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the watmm GAS thread


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Virtual gear maybe, but reason will finally support vst. Haven't tried it in years, looking forward to programming redux phrases hooking the vsti up to a matrix unit.

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All this shit makes me wonder... As musicians- as artists- as humans!-- are we intentionally holding ourselves back with GAS-like mental facilities, because we don't want to "orgasm" our music (our life output)? It's like chasing the high with drugs where we never want to finish.


So I hang out on reddit guitar from time to time, and it's pretty fucking retarded sometimes. It makes apparent that the path to goals (and not goals themselves) truly are beautiful and possibly best, but it's been twisted to some kind of mental fuck up loop where basically nothing gets done. This has been one of my main challenges in the past 5 years- just getting past the mundane to excel at the self. My guitars sound amazing- I seriously never have to buy another guitar from a technical perspective, but I find myself browsing guitars on occasion.


In order to be Ultra, we must all realize that we have what we need!!! Most important point is action. Finish albums and send demos and shit. There's nothing wrong with getting signed, mangz.

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Guest Chesney

Well yeah, I guess for me personally I have never been happy with my output and sounds so I tried to find the gear best to realise what I have in my head. It seems that I fucking love playing with gear anyway. I can easily get caught up in thinking I need all these options when I don't. I could halve my gear and still get the music I want. It has taken me a while to find the pieces that I love to use though, I couldn't get the sounds and satisfaction from alot of other stuff.

I think it's knowing when to say no. I could easily give in to gas when something new pops up but I have to think about how it will sit in my process. Most of the time a new piece would make no difference so it will get used initially but then sit unsused, so it's easier to just ignore it from the get go.

As far as getting things done, that's a totally different quandry all together as I can keep myself happy with the above just noodling and never releasing anything, which is what I have done pretty much for the past 11 years.

But we like some kudos from time to time and for me, i'm starting to get happy with what I make so why not see if others like it too? I don't have much hope for this but the odd complement or even constructive feedback is really good to keep the love burning strong.

Gear and output are separate for me I think, gear is the fun and output is the mental mindfuck.

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I've gone through at least eight different studio "set ups", each one involving selling almost all my gear and buying new shit (also changing genres often), and honetly my favorite tunes all came from very minimal setups. I definitely get a little overwhelmed by too many options. Having to get creative in order to make sounds often results in happy accidents. My GAS has decreased significantly with age and having to be an adult with money. 


That said, turning knobs and pushing buttons to make bleep bloops on shiny new toys is the tits. 

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All this shit makes me wonder... As musicians- as artists- as humans!-- are we intentionally holding ourselves back with GAS-like mental facilities, because we don't want to "orgasm" our music (our life output)? It's like chasing the high with drugs where we never want to finish.


This has been one of my main challenges in the past 5 years- just getting past the mundane to excel at the self.


In order to be Ultra, we must all realize that we have what we need!!! 


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Wicked Alan ord, yeah I guess they are all influences to a degree so hard not to compare, all good. But you actually hit the nail on the head with the faders. The first 2 parts and the drums have existed for 11 years, one of the first tracks I ever did but had no end melodic elements and Interstellar directly inspired that part. Well spotted.

The A4 is all over this album, A bit on most tracks maybe. Lots of the main chords and melodies on achoraq and Casceal especially.


Haha, I didn't expect to be so close but the sounds and melodies sound very similar. It's a great, emotive soundtrack so fair play. 


I liked Achoraq and Casceal a lot and have been tempted by the A4 but just recently got a Monomachine and some of the sounds I've got out of it already are pretty weird/unexpected. It's easily the best synth I own for making something unique quickly. 

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you'r right, peace!


