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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Replace the cnn logo with the American flag and it will be more accurate



i might have to do that and send it out into the world. 

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So he had his daughter sit in for him with the most powerful people in the world.


"Ivanka was sitting in the back and then briefly joined the main table when the President had to step out, and the president of the World Bank started talking as the topic involved areas such as African development -- areas that will benefit from the facility just announced by the World Bank," the official said, referencing a initiative Ivanka Trump has spearheaded that looks to fund women entrepreneurs."


What could possibly be more important that he would need to step out for? And besides that, this is some third-world dictator type shit. I'm not seeing much outrage about this and I would venture a guess that people have outrage fatigue and can't be bothered anymore. Which works out perfect for Trump. 

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That little trick where they release part of a story, get people's lies on record and then release the rest of the story to show that they're lying will never get old. 

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So he had his daughter sit in for him with the most powerful people in the world.


"Ivanka was sitting in the back and then briefly joined the main table when the President had to step out, and the president of the World Bank started talking as the topic involved areas such as African development -- areas that will benefit from the facility just announced by the World Bank," the official said, referencing a initiative Ivanka Trump has spearheaded that looks to fund women entrepreneurs."


What could possibly be more important that he would need to step out for? And besides that, this is some third-world dictator type shit. I'm not seeing much outrage about this and I would venture a guess that people have outrage fatigue and can't be bothered anymore. Which works out perfect for Trump.

He had to blast out his morning burrito bowl

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the thing about collusion is that it is very hard to prove.


if wapo thinks junior taking info from a russian is "breathtaking," that doesn't make it collusion.


proving collusion means evidence that trump helped the russians fuck with the US. how are they going to prove that?


as much as i think trump is in with the russians and a fucking traitor, i have doubts about whether collusion will proved.

Edited by very honest
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the thing about collusion is that it is very hard to prove.


if wapo thinks junior taking info from a russian is "breathtaking," that doesn't make it collusion.


proving collusion means evidence that trump helped the russians fuck with the US. how are they going to prove that?


as much as i think trump is in with the russians and a fucking traitor, i have doubts about whether collusion will proved.


His behaviour is by definition, collusion. 

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Mueller has way more than the media lets on. Notice how he's hiring respected prosecutors and Trump's lawyers are hiring lawyers. Collusion, money laundering, and obstruction of justice with airtight evidence on all three. This little story is just the tip of the iceberg. 

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they don't need to prove collusion, obstruction of justice would be enough. obviously the more they can prove the better though. 

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