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Do I realistically need a microgranny if I have an octatrack? Someone local is selling one for a good price..

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Guest Chesney

I have trouble stopping myself grabbing local deals too, stay strong, you don't need it.


A poly61 is for sale 2 mins away from me but asking a little too much, I do want an analogue poly more than 4 voices but right now, I have more important stuff to spend money on.

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yeah I'm resisting it :D


I do kinda have some desire to get a 0-coast though.. even though I could probably easily get close to its sound with the nord modular..

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Yeah I have a little bit of 0-coast lust myself. Honestly I feel like I'd get more utility and enjoyment out of an MS-20 mini though. I know they're apples and oranges but I want them for basically the same types of things - drums, basses, and noisy stuff. Also the MS-20's weird voltage scale means less danger of being a gateway to eurorack addiction.

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Glad I'm not the only one who desires the 0-coast. If I had an extra $500 just sitting around I'd have already gotten one even though I surely don't need it.

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i'd be into 0-coast if it came in a euro form factor and could make a little rack w/the mother-32. was disappointed to find out it straight up can't fit into a rack -_-

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A poly61 is for sale 2 mins away from me but asking a little too much, I do want an analogue poly more than 4 voices but right now, I have more important stuff to spend money on.


My first real synth was a Poly61m I got for next to nothing and sold for $80 when I moved and I die inside a little every time I hear about them now.  They really have their own personality, even though the interface is kind of garbage.

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Glad I'm not the only one who desires the 0-coast. If I had an extra $500 just sitting around I'd have already gotten one even though I surely don't need it.


I've been trying to convince a musician friend of mine who lives a couple blocks away and is starting to get the synth bug to buy one so I can go over and sample it.


But I'm at the point now with synths that I got to with guitars 4 or 5 years ago: from here on out if I want to own something new I have to build it myself.

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Glad I'm not the only one who desires the 0-coast. If I had an extra $500 just sitting around I'd have already gotten one even though I surely don't need it.


I've been trying to convince a musician friend of mine who lives a couple blocks away and is starting to get the synth bug to buy one so I can go over and sample it.


Really, that's how I'd use it half the time I'm sure. Which is part of what's keeping my lust for it at bay, given I've only got one synth that can even send CV (though obviously it receives MIDI as well). Plus I've got an Evolver which can already achieve similar levels of insanity. Less is more...less is more...less is more... :cry:

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Glad I'm not the only one who desires the 0-coast. If I had an extra $500 just sitting around I'd have already gotten one even though I surely don't need it.


I've been trying to convince a musician friend of mine who lives a couple blocks away and is starting to get the synth bug to buy one so I can go over and sample it.


Really, that's how I'd use it half the time I'm sure. Which is part of what's keeping my lust for it at bay, given I've only got one synth that can even send CV (though obviously it receives MIDI as well). Plus I've got an Evolver which can already achieve similar levels of insanity. Less is more...less is more...less is more... :cry:



Yeah, my gear lust comes and goes, and I've found that when I don't have it the best way to keep it from coming back is to be a bad influence on other people.  Like, I've got no desire to own a Novation Peak myself but I've suggested them to at least two people in the last weak.  Dreadbox stuff, too.


"Less is more" doesnt work as well for me because it works in terms of how much I use for any given track or project, but I still like to change up what I'm using regularly to keep things fresh, so it usually ends up more like "I haven't used that thing in a year but I know I'll pull it back out eventually so I can't part with it."

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I've been trying to convince a musician friend of mine who lives a couple blocks away and is starting to get the synth bug to buy one so I can go over and sample it.


Really, that's how I'd use it half the time I'm sure. Which is part of what's keeping my lust for it at bay, given I've only got one synth that can even send CV (though obviously it receives MIDI as well). Plus I've got an Evolver which can already achieve similar levels of insanity. Less is more...less is more...less is more... :cry:
Same here, I was thinking I'd just do wanky blip jams and then slice them up for percussion samples, or sit there with a sampler and do them one at a time, or just have it do one drum voice alongside the samples or other synths.


Dammit I still kinda want an Evolver too. The lack of headphones is the thing that stops me with that one.

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I've been trying to convince a musician friend of mine who lives a couple blocks away and is starting to get the synth bug to buy one so I can go over and sample it.

Really, that's how I'd use it half the time I'm sure. Which is part of what's keeping my lust for it at bay, given I've only got one synth that can even send CV (though obviously it receives MIDI as well). Plus I've got an Evolver which can already achieve similar levels of insanity. Less is more...less is more...less is more... :cry:
Same here, I was thinking I'd just do wanky blip jams and then slice them up for percussion samples, or sit there with a sampler and do them one at a time, or just have it do one drum voice alongside the samples or other synths.


