 months later...

i mean the guy posted about a week ago "my PERFECTLY FINE XP computer just died!" lol


i do remember seeing that lol. it did subtract a bit of trust from the technical side of mr Claridge's abilities


actually it just looked stupid tbh. no wonder their site was a pile of green shit for so long

it's meant to be a pie chart. The piece being pulled away symbolizes rephlex's contribution to music as a medium. it's pulling away, because rephlex was meant to be a label of artists that stepped away from cliche sounds, patterns, and music defined by or confined to any specific genre. The 4 points are the cardinal directions. They are turned on their axis, because rephlex was meant to be so mind altering that it tilted everything.


it seems like alot of meaning was injected into a single basic picture, maybe a bit of a stretch if we're being honest


i just thought it was a green star/sun with a piece breaking away

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hm, so it's pacman nearing a munch on a dual impressionist perspective, with similarities and differences of comparable magnitude between sine waves and colundi waves, viewed on an oscilloscope. checks out

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