GAS (like ANY other addiction  :cat: ) could be (or is) just another escape from spiritual freedom cause we're subconsciously affraid of what we might think or do as really free individuals (leave our present life, wife, job...and that's the moment we light a cigarette or something...not to feel anxiety cause of the thought). complete acceptance that we are a 'reality of its own' is scary but it's a conditio sine qua non of any creative work, especially of genius level ones which are by definition 'unique realities of their own'. that's is the reason why 'genius' art makes us feel 'good', special; we experience 'the ultimate goal' through them, the freedom, the truth that we are de facto free!. this characteristic is the biggest rarity in the history of art but the most precious one imo (my fav are beethoven and autechre)

so, it's ok (and good, normal) to love our gear cause that's the sign that we have inner world of internalized objects but one day we have to accept that our dearest objects (mum and dad) are separate realities from us and at that point we will start creating and creating good.



love your gear but love your freedom more ;)

Edited by xox
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All this shit makes me wonder... As musicians- as artists- as humans!-- are we intentionally holding ourselves back with GAS-like mental facilities, because we don't want to "orgasm" our music (our life output)? It's like chasing the high with drugs where we never want to finish.


So I hang out on reddit guitar from time to time, and it's pretty fucking retarded sometimes. It makes apparent that the path to goals (and not goals themselves) truly are beautiful and possibly best, but it's been twisted to some kind of mental fuck up loop where basically nothing gets done. This has been one of my main challenges in the past 5 years- just getting past the mundane to excel at the self. My guitars sound amazing- I seriously never have to buy another guitar from a technical perspective, but I find myself browsing guitars on occasion.


In order to be Ultra, we must all realize that we have what we need!!! Most important point is action. Finish albums and send demos and shit. There's nothing wrong with getting signed, mangz.

you hit the nail on the head here imo. 


I think, in a way, though, that the constant purchases of gear makes me feel better about not completing anything, instead spending my time learning how to use my newest acquisitions. However, I feel that there's nothing really wrong with that.. especially since I've been leaning against "compositions" and more towards generative/improvised structures.


I've come to terms with being someone who just likes gear.. ie. something new will come out and I'll need to try it before deciding to move on.


Having said all that, I've had a realisation recently that the 1st/2nd gen nord sound is essentially all I've ever dreamed about. Since getting the nords, I haven't really had any desire to get any other synths, except maybe some superficial desire for an arp odyssey or korg ms20 or something.. but they're really more like standalone instruments than synths that can be incorporated into a setup..


anyway, I'm drunk, hope this makes sense. ? ? ? ? ?

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I think that GAS just comes from forever searching for THAT sound. 


However good your current synths/drum machines/effects are there is nearly always a reason to want or need another one. I've got better with this but I am far from cured. 

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i really dont mind. im lazy, i spend a tonne of money on synths, but you know what? at least its an investment. there are so many things you can waste your money on that you cant recoup 80 percent of their value on further down the line. having said that, im going to by an intellijel mutamix next month, because the one thing my modular is completely lacking in is a mixer, and then im going to simmer down for a bit, save some cash up, spend some money on a gym membership and personal trainer, jazz piano lessons, and french lessons. ive been sitting down for extended periods the last few weeks and realised i really do have absolutely everything my studio needs, what i should really do is spend 6 months understanding every element of it so intricately i dont need to look at the manuals. 


im working on a complete rescoring of the binding of isaac at the moment, to better reflect its metaphorical depiction of a descent into insanity. 

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Currently GASsing for some 16 channel multi-track recording ability. I've grown tired of recording individual pieces of hardware one at a time -- I want to route them all into my DAW and have individual FX routings/chains etc. for additional awesome live jam possibilities

Time to save some more $$$.....

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Currently GASsing for some 16 channel multi-track recording ability. I've grown tired of recording individual pieces of hardware one at a time -- I want to route them all into my DAW and have individual FX routings/chains etc. for additional awesome live jam possibilities


Time to save some more $$$.....


this is what i've bought. highly recommend!



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I keep on buying axoloti cores. I just keep seeing peoples cool projects. Plus all of the mutable instruments code has been ported to it :). I still haven't done anything cool with mine though :(

This is never going to be in my budget but damn.




what the hell. That's nuts.

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I think that GAS just comes from forever searching for THAT sound.


