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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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you guys seen the vic berger time heidecker stuff?


it's pretty amazing especially towards the end. a nice alex jones moment too.


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Trump is losing it for real this time, calling Clinton 'the devil' today, lol. Also predicting civil war following a rigged election.  :blink:

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 Also predicting civil war following a rigged election.  :blink:


Actually, I fear in the not too distant future this may be a thing. The division in this country is palpable at times. Hell, I just gots to go to some family functions to hear fucking looney tunes conspiracy theories and the dangers of that thought process permeating everyday people. Also listening to conservative radio, Dr. Michael Savage in particular. The seeds of propagating and cultivating this us vs. them mentality is being eaten up by people who believe anything their told from a like-minded person with a national voice. It can be very dangerous talk. Although, I hope the silent majority will always hold onto some semblance of rationality. The extreme right & left thought is shoved down our gullets by the media and one can get lost in that horseshit diatribe. Unfortunately all it takes is one asshole to give many people an extremely bad day. And it happens all too readily nowadays. If Trump doesn't get elected, I wonder what some of these folks will be capable of. It's like throwing a bone to a dog I guess. "OK, OK...you get Trump for four years to simmer down and chill a bit". I Don't know if a segment of our population can handle 4 more years of a Democrat in the oval office. Maybe I'm listening to too much Megadeth's Dystopia.

Strange world innit. Where we used to inform comedy like "The Simpsons and South Park", those shows have now informed us & we live in some Hyper Reality Simpsons/South Park universe. 


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