Dammit I still kinda want an Evolver too. The lack of headphones is the thing that stops me with that one.


Yeah, I've sat down just with Rytm and Pulse 2 (to a much lesser extent) with just headphones plugged in and played, love focusing like that, Evolver would be a perfect little box for that. I'd actually thought about getting a splitter to run into headphones for that purpose. Maybe the keyboard versions have headphone outs? I'd probably prefer one of those just because of the dedicated knob situation, and of course poly would be interesting...






Glad I'm not the only one who desires the 0-coast. If I had an extra $500 just sitting around I'd have already gotten one even though I surely don't need it.


I've been trying to convince a musician friend of mine who lives a couple blocks away and is starting to get the synth bug to buy one so I can go over and sample it.


Really, that's how I'd use it half the time I'm sure. Which is part of what's keeping my lust for it at bay, given I've only got one synth that can even send CV (though obviously it receives MIDI as well). Plus I've got an Evolver which can already achieve similar levels of insanity. Less is more...less is more...less is more... :cry:



Yeah, my gear lust comes and goes, and I've found that when I don't have it the best way to keep it from coming back is to be a bad influence on other people.  Like, I've got no desire to own a Novation Peak myself but I've suggested them to at least two people in the last weak.  Dreadbox stuff, too.


"Less is more" doesnt work as well for me because it works in terms of how much I use for any given track or project, but I still like to change up what I'm using regularly to keep things fresh, so it usually ends up more like "I haven't used that thing in a year but I know I'll pull it back out eventually so I can't part with it."


Lol yeah that's one way to deal! Peak sounds decent and all but every time I hear it I can't help but think, "yeah, but for this price I may as well get a Prophet" which to me sound 10x better any day of the week.


Less is more is definitely what I try for when it comes to elements...I then like to repurpose those elements in varying ways. I'm actually just now digging up lots of recorded bits and pieces to try and repurpose them into something. I've also got those 'can't part with' items, mostly little shitty keyboards that I almost never touch but what's the point of throwing them away, ya know? Not worth anything to anyone else, but maybe one day they'll be the perfect tone for a track. 

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I've been trying to convince a musician friend of mine who lives a couple blocks away and is starting to get the synth bug to buy one so I can go over and sample it.

Really, that's how I'd use it half the time I'm sure. Which is part of what's keeping my lust for it at bay, given I've only got one synth that can even send CV (though obviously it receives MIDI as well). Plus I've got an Evolver which can already achieve similar levels of insanity. Less is more...less is more...less is more... :cry:
Same here, I was thinking I'd just do wanky blip jams and then slice them up for percussion samples, or sit there with a sampler and do them one at a time, or just have it do one drum voice alongside the samples or other synths.


Dammit I still kinda want an Evolver too. The lack of headphones is the thing that stops me with that one.


Yeah, I've sat down just with Rytm and Pulse 2 (to a much lesser extent) with just headphones plugged in and played, love focusing like that, Evolver would be a perfect little box for that. I'd actually thought about getting a splitter to run into headphones for that purpose. Maybe the keyboard versions have headphone outs? I'd probably prefer one of those just because of the dedicated knob situation, and of course poly would be interesting...






Glad I'm not the only one who desires the 0-coast. If I had an extra $500 just sitting around I'd have already gotten one even though I surely don't need it.


I've been trying to convince a musician friend of mine who lives a couple blocks away and is starting to get the synth bug to buy one so I can go over and sample it.


Really, that's how I'd use it half the time I'm sure. Which is part of what's keeping my lust for it at bay, given I've only got one synth that can even send CV (though obviously it receives MIDI as well). Plus I've got an Evolver which can already achieve similar levels of insanity. Less is more...less is more...less is more... :cry:



Yeah, my gear lust comes and goes, and I've found that when I don't have it the best way to keep it from coming back is to be a bad influence on other people.  Like, I've got no desire to own a Novation Peak myself but I've suggested them to at least two people in the last weak.  Dreadbox stuff, too.


"Less is more" doesnt work as well for me because it works in terms of how much I use for any given track or project, but I still like to change up what I'm using regularly to keep things fresh, so it usually ends up more like "I haven't used that thing in a year but I know I'll pull it back out eventually so I can't part with it."


Lol yeah that's one way to deal! Peak sounds decent and all but every time I hear it I can't help but think, "yeah, but for this price I may as well get a Prophet" which to me sound 10x better any day of the week.