However good your current synths/drum machines/effects are there is nearly always a reason to want or need another one. I've got better with this but I am far from cured.

Not just sound but workflow. I've come to the opinion that hardware alone will never offer the right one for me. But it comes so close! A little gentle real-time MIDI enhancement might be just the thing.
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Shit, my Axoloti Core has been sitting on a shelf for months.  I made some pretty cool sounding karplus strong type patches but for about a year I didn't have any kind of MIDI knob box or anything to control it with and now it's just sitting idle.  I bet it's gotten way better, I really need to revisit it, especially since Android supports MIDI over USB now so I could make a specifically tailored TouchOSC interface for every different patch I made.


I keep on buying axoloti cores. I just keep seeing peoples cool projects. Plus all of the mutable instruments code has been ported to it :). I still haven't done anything cool with mine though :(

This is never going to be in my budget but damn.




what the hell. That's nuts.

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I think that GAS just comes from forever searching for THAT sound.


However good your current synths/drum machines/effects are there is nearly always a reason to want or need another one. I've got better with this but I am far from cured.

Not just sound but workflow. I've come to the opinion that hardware alone will never offer the right one for me. But it comes so close! A little gentle real-time MIDI enhancement might be just the thing.




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Currently GASsing for some 16 channel multi-track recording ability. I've grown tired of recording individual pieces of hardware one at a time -- I want to route them all into my DAW and have individual FX routings/chains etc. for additional awesome live jam possibilities


Time to save some more $$$.....


this is what i've bought. highly recommend!




I've been eyeing that unit but the price tag has me shy.....  Otherwise it's everything I want/looking for  :wub: 


Anyone use a Tascam US16x08?  Seems there were some driver issues initially but it could be a significant bang for the buck.

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All this shit makes me wonder... As musicians- as artists- as humans!-- are we intentionally holding ourselves back with GAS-like mental facilities, because we don't want to "orgasm" our music (our life output)? It's like chasing the high with drugs where we never want to finish.


So I hang out on reddit guitar from time to time, and it's pretty fucking retarded sometimes. It makes apparent that the path to goals (and not goals themselves) truly are beautiful and possibly best, but it's been twisted to some kind of mental fuck up loop where basically nothing gets done. This has been one of my main challenges in the past 5 years- just getting past the mundane to excel at the self. My guitars sound amazing- I seriously never have to buy another guitar from a technical perspective, but I find myself browsing guitars on occasion.


In order to be Ultra, we must all realize that we have what we need!!! Most important point is action. Finish albums and send demos and shit. There's nothing wrong with getting signed, mangz.

Yes, i agree. Please cum, you all need to orgasm more often.


[edit: Instructions...




Edited by Psychotronic
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All this shit makes me wonder... As musicians- as artists- as humans!-- are we intentionally holding ourselves back with GAS-like mental facilities, because we don't want to "orgasm" our music (our life output)? It's like chasing the high with drugs where we never want to finish.


So I hang out on reddit guitar from time to time, and it's pretty fucking retarded sometimes. It makes apparent that the path to goals (and not goals themselves) truly are beautiful and possibly best, but it's been twisted to some kind of mental fuck up loop where basically nothing gets done. This has been one of my main challenges in the past 5 years- just getting past the mundane to excel at the self. My guitars sound amazing- I seriously never have to buy another guitar from a technical perspective, but I find myself browsing guitars on occasion.


In order to be Ultra, we must all realize that we have what we need!!! Most important point is action. Finish albums and send demos and shit. There's nothing wrong with getting signed, mangz.

Yes, i agree. Please cum, you all need to orgasm more often.


[edit: Instructions...






It's hoarding. There are hoarders who like having gear they use once or twice in an afternoon and then it sits unused for years. There are hoarders who are trying to find that elusive sound in a magic box to finally feel like they can create the music they love listening to. There are hoarders who wouldn't dream of selling any of their gear and keep looking for deals on used gear to get the rush of getting a coveted piece for cheap so that it can never be used by anyone else again. It's grown adult/rich kid assholery at it's worst.

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