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Fyre Festival


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yeah boo hoo for the privileged white hipsters who listened to Kendall Jenner (the Pepsi savior) and spent that much to think they were better than the rest of us.  Try traveling in the 3rd world, it's not much better.


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The funny thing is that with $4000 I could have backpacked in the Caribbean for a couple of months and slept in better conditions and eaten better food.

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This exact thing happened somewhere in Europe last year. 'Luxury' festival for cunts on an island turns out be a disaster. Can't remember the name. Seems like a great scam. Until the lawsuits anyway


Edit it was called Obonjan, although they at least tried to turn people away before they'd arrived (by like a days notice)


Edited by Amen Warrior
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I mean, I felt very privileged to be able to buy a ticket to Day for Night and fly there for a weekend and that entire excursion was less than $1000.


It's good to see these assholes subjected to these kinds of conditions. They've probably never ridden a bus in their lives.

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It's great seeing all these female-only festivals they advertise nowadays! Really forward-thinking of them to let the ladies have their own private excursions like that! Us males don't usually go to music festivals anyways right lads?! Just a bounty of fun-loving females in those sands!


p.s. where the hell did they pull that dilluted stock festival footage from? Its not like they did that last year right? Such hogwash every single bit of it. I have little to no sympathy for anyone that spent money on this

Edited by BoomTssPhace
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This guy was warning them it was fraudulent for almost 2 months before the event and the idiots still came.


Also lol. The supermodels advertised only stuck around for 1 minute: they danced off the plane, giving a couple of shots of tequila, and then jumped right back on the plane.

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This guy was warning them it was fraudulent for almost 2 months before the event and the idiots still came.


Also lol. The supermodels advertised only stuck around for 1 minute: they danced off the plane, giving a couple of shots of tequila, and then jumped right back on the plane.


Yeah it's crazy how much of a fraud this event is. This guy saw right through it.

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Likening it to a refugee camp is pretty fucking disgraceful. These kids would be crying to mommy in under an hour in an actual refugee camp.

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Likening it to a refugee camp is pretty fucking disgraceful. These kids would be crying to mommy in under an hour in an actual refugee camp.

To be fair, the accommodation was literally a refugee aid tent
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I thought they were leftover FEMA  USAID (whatever) aid tents from hurricane matthew? Displaced Americans vs refugees... worlds apart.

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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