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the watmm GAS thread


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Guest Chesney

Hmmm, is that a call out or are you owning up yourself? Can't tell. Either way you're right and you're wrong.

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All this shit makes me wonder... As musicians- as artists- as humans!-- are we intentionally holding ourselves back with GAS-like mental facilities, because we don't want to "orgasm" our music (our life output)? It's like chasing the high with drugs where we never want to finish.


This has been one of my main challenges in the past 5 years- just getting past the mundane to excel at the self.


In order to be Ultra, we must all realize that we have what we need!!! 




Deep as fuck!  Nice one.





you'r right, peace!

GAS (like ANY other addiction  :cat: ) could be (or is) just another escape from spiritual freedom cause we're subconsciously affraid of what we might think or do as really free individuals (leave our present life, wife, job...and that's the moment we light a cigarette or something...not to feel anxiety cause of the thought). complete acceptance that we are a 'reality of its own' is scary but it's a conditio sine qua non of any creative work, especially of genius level ones which are by definition 'unique realities of their own'. that's is the reason why 'genius' art makes us feel 'good', special; we experience 'the ultimate goal' through them, the freedom, the truth that we are de facto free!. this characteristic is the biggest rarity in the history of art but the most precious one imo (my fav are beethoven and autechre)

so, it's ok (and good, normal) to love our gear cause that's the sign that we have inner world of internalized objects but one day we have to accept that our dearest objects (mum and dad) are separate realities from us and at that point we will start creating and creating good.



love your gear but love your freedom more ;)


Human freedom can indeed be frightening-- godspeed to anyone who takes on the challenge of walking the path of self realization.





I think that GAS just comes from forever searching for THAT sound. 


However good your current synths/drum machines/effects are there is nearly always a reason to want or need another one. I've got better with this but I am far from cured. 


The sound of self takes aaages to discover...  ...to allow into being?!  But once found, nobody can steal it!  It becomes just Being!  Like 15 years ago I used to be afraid that people were gonna steal some next-level IDM fuckery from me, which caused me to not share most of my music, but then later I realized that nobody can steal mojo.  I also realized that ideas are fucking infinite (which is why several hundred unfinished tracks is common), so the challenge is not coming up with some badass idea-- the challenge is to complete ANY idea.  Because if we have standards, experience, and skill, ANY ideas we complete will be solid.  Fearless completion of art is the only way forwards.







Kudos to you all who are completing albums and getting your music out there!!!  


To those who are rigid, OCD, and/or have options paralysis, overall limiting output: May you find the process that allows for most fluid transition of your heart to sonics.  To those further back:  May you find your heart and one day fearlessly express it.

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 the challenge is not coming up with some badass idea-- the challenge is to complete ANY idea.  Because if we have standards, experience, and skill, ANY ideas we complete will be solid.  Fearless completion of art is the only way forwards.





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Hmmm, is that a call out or are you owning up yourself? Can't tell. Either way you're right and you're wrong.



I'm not calling anyone out here at all. I have specific people in mind.

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tbh since getting the nord modular I've been tempted to eschew all traditional melody and rhythm from my music and just get deep into west coast synthesis.. probably resulting in no real albums from me but instead just endless noodly youtube videos

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Currently GASsing for some 16 channel multi-track recording ability. I've grown tired of recording individual pieces of hardware one at a time -- I want to route them all into my DAW and have individual FX routings/chains etc. for additional awesome live jam possibilities


Time to save some more $$$.....


this is what i've bought. highly recommend!




I've been eyeing that unit but the price tag has me shy.....  Otherwise it's everything I want/looking for  :wub: 


Anyone use a Tascam US16x08?  Seems there were some driver issues initially but it could be a significant bang for the buck.

i am and there were. it came out right when they were pushing win10 originally. it had bad issues with both 7 and 10 but they've been worked out now (in my experience). very good bang for buck imo. i kinda wish i'd gotten a 20x20 though because it replaces the xlrs with the combo xlr+1/4" inputs. like $200 more tho...

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tbh since getting the nord modular I've been tempted to eschew all traditional melody and rhythm from my music and just get deep into west coast synthesis.

Aye, mang-- If you're gonna build a music platform on something, anything called "west coast synthesis" is a pretty fucking IDM baller foundation. "Yo doodz, that guy who did those jam videos with those tiny synths is outputting some west coast synthesis, mang.". Surprisingly, such simplicity is how legend is born.

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tbh since getting the nord modular I've been tempted to eschew all traditional melody and rhythm from my music and just get deep into west coast synthesis.. probably resulting in no real albums from me but instead just endless noodly youtube videos


do it  :trashbear:

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hoooly shit, sound design on the nord modular is an amazing timesink, but oh boy is it worth it. I'm working on a 4-part drum kit to control with the octatrack and it's just such a dream to work with in terms of being able to get my ideas down accurately (and then spend hours tweaking :P). It's got some weird limitations (e.g. the voice expansion doesn't increase patch size, only polyphony) but I love weird limitations :D

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hoooly shit, sound design on the nord modular is an amazing timesink, but oh boy is it worth it. I'm working on a 4-part drum kit to control with the octatrack and it's just such a dream to work with in terms of being able to get my ideas down accurately (and then spend hours tweaking :P). It's got some weird limitations (e.g. the voice expansion doesn't increase patch size, only polyphony) but I love weird limitations :D

This makes me suddenly want a nord modular to go along with my octatrack.


