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the watmm GAS thread


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Thanks modey & RSP! I'll check out Cluster and Harmonia; I'm not too familiar with the stuff but it smells stronly of krautrock which is very much my thing. :)


With regard to the SP404 (and samplers in general) I saw a guy play a live set using two SP404s and a Korg MS20 mini which kind of tickled me in a good way because I love people wizard sounds out of minimal gear. I'm pretty sure he used the Korg only as a filter and he had a lot of stuff prepared in the sampler so looking at these things it's always pretty hard to understand where the samples end and the live manipulation begins, especially if you're like me and don't really know how any hardware works. :)

Oh, don't get me wrong, the 303 and 404 are really great, I jsut know my friend well enough to know that he'd be better off with an MPC1000 in the long run.


Cluster (and Kluster) and Harmonia are great.


If you've ever listened to the B side of Heroes by Bowie you've kind of heard Harmonia, because (according to Harmonia at any rate) after Eno spent a couple weeks living with them and recording a bunch of material in '76 he took some of the tapes with him, had Bowie overdub vocals on excerpts from them, and released them as a large chunk of that album without giving Harmonia any credit.  Eno speaks really highly of them but in the interviews I've seen (especially that BBC krautrock documentary from a few years back) the feeling doesn't seem to be entirely mutual.


Anyway, they're really good, I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite krautrock band but it would definitely be down to Ash Ra Temple, Popol Vuh, or Harmonia, they're that good.

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My GAS is strong at present.

I (dangerously) installed the Reverb app to my phone and now keep finding awesome second hand pedals / circuit bent one-offs that I reckon would be good for me.


I have managed to find myself some personal time / space to dedicate to making/playing music again but then money isn't particularly free flowing lately. 


My garden fence needs repairing / replacing but then I'd love a H2N field mic

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I'm kind of lusting after an Akai S5000 lately but I've got to save the money from this fall's extra work to put toward a TTSH board set and parts to finally build/finish a few other projects that have been on hold because of moving.


But I have a feeling 10 years from now I'll regret not getting one when I could.

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I've really slowed down since buying the 0-coast. There are things I want, but I haven't really been making much music on my gear lately. I've been getting back into nanoloop after discovering some new exploitable limitations in the latest version, and have been working on a few bits and pieces in Renoise. 


I also feel like I am my most productive when only using one or two pieces of gear at a time; I don't even think I'd like the result of trying to get all my gear synced up and mixed together for one composition. Having said that, I have plans for a new Pselodux synth album that will make extensive use of my Nords, SY22, JV1010 etc.. but that's more about arrangement and multitracking than making minimal tech bangerz haha


I do sometimes feel like I could sell everything (after sampling extensively of course) and then just going back to nanoloop2 and renoise, but at the very very least, I think the octatrack and nord lead will stay with me forever.


It also helps that I'm getting into other creative avenues, like brewing, pickling, cooking (and hopefully arduino programming when I have time) etc. Music will always be my number one, but I need to relax and not feel pressured to consistently release music.

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Damn it, my security deposit refund just arrived today, convince me that I shouldn't spend most of it on a really clean, almost fully expanded Akai S-5000 with a card reader installed.  Because I'm having a hard time convincing myself it isn't a good idea.


Edit: 16 outputs installed!  256mb of sample RAM! Could be upgraded to 128 notes of polyphony for not that much money!

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After getting the MS2000 I now feel I'm at the Gear Limit. My audio interface ins and outs are mostly full and I've run out of cables to hook everything up. I even have enough gear to have simultaneous "laptop" and "hardware only" setups, so at this point I should really stop buying more stuff.


But my treacherous mind has begun to focus on the most shoddy part on what I already have - the control surface. Right now it's a frankenhack made out of a first-gen Novation Launchpad (running the Launchpad95 remote script, which I don't really extensively make use of), a shoddily built Doepfer PE (which randomly sends some knobs' MIDI values without being touched) and a cheapo USB numpad which I run through ControllerMate to convert keypresses into MIDI. There's a custom Ableton Live remote script and a Pure Data routing/paging engine also involved.


I guess the good thing is that what I have now is Working and there's probably no one shot solution to replacing it all that would actually take less space (I think right now my frankensurface is smaller in terms of area than a Push).


What I'd like though is something with visual feedback for parameter names/values so I could just chuck the laptop to the side and not have to look at it. Maybe a frankenhack solution is to use Osculator and send values to TouchOSC?

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I couldn't resist taking a chance on an untested Roland S-550 (missing the cord) for $68 from some electronics salvage company on eBay.  So far I've had a 100% success rate buying old gear as-is untested and finding out it works perfectly.  So far.

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The monologue is fantastic. It kicked my GAS in the balls pretty hard. I still want a BAM but this has put in clear perspective what I really want from gear. I'm ready to start unloading some of the stuff I bought over the last year or so.

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Actually I guess I didn't, the bid manager didn't actually log on rigght.



For the best, realy, I don't actully need it, don't really have much space in the rack, and frankly shouldn't be spending any money at all right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...


bastl went and done it again!


Im still waiting on the softPop but the gas is strong.....


dang...the GAS is indeed strong with this one

Gotta love Bastl - can't wait to hear more examples, but pretty much sold as is :cisfor:

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bastl went and done it again!


Im still waiting on the softPop but the gas is strong.....

dang...the GAS is indeed strong with this one

Gotta love Bastl - can't wait to hear more examples, but pretty much sold as is :cisfor:

my argument for not insta-buying is that in theory one could replicate what this does in a computer but the knobs.... and the box... :psyduck:
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my argument for not insta-buying is that in theory one could replicate what this does in a computer but the knobs.... and the box... :psyduck:



agreed, but that's why I feel the need for these sorts of boxes, I know I wont have the pacience to sit at a computer experimenting long enough to achieve the effects, and even if I do achieve them - i'll second guess them because there are so many other possibilites!


the boxes create a nice sense of restriction, plus the tactile 'live' feeling is like fuel to finish an idea, or at least commit to it :gamer:


also - feels like it's the new MicroGranny, except you have to feed samples through it

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lol I love the trend of putting screens and small computers into a Eurorack format. 


Yeah, I run Ableton on my Macbook but it's been fitted into a Eurorack enclosure with CV in/out and also it's $6000 custom-made but ya know, it's Eurorack. :)

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