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g60h p5-2omh g2h2.t 0-n craked

Guest môak

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Guest Mr. Magoo

no not really, but some guy in a another thread with the name popstar, and who had 1 post, said that this whole code thing reminds him of those "ARG games", in which are codes/encryptings, ARG=Alternate reality game en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_Reality_Game


so it must be a code.


so try to use this tool to crack it http://www.elfqrin.com/codecracker.html

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Guest felttipen

the code means 'we are having a party in scotland. you can come if want. oh its gonna be great. we gonna have cakes and tea. oh... bring a boardgame and some biscuits.'


i printed out the code, then cut out each sentence into strips. i strapped the strips onto bees. the bees made a funny tune from buzzing which i decided to record. i played the buzzing slowly through water and recorded the sonic waves that the buzzing had made. i then rubbed jam onto my chest and made love to my cat. sparks flew from my penis and the sonic recordings changed into words. i was estatic,although, sadly my cat had died from the electric shot.

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Guest roygbiv

1. Learn to spell (craked?)


2. call your thread what it is, dont call it code 'craked' when it hasnt been.


3. This could have gone onto any one of the other threads on this topic.


also, what are you talking about? first you try and explain ARGs as if you're the only one who knew what they were, then you say 'so it must be a code.' well yes we know this but it has nothing to do with ARGs.

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Guest Archrival

Twoismrs outsmarted xltronicboccians and wattemboccians :grin:


twoism is the shizznit :laughing:

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Guest Moebius

Cracked? It's cracked because someone had the brilliant insight that "it's probably a code"? Good grief...

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