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the watmm GAS thread


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Yeah I think I'm gonna do it. I don't actually need the money, but with the OP-Z looming I think I may have to list it.



i understand. still, it's kind of sad.... 


op-z looks veeeery tempting 

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Actually I just found out I'm getting an actual decent bonus this year from work, so.. maybe I *don't* need to sell it after all? That said, it's pretty tempting to upgrade to the OT mk2, sell off my old OT and monomachine, get the OP-Z and still have some money left over for holiday savings.. hmmmmm

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One track out of 4. Polyphony aside*, being able to squeeze this much stuff into each track is better than something with even four times as many tracks that can't do sound locks.


* I haven't tested how the voice stealing behaves when using multiple maxed out tracks; I love weird voice stealing though so I hope it sounds interesting.

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What the hell is going on with Casio CZ series keyboards on eBay right now?  I went on there to see if I could find one of the old molded hard cases for mine and people ate asking $300-$600 for every CZ model, it's nuts.  I felt like a bit of a sucker when I picked mine up in pretty much mint condition (there are some scuffs on the bottom) for $225 back near the end of 2016.



They're not rare and they pretty much never break and they've been popular for a long time, so it's not like there's a dwindling supply suddenly. Someone was trying to sell a 1000 for $80 locally a couple years ago and couldn't even get that. Did something happen recently that made them trendy or something?


Not that I'd let mine go, or particularly care how much it's worth (I don't even play out enough these days to worry about someone running off with it at a show) but I always find this stuff interesting.

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What the hell is going on with Casio CZ series keyboards on eBay right now?  I went on there to see if I could find one of the old molded hard cases for mine and people ate asking $300-$600 for every CZ model, it's nuts.  I felt like a bit of a sucker when I picked mine up in pretty much mint condition (there are some scuffs on the bottom) for $225 back near the end of 2016.


They're not rare and they pretty much never break and they've been popular for a long time, so it's not like there's a dwindling supply suddenly. Someone was trying to sell a 1000 for $80 locally a couple years ago and couldn't even get that. Did something happen recently that made them trendy or something?

I've had a feeling for a while that this was inevitable. I mean just look at them, they scream 80s. 

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What the hell is going on with Casio CZ series keyboards on eBay right now?  I went on there to see if I could find one of the old molded hard cases for mine and people ate asking $300-$600 for every CZ model, it's nuts.  I felt like a bit of a sucker when I picked mine up in pretty much mint condition (there are some scuffs on the bottom) for $225 back near the end of 2016.


They're not rare and they pretty much never break and they've been popular for a long time, so it's not like there's a dwindling supply suddenly. Someone was trying to sell a 1000 for $80 locally a couple years ago and couldn't even get that. Did something happen recently that made them trendy or something?

I've had a feeling for a while that this was inevitable. I mean just look at them, they scream 80s. 



It's either that or someone's figured out how to mine bitcoins with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

lol at translation of the description





Go for it I say, can probably be fixed up for cheap.

Edited by modey
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I read that it's kind of limited as a master keyboard as well - velocity goes only up to 100 and transmits only on channel 1. It would be a fun project if I had both the time and physical room for it.

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I read that it's kind of limited as a master keyboard as well - velocity goes only up to 100 and transmits only on channel 1. It would be a fun project if I had both the time and physical room for it.



Yeah, but it still has just about my favorite synth-action keyboard of all time. 


For a master controller on the relatively cheap end you'd have to work pretty hard to find something better than an old Alesis QS 6.1 or 7.1 imo.

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so i picked up a Digitone, pretty cool bit of kit, been having a jam on it this evening. 




one quick thing someone might be able to help me with though, how can i set up the 4 tracks so i can input midi from ableton to change the notes, use the tracks inbuilt sequencer for parameter change, but also have it clocked to the same ableton master tempo without having to just manually change the Digitones tempo and then press play at the right time?


at the moment, if i use a midi input from ableton while clock recieve is turned on, it gets the wrong tempo, and restarts the sequences every time a note comes out of ableton

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so i picked up a Digitone, pretty cool bit of kit, been having a jam on it this evening. 




one quick thing someone might be able to help me with though, how can i set up the 4 tracks so i can input midi from ableton to change the notes, use the tracks inbuilt sequencer for parameter change, but also have it clocked to the same ableton master tempo without having to just manually change the Digitones tempo and then press play at the right time?


at the moment, if i use a midi input from ableton while clock recieve is turned on, it gets the wrong tempo, and restarts the sequences every time a note comes out of ableton

Not sure, but I would:




14.3.1 - make sure only Clock Receive is check marked. I suspect maybe Program Change is check marked in your case.


14.3.3 - make sure the midi channels are assigned to the channels you're sending from Ableton. I'm not familiar with Ableton to know how to do it from that end though.


APPENDIX B: MIDI IMPLEMENTATION - Get familiar with the CCs to troubleshoot possible midi witchcraft coming from Ableton without your knowledge, e.g. "Why is the decay so damn long!" or "Why is the filter resetting to the same value!"

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Great jam, messiaen! Interesting how many great demos/tracks can be found on the net in this short period of time after release of digitone and how few of great mnm tracks in all this yrs.

digiton:mnm = 1:0

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i wouldnt take my tune as an example of a digitone demo, i dont see any point in limiting myself when i make music, that track is my usual ableton sequenced, sample laden, modular twisted workflow with me adding the digitone presets into the modular mangles. 


ive got two days off just now and im looking forward to getting stuck into it though. i bought it on the strength of modeys videos and the idea of FM synthesis as a simple and easily accessible way to get nice pads and melody based ideas to contrast the wacky uncontrollable happy accident method of my modular. so far its been impressing me. 

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Glad I could be of assistance :D


Yeah, I'm finding it really easy to use for lush stuff. I might try to make some tech/IDM bangerz with it at some point though, haha

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one quick thing though, im working my way through the manual, how do you program in polyphony on one channel on the digitone sequencer? so it has 8 voice polyphony channel per channel? how do you program in a chromatic 8 note chord on one trigstep of the sequencer?


ive barely touched elektron machines, just getting used to the workflow. 

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It has 8 voices polyphony shared between the four tracks. You can force each track to use a certain amount of voices (the "lips" button) though, which is useful for monophonic stuff.


As for chords, you can either enter them using a MIDI keyboard (hold a trig and play a chord) or, when holding the trig (and I think when the TRIG menu is displayed) press UP or DOWN, then while still holding the trig, press YES to add more notes. There's another method, which is using the "TRACK NOTE METHOD" on p.28 of the manual, but I haven't tried that yet.. apparently it's quite useful.

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Just wanted to mention I have no real GAS at all, Digitone arrived and has been a baffling journey. Cheers!

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I weirdly have no lust for the Digitone despite it being, much like the PO-33, something I've dreamt of for years. That said, I've read so many glowing reviews of it that I'm developing FOMO. Not of a unique sound design odyssey but a shared challenge, like a video game that precipitates music. 

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