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the watmm GAS thread


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yeah, I'll give the A4 a miss for now I think. I've got a qunexus and some elektron rack ears on the way, with the aim of consolidating my live setup into a nice case, including octatrack, nord modular and qunexus. with that I'll be able to make almost any sound I want :D

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A4 is on my list for sure. a lot of really cool Elektron features brought into the analog realm for the first time. plus it seems like the perfect hub for building a very small modular system using its cv capabilities.


i would never be able to afford building a big modular rig, but the A4 would be a great way to incorporate a few choice experimental modules ( like the MakeNoise or Mutable Instruments stuff ) to really expand your sonic palette.


In the meantime, i scored a mint condition Oberheim Matrix 1000 off of ebay the other week. Really amazing sounding synth & one of the last affordable analog polys. a ton of these were manufactured back in the day so they're still relatively easy to find used. going thru the presets really takes you to another era.


not my vid but this gives you an idea of some of its sound capabilities:



A Matrix 1000 with the latest hacked firmware and the Alpes Machines controller is my main analog synth these days.  Great, distinctive sound, different from other DCO synths I've used.  Something cold about it, but in a good way. 

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I had a Matrix 6R and I hated the interface so much that I sold it in a couple months. It does have a really cool sound, though.


Yeah, the updated firmware and a good programmer are a must, although the 6r is at least programmable at all (and looks comparable to something like a DX-7 in terms of interface, not everyone's cup of tea but workable).


I've heard rumors that someone is working on bringing out a commercial Matrix 6/1000 programmer this year, kind of like the Alpes one but prebuilt.  If they do, the last of these things are probably going to dry up fast. They're already about  times as expensive as they were a few years ago.

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Yeah happily I've managed to convince myself that vintage analog is not my cup of tea lol. One old sampler with analog filters is enough. Korgs in particular are quite affordable new and all the modern stuff is cheaper used.


Only thing I'm really sad about missing the boat on is the MC202 and Allesandro Cortini and Andreas Tilliander have exploded its price for the foreseeable future.

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Yeah happily I've managed to convince myself that vintage analog is not my cup of tea lol. One old sampler with analog filters is enough. Korgs in particular are quite affordable new and all the modern stuff is cheaper used.


Only thing I'm really sad about missing the boat on is the MC202 and Allesandro Cortini and Andreas Tilliander have exploded its price for the foreseeable future.


Probably a wise choice, really.  I think the days of "vintage" being practical (for analog, anyhow) are just about over, collecting has driven everything up so far that in most cases it probably isn't worth it considering what's being made today.  And I say that as someone who loves old stuff.


Like the new avatar, by the way!

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Guest Chesney

I love old synths but yeah people are asking stupid prices and clueless people who want that popular trophy sometimes bite which validates the silly price. I still have some dream synths I want but unless I win the lottery and even more unlikely get a good deal i'm good for vintage right now.

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The only "vintage" synth I really want anymore is a cs01.. but they're also climbing in price, beyond a point where I can be bothered.. just as the cz101 did.

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Like the new avatar, by the way!

Thanks :) That Autechre album art filter thread ended up yielding a couple of surprisingly cool images.


I love old synths but yeah people are asking stupid prices and clueless people who want that popular trophy sometimes bite which validates the silly price. I still have some dream synths I want but unless I win the lottery and even more unlikely get a good deal i'm good for vintage right now.

Yep, that trophy attitude really turns me off. What was cool about those synths in the first place is that they were kind of crappy and yet people like Squarepusher were using them to make awesome tracks.


At this point my "dream" vintage stuff is all samplers and fx anyway :)


The only "vintage" synth I really want anymore is a cs01.. but they're also climbing in price, beyond a point where I can be bothered.. just as the cz101 did.

I wanted one of these for the longest too. But at this point I feel like a volca keys is at least as good, especially after I learned that it doesn't even have an analog osc.


Too bad about the CZ-101, I had a soft spot for those too at one point. I borrowed a VZ-10m for a bit, which partly got that lust out of my system. Thing sounded absolutely gorgeous but the interface was worse than the TX81Z and almost as bad as the Matrix 6R.

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Sold a couple MIDI controllers to a friend, he's going to paypal me when he gets home and it will be instantly turned over into a full set of crOwBX boards to build over the winter.

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Like the new avatar, by the way!

Thanks :) That Autechre album art filter thread ended up yielding a couple of surprisingly cool images.


I love old synths but yeah people are asking stupid prices and clueless people who want that popular trophy sometimes bite which validates the silly price. I still have some dream synths I want but unless I win the lottery and even more unlikely get a good deal i'm good for vintage right now.

Yep, that trophy attitude really turns me off. What was cool about those synths in the first place is that they were kind of crappy and yet people like Squarepusher were using them to make awesome tracks.


At this point my "dream" vintage stuff is all samplers and fx anyway :)


The only "vintage" synth I really want anymore is a cs01.. but they're also climbing in price, beyond a point where I can be bothered.. just as the cz101 did.

I wanted one of these for the longest too. But at this point I feel like a volca keys is at least as good, especially after I learned that it doesn't even have an analog osc.


Too bad about the CZ-101, I had a soft spot for those too at one point. I borrowed a VZ-10m for a bit, which partly got that lust out of my system. Thing sounded absolutely gorgeous but the interface was worse than the TX81Z and almost as bad as the Matrix 6R.




CZ1000 is still pretty cheap though.  I felt like a chump buying a CZ101 finally last year since the prices have climbed, but it was worth it.   Really fun and easy to program, and sounds great.  If I had more space I'd have got the 1000 though, last one I saw local was asking $60.