Less is more is definitely what I try for when it comes to elements...I then like to repurpose those elements in varying ways. I'm actually just now digging up lots of recorded bits and pieces to try and repurpose them into something. I've also got those 'can't part with' items, mostly little shitty keyboards that I almost never touch but what's the point of throwing them away, ya know? Not worth anything to anyone else, but maybe one day they'll be the perfect tone for a track. 



Yeah, the peak is mostly interesting to me because it's a hybrid and there are a lot less modern hybrids than there are modern analogs these days.  I've got no interest in owning one but it would be fun to have access to one from time to time.


A lot of my "cant part with" stuff is cheap pedals and weird old stereo equipment, especially compressors meant for hi fi systems or early home theater setups back in the 80s, and "stereo widener" type things.  I spent a lot of years working at an old-style crate diggers' record shop and a while at an independent thrift shop so I got quite a little pile f stuff like that for usually $5-$10 each, and I'll pull one of them out every couple months to run a drum machine or loop or synth pad through but most of the time they're just taking up space.  And it's always this situation where maybe I could sell one for $60 but then the odds of ever finding one again for the cost of a cheap lunch are pretty bad so I just sick them in the closet again.  ACtually that's almost always the stuff I have trouble getting rid of, things that I found cheap or free and would never want to pay a fair market price for because I don't use them but couldn't get enough for to make them worth selling.  Sometimes I trade them or give them as gifts.


Closest thing to GAS I've got left right now is sometimes thinking a Volca Kick would be cool to have around but for half the price I could finally buy the parts to build the Thomas Henry Megapercussive Synthesizer module I got a blank PCB for a couple years ago in one of my occasional "I've got $30 to blow, time to get some bare PCBs to build later" moments. Over the last four years I've piled up the PCBs to make a pretty excellent semi-modular analog drum module with maybe 8 or 9 voice, but I don't have any of the actual parts, just the empty boards,a few of the rare-ish ICs and transistors for a couple of 808 and 909 voices, and a power supply.

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Damn it, I really am not looking for any more gear at all but a regular at work to day intimated that he might give me a DX-5 he has in his basement, and I don't think I could pass up a free DX-5 if he comes through on it.  Not sure where I'd even put it, though.


That's the trouble with being a gear person and working in public, eventually you hit a tipping point where you become like the animal rescue center for gear and people start giving you stuff you don't even want.  Which can be pretty cool but usually not as cool as it probably sounds.

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^lol free doesn't count against GAS, I'm pretty sure. 


I've been doing a good bit of editing and re-processing some large wav files and started noticing how much it's been pushing my CPU and started thinking about getting a new computer...I was planning on keeping my trusty Mac Mini for another year or two but Apple's future in the computer market doesn't instill much confidence in me so...now 6 hours later I've got a few dozen tabs open researching building a PC. :cerious:


Anybody wanna buy a Mac Mini?  :biggrin:

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Turns out it's a DX-27, probably don't need one of those even if it's free since I've got an FB-01 and a TX-802 (my very first rack synth from back in college). Kind of a relief TBH.

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Guest Chesney

Ha yeah, A DX5 would be a wtf moment, instant stoke. But a 27? kinda cool but not worth the room it takes up if you already have Yammy FM in your arsenal.

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Yeah, I always had fun with the DX21 I had years ago but I haven't really missed it much since I sold it in maybe 2008 or 2009.



In terms of pure tone, the FB-01 is kind of my favorite Yamaha FM synth these days, all of the corners they cut (no headroom on the outputs, lowpassed at something like 5 or 6k to hide the high noise floor, etc) give it a really nice dirtiness, kind of like an old Soundblaster or something.

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current GAS: an eventide pitchfactor. and im gonna get one. ive still to pay off my last eurorack module, but next up i want the pitch factor, then the erbe-verb, then the time factor. 

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Guest Chesney

The reface is really fun and sounds great Peace, nice one.


I have the pitchfactor messiaen, it's pretty rad. Not as clean at tracking as you'd think but it does better than most. More fun with synths and drums than guitar as you can get some ace accidents when it does mess up. 

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The reface is really fun and sounds great Peace, nice one.


Yah, I got the Reface CP primarily for the Rhodes sounds, but the variation that's possible with all the effects surprised me.  The delay section is especially good for craziness.  With combination of delays and external reverb, I've gotten a lot of synthy sounds, as well.


I've been looking for a keyboard to just jam out on, and the Reface CP hits the spot for me (still haven't connected external midi controller).  Really happy about it!

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