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so yeah, i mean... i don't visit r/donald or whatever shit... but... basically after deleting r/pizzagate spez has gone on record stating that he shadow edited peoples posts completely taking away any and all credibility of any post ever on reddit forever. legit 1984 shit





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this is very creepy


wait til you see the secret codes they're using.





This is a major misunderstanding or a massive conspiracy.


It's definitely not a joke.


The pizza.jpg email is probably the most damning of them all.

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Blackmailability in a politician might be a desirable asset for the Deep State/Shadow Cabal/Illuminati whatever...



that would explain  stuff like the alleged Skull&Bones perverted sex rituals ---- but then why was the thing about PM Cameron(UK) having his way with a pig leaked . a revenge for what?

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There's a lot going on. Too much to take in. Gotta go to bed. Could stay up all night reading this shit.




this stuff in particular.


The geography of what's located around their businesses, plus who owns what buildings, then you have all that shit^

Why the fuck is an artsy gay pizza restaurant owner connected to politicians and also the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children?


And why are all these people connected to convicted pedos and other various criminals related to trafficking etc.


it's really fucked but seems super serious.

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There's another video where joe biden actually fondles this little girl's "breast" to the point she moves away in discomfort, but I dunno how to find it.

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This shit is mega dark!

I don't usually talk about this stuff hear cause most people think it's conspiracy bullshit but when you start researching stuff like MK Ultra and other black op stuff including super soldiers, project montauk etc etc...ritual abuse and mind control is pretty heavy shit. This pizzagate stuff starts getting into satanic worship and energy harvesting that the elite seems to be into whether they're just fucked up and deluded or actually reptilian holograms I don't know but the pedo stuff is fucking everywhere it's scary. Poor kids

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u would

I'm just joking man. Democrats doing something wrong is like a math equation that equates to "ERROR" on a calculator. It's like dividing by zero. It's a literal physical impossibility by all measures of scientific reason. The atomic structure of the elements will not allow that to happen. It's honestly fundamentally impossible.

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I'm not going to discuss all the particulars as it would take me hours to write everything, but you can look for yourself and convince yourself whether it seems legit or not. 


There's definitely something going on.

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in laymans terms...i don't trust much of the negative light put on the occult by these articles n shit... it's just rich people who are materialistic idiots who think they're chosen ones given their social stature or whatever, compelling them to find alternate paths of spirituality and given many of their idiot-natures they themselves too put a negative light on these inherently important practices... and so they fucking go to inspiring and evocative, and controversial artists like Marina Avbramovich and have dinner parties cause she's old, yet beautiful and super bohemian or some shit and celebrities love that shit. give it up, ya'll  just fearin what you don't understand


ps marina abramovic is super tight, i quite like her

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well, I don't like her. even as an artist supposedly exploring the realms of higher consciousness (performance art in her case, which I will always view with some measure of suspicion), she still can't escape the Serbian in her, hence her idiotic remarks about Australian Aboriginal people.


why are we talking about her in a joke comspiracy thread?

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why are we talking about her in a joke comspiracy thread?

Because she's connected to this. From observation, I have gathered that humoring the truth is a way of coping. Subsequently, this appeal to ridicule thread is the thread to converse about this (cuz that's how we roll)





having said that, it's a pretty disappointing response from the mainstream media and such.


The mainstream media is in the hands of a few conglomerates, who are owned by few people with lots of power. Im guessing that either A) they are connected to this or B) they see ways of getting something out of this by not reporting on this "Say, Clinton Foundation... there is some damning evidence that you are related to pizzagate. I won't report on it, if you give me this and that"

​The media is just a medium to guide the discourse. It paints the world view of people who follow it. If (((they))) don't want you to know something, they won't report on it in mainstream news.

​Concering this case: the evidence presented has got me convinced, but it's not case worthy. Next to that, there are a lot of very powerful people involved who can pull strings to never let this see the light of day. It depresses me greatly that these people seem to be above the law.

Am I the only one who actually likes some of this creepy art associated with this? aesthetically at least

​It makes you aesthetically fucked up bruh. Or an aesthetically closeted molestor.


joe biden vid


behind his pearly white smile and goody uncle like manners, a real predator is looming. burn in hell, joe.

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says the artist herself:




“Everything depends on which context you are doing what you are doing. If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art or in a gallery, then it is the art. If you are doing it in different context, in spiritual circles or private house or on TV shows, it is not art. The intention, the context for what is made, and where it is made defines what art is or not.”








done in a gallery = performance art


done in a pit constructed under Tony Podesta's house = Occult ritual
















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