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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I've been watching Vietnam vet historical record kind of docs and the way they have been treated is awful. Especially when they came back. There was a draft. They had no choice. It was like a prison sentence and to be spat upon or refused drinks at a bar. I can't believe we did that to them. I wasn't born but we as a people

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good ol nunes.. he's doing anything to obstruct the investigation and be a lapdog for the president.  


he's implicated in all this (specifically the Flynn stuff) and i think is just trying to cover his own ass. hopefully he gets caught up in charges and flynn testifies against him or something.. 


i hope the lot of them get made examples of. it's gonna be a big ugly thing in america if this does actually go down.. there's enough wackos w/guns who will probably start shooting in order to protect their god emperor trump. 

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Heaviest Presidents:

William Howard Taft 332 lb.

Grover Cleveland 275 lb.

William McKinley 233 lb.

Zachary Taylor 230 lb.


Trump is 239 pounds. He is the 3rd greatest president.

Edited by very honest
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Still wondering how folks who lived thru Nixon are comparing the two presidencies, because there seem to be some parallels. But was Nixon ever the level of tyrant that Trump aspires to be?



there's so much dirt on nixon.. and recordings of him in the oval office saying all kinds of racist shit and tlaking about plugging leaks and everything else.. and the laos camboda vietnam etc


he did a few good things while president but lot's of awful stuff and abused his power etc.. 



"Nixon was a professional politician, and I despised everything he stood for -- but if he were running for president this year against the evil Bush-Cheney gang, I would happily vote for him." - Hunter S. Thompson. 


I feel the same about Bush now with Trump in office. 


Nixon and Trump are similar in their sense of arrogance, shamlessness and feeling of invincibility. While they are both on the right that's about the only major shared point. Nixon was smart as hell and far more pragmatic. 


I've been watching Vietnam vet historical record kind of docs and the way they have been treated is awful. Especially when they came back. There was a draft. They had no choice. It was like a prison sentence and to be spat upon or refused drinks at a bar. I can't believe we did that to them. I wasn't born but we as a people


It was absolutely godawful and injust but it's also complicated by a lot of other factors too


1. Rich and privileged could get out of it. Draftees often ended up as infantry and other combat roles because the others were filled: people oft forget we had hundreds of thousands of military personal still serving around the world in Korea, Japan, Germany, in the Navy and USAF, etc. on alert because of the Soviet threat WHILE we had 500,000+ in Vietnam. So in 'Nam there was a lot of built-in distrust and resentment that lead to leadership failures, bad morale and in extreme cases fragging. After the war the military was a in a funk recruitment wise. I think the draft was finally ended in the late 70s and national guard, who in 'Nam were guaranteed not to deploy overseas, were incorporated into the military 100%. So in 2003 it swung the other way where national guard troops found themselves in combat in the middle east.


2. The war wasn't that unpopular, especially from the onset, in fact there were people who volunteered to fight, albeit in smaller numbers. Add the fact that the combat units bore the brunt of fighting but are only a fraction of personal - like in WW2 or even now most military personal are support units in some capacity. Critics of the war were left-wing and also often anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, anti-establishment...so naturally it lead to sociopolitical tribalism and stereotypes like we have now with pro-war people considering themselves patriots. When shit starting hitting the fan in 1968 and 1969 and more mainstream critics emerged it was still too late - vets came back feeling ostracized and demonized. Some vets became anti-war while others resent anti-war people. Most all feel abandoned in general  - there was no "honor and respect" bestowed on them.


3. Unlike WW2 most personal were not only drafted but experienced far, far more combat. Unprecedented levels really. And while combat vets of WW2 came home to GI Bills and other support Vietnam vets came home with horror stories and absolute disillusionment. It's a war we literally left without any sense of success.


4. Hindsight only really revealed how misguided the war was. Every POTUS from Ike to Nixon essentially supported the war by default. In fact ironically Nixon help lead to it being a withdrawal, not exactly escalating it, while also bombing the shit out of it, similar to the Bush/Obama exit plan in Iraq.


Anyway I could rant on about this, it's an absolutely tragic and fascinating war with so many facets. Still need to see the Burns doc but I've read up on it a lot.

Edited by joshuatx
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Cheeto powder = orang smegma

The thing that bothers me (among countless things) about him is that while a liar, he's a very obvious and half-assed liar, but that's not the troubling part. What's disturbing is how many people eat up his bullshit and take it for gospel, how many of these maniacs defend him so voraciously that anything counter to what he says sets them into a rage...even if it's the god damn truth.

I've made the analogy before, but this is parallel to Resident Evil 4, with Osmund Saddler and his congregation of Ganados.

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Interesting interview with David Cay Johnston who wrote a book, or rather books, about Trump. After 20mins it gets into the meat of why "it's even worse than you think". If you can spare the time, watch it.


Good vid thnx

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isn't it strange the government decided on continuing fisa only weeks ago and now are crying it's not functioning? (obv the memo is just a hype and will not even be released as it's got no substance whatsoever. classic trump tactic. believe me. file under obama birth certificate)


doesn't happen often, but this looks like good reporting to me

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The most interesting thing, imo, to come out of this nonsense memo is the effect it has on the civil liberties discussion. Because it depends heavily on civil liberties arguments.

As is posted in the intercept, for instance.


A silver lining might be, this will actually help to rationalize the civil liberties discussion. If it's not a well informed discussion, you can end up in lala-land defending civil liberties for the wrong reasons and with a potentially disastrous outcome. Any malignant idiot can use civil liberties arguments to get away with their bullshit. And civil liberties could become criminal liberties.


The biggest win, imo, is that it has become fairly obvious there is no moral high ground in this discussion.

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thing is mass of humanity in america is going to skip the details. they're going to watch fox news for answers and believe all of it and move on w/their hysteria about the deep state. 


i think it'd be nice if there were 3 stations again for like a year.. and people could get retrained on news instead of 'fair and balanced' cable news... actually. maybe one channel. pbs. that's it. 

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the superbowl seems like a nice distraction to fire rosenstein, before the dems can release their own memo. then he can just tweet something outrageous to try and move the news cycle on, or, failing that, strike north korea


and to rebut it fully, the FBI/DOJ might have to expose sensitive info about sources


it feels like a chess move by the russians, to fuck with america using its own institutions, but occams razor suggests its just the usual clownery by trump

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i dont understand, should we not spy on spies? carter page was playing around with russians, you play with russians you get spied on. Russian gov't is actively trying to undermine and destroy western society, i have zero problems spying on putin's dogs.

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