Actually I have two fucking axoloti's I'll make a drum machine with that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For the first time in quite a while, absolutely nothing.  Other than the monitor speakers that I've got lined up but haven't actually got in my hands yet, and a box full of bare PCBs I've been picking up when I could for the last few years and am going to finally start building this summer, I've been 100% satisfied with my current setup for a while now and truly feel no desire to add anything else.  Just want to make music. Sure there are things that are cool and would be fun to have, but I don't feel like I'm lacking anything or would benefit enough from having anything I don't already have to sacrifice the money and/or space to actually get it and the time to learn it.


Feels great, hope it lasts.

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^crosspost with Stupid First World Achievements. Glad you've got that feeling of satisfaction, or rather, content, and you can write choonz. I've been there for a few months now, and though I just bought some MIDI cables to help with connecting gear I've already got, I'm free of GAS for now too. Been writing a lot lately and yeah I'm still keeping up with new gear but I'm not feeling the need for anything at all.

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yeah same. I'm still on the lookout for a nord rack 2x/3/4 but the modular is really satisfying me now. I got a nice pelican knockoff case that fits it and the OT together, and may attempt to fit my quadraverb/midiverb in there as well, for a relatively compact live setup that can make almost any sound I want. I'll be road testing it in a couple of weeks for a "dark showcase" gig; gonna be my chance to get a bit weird and experimental, compared to the usual chip scene dance parties I play..

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Kudoz on contentment!  I'm content with my setup as well, as far as music making goes.  BUT... muthafu'- I was thinking of maybe getting at the end of the month or next month as a self-present (like if I accomplish my work goals), a Yamaha Reface CP (the electric piano one)...  Wanted one since they came out, will probably not use it for my musics-- I just want something to sit and play on my lap.  It might very well be the keyboard I've been looking for for about 10 years.

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yeah, the reface keybeds are very well suited for loungin' around and playing. I possibly should have got the CP or CS instead of the DX though. The DX has a great sound, but at the moment I'm basically only using it as a controller for my NM/OT/MnM.. maybe I should swap it for one of the others lol

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Guest Chesney

I'm content with mine too, not been interested in anything new for ages. Apart from the Matrixbrute which I knew I wanted as soon as I saw it so really, I gassed over that well over a year ago so it does not feel like a new purchase ha.

I have not even bitten at some local deals because I have no need or room.

I am about to buy a baritone guitar though that's been on order for a good while but I am part exing some guitars and pedals so not actually buying.


I have the Reface CP and fucking love it. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes to play keys, rhodes etc. midi'd up to a decent keybed it's glorious and the effects are nice sounding too. Get one!

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oh man, I'm very tempted to get a baritone, I keep looking at the Squier reissue Bass VIs and drooling.. or those -1 octave classical guitars, which sound fkn gorgeous


then again, my boss gp10 does a really great bass VI emulation so I'm fine for now :P

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Guest Chesney

That's the thing, I have a pitchfactor and a pog2 but a baritone is just different. It's a totally different sound.

It's not sub bassing your guitar it's a new instrument (sort of).

Feels different so you write different. Again, totally different to even a 7 string guitar.

I only recently played one and it was so good. (PRS SE277)

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^crosspost with Stupid First World Achievements. Glad you've got that feeling of satisfaction, or rather, content, and you can write choonz. I've been there for a few months now, and though I just bought some MIDI cables to help with connecting gear I've already got, I'm free of GAS for now too. Been writing a lot lately and yeah I'm still keeping up with new gear but I'm not feeling the need for anything at all.


Yeah, it's been a while.  I mean, I've been recording the whole time but it's been quite a while since I felt like, for better or worse, I was able to make the sounds I wanted to make with the instruments I had on hand. Now it's about focusing on playing out regularly again.


It was a lot easier when I was mostly a guitarist.

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I'm about to write a grindcore EP and realized I need a guitar. Writing with distorted bass wasn't really cutting it. Definite GAS.

Probably going to pick up a cheap Squier Strat and a cheap amp soon.

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I'm about to write a grindcore EP and realized I need a guitar. Writing with distorted bass wasn't really cutting it. Definite GAS.

Probably going to pick up a cheap Squier Strat and a cheap amp soon.


Consider an 80s Peavey guitar.  Back in the days when they were still making them in their original USA factory they were quite good budget guitars, and you'd probably get more for your money on a USA made Predator than a new Squier. If it was made after '91 or so don't bother.


A Peavey T-15 is even better but probably more expensive these days.  Those oversized soap bar Peavey pickups are kind of great, and it's one of my all around favorite budget guitars.

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