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I love old synths but yeah people are asking stupid prices and clueless people who want that popular trophy sometimes bite which validates the silly price. I still have some dream synths I want but unless I win the lottery and even more unlikely get a good deal i'm good for vintage right now.


I did end up getting a Juno 6 last year (made a lot more money than usual this winter and did the responsible thing - blew it on gear) but honestly the Juno trophy status ALMOST turned me off from getting it.  I've just had a soft spot for them for a long, long time because they were always around when I was growing up since it was the synth a high school kid could buy with a week or two of summer job pay, or a college student could get for not much money, so tons of people I knew had one or more of them and I loved playing them but never had one of my own (I had the even cheaper Korg Poly61m but sold it for $80 when I was moving out of state about 10 years ago).  I don't regret having it at all, and ended up getting a good (for 2016) deal but I still almost feel like I shouldn't admit I own it, you know?


The only vintage analog stuff I'm really interested in anymore is unobtainable fantasy stuff like an Arp 2500 or a mellotron. 

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Ah yeah the Juno is pretty cool. I borrowed my cousin's Juno a while back, plugged it into my Quadraverb, and nailed the Cipater lead. That was cool.


Yeah, because of being able to replace a couple switches and do installation myself I got an overall well maintained Juno 6 with the Tubbutec MIDI retrofit including all shipping costs for about $100 less than a Deepmind 12 not including shipping, so it was hard to argue with, if only because the Juno will most likely gain value and the Deepmind will most likely lose it so if I ever decide I don't want it I won't have lost anything in the long run.


But between a Juno 60 at their current price and a Deepmind 12 (or 6 even) I'd take the Behringer any day.

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A4 is on my list for sure. a lot of really cool Elektron features brought into the analog realm for the first time. plus it seems like the perfect hub for building a very small modular system using its cv capabilities.


i would never be able to afford building a big modular rig, but the A4 would be a great way to incorporate a few choice experimental modules ( like the MakeNoise or Mutable Instruments stuff ) to really expand your sonic palette.


In the meantime, i scored a mint condition Oberheim Matrix 1000 off of ebay the other week. Really amazing sounding synth & one of the last affordable analog polys. a ton of these were manufactured back in the day so they're still relatively easy to find used. going thru the presets really takes you to another era.


not my vid but this gives you an idea of some of its sound capabilities:



A Matrix 1000 with the latest hacked firmware and the Alpes Machines controller is my main analog synth these days.  Great, distinctive sound, different from other DCO synths I've used.  Something cold about it, but in a good way. 




never heard of the Alpes controller before. very cool. how much do those sell for?


on the site, it looks like he is getting ready to do another run of them but he has taken his shop offline. i don't see any mention of a price.

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Guest Chesney

Well, there is nothing wrong with the trophy synths at all, it's the users that are twats. I'd love a juno but having a JP4, apart from the 2 extra voices (which I desperately need) there is no point me getting a Juno. Don't compare it to the deepmind, the deepmind gets nowhere near in that sound/feel which you can't put your finger on. The Behringer can do so much and is probably a great modern synth but it certainly is not a replacement for the Juno.


Vintage poly's are actually pretty weird ones as the maintenance costs can be a put off so I have not tried that many and the ones I have were great but did not meet the hype. The market is fucking bonkers. But not to say I wouldn't buy them all up if I had the money ha.


And yeah, the FS1r is a monster synth. I nearly bought one a long time ago but this was when I was trying to buy less menu driven synths. And then again a couple of years ago but knowing i'd probably love it but let it sit because I can't be arsed to dive in. 

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Guest Chesney

Oh, forgot... I have the CS01 and it's great, purely for the portability and that amazing squarewave, not many synths can do a square wave like it, got that hollow old DnB vibe, I instantly play the bassline for Super shart shooter when I turn it on ha.

If you wasn't in Aus modey i'd send it you for a good price but alas it would not be economical.

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A4 is on my list for sure. a lot of really cool Elektron features brought into the analog realm for the first time. plus it seems like the perfect hub for building a very small modular system using its cv capabilities.


i would never be able to afford building a big modular rig, but the A4 would be a great way to incorporate a few choice experimental modules ( like the MakeNoise or Mutable Instruments stuff ) to really expand your sonic palette.


In the meantime, i scored a mint condition Oberheim Matrix 1000 off of ebay the other week. Really amazing sounding synth & one of the last affordable analog polys. a ton of these were manufactured back in the day so they're still relatively easy to find used. going thru the presets really takes you to another era.


not my vid but this gives you an idea of some of its sound capabilities:



A Matrix 1000 with the latest hacked firmware and the Alpes Machines controller is my main analog synth these days.  Great, distinctive sound, different from other DCO synths I've used.  Something cold about it, but in a good way. 




never heard of the Alpes controller before. very cool. how much do those sell for?


on the site, it looks like he is getting ready to do another run of them but he has taken his shop offline. i don't see any mention of a price.




Not cheap but not horribly expensive considering, I think it was around 270 euro when I got mine. I'd recommend upgrading the pots to these.  I ended up doing it after the fact and it was a big hassle desoldering the stock ones, but a huge improvement.


Julien is really helpful, too.


I used the Matrix for abut a year with a software editor and it was fine but once I built that think it became my go-to fr a lot of stuff.

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Actually I just checked and the shop is back up. The kit is more expensive now, but comes with the folded aluminum back panel that wasn't designed yet when I got mine.

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The size and price of the Digitakt would still sell me on it over an OT mkii. I'm a bit worried as to how stable it is, though.

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