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Have you got some video examples ? All the ones I've seen are just mushy pictures zooming in/out and morphing into other mushy pictures e.g.



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24 minutes ago, mcbpete said:

Have you got some video examples ? All the ones I've seen are just mushy pictures zooming in/out and morphing into other mushy pictures e.g.

Warp Fusion (Stable Diffusion):

Disco Diffusion:



VQGAN x EbSynth:


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Here are my thoughts on the arguments:

1. **Auxien's argument about intelligence being a series of experienced learnings**: This is largely true. Intelligence is often defined as the ability to learn, understand, and apply knowledge, solve problems, and adapt to new situations. Auxien's argument correlates with how AI models like GPT-3 work. These models are trained on vast amounts of data, learning to predict the next word in a sentence based on the context provided by the preceding words. This training process allows them to generate human-like text that reflects a wide variety of knowledge and reasoning abilities【5†source】.

2. **Summon Dot E X E's question about the future of work**: This is a major point of debate in discussions about AI. The concern is that as AI becomes more capable, it could potentially displace human workers, leading to unemployment or underemployment. On the other hand, AI could also open up new opportunities by taking over routine tasks, allowing humans to focus on more complex and creative tasks. The challenge lies in managing this transition in a way that benefits society as a whole【7†source】.

3. **Auxien's comparison between a human expert and ChatGPT**: The point made here is valid. While a human expert has deep knowledge in a specific area, models like GPT-3 have been trained on diverse datasets and can generate responses on a wide range of topics. However, it's important to note that this doesn't mean GPT-3 possesses knowledge or understanding in the same way a human does. It's simply predicting what comes next in a sequence based on its training, and it doesn't possess conscious understanding or awareness【8†source】.

4. **Cichlisuite's questions about how ChatGPT works**: Cichlisuite seems to be under the impression that ChatGPT stores and retrieves information in a manner similar to a database, but this is not accurate. As another user explains, ChatGPT and similar models are trained using machine learning algorithms that adjust the model's parameters to predict the next word in a sentence based on the context provided by the preceding words. The model doesn't store information or look up answers in the way a database does. Instead, it generates responses based on patterns it has learned during training【12†source】【13†source】【14†source】.

5. **The argument that ChatGPT doesn't possess knowledge**: This is largely accurate. While ChatGPT can generate responses that seem knowledgeable, it doesn't possess knowledge in the same way humans do. It doesn't understand the information it generates, it's simply predicting what comes next based on its training. This is a crucial distinction to make when discussing AI models like GPT-3【13†source】.

I asked ChatGPT about his opinion on https://forum.watmm.com/topic/93853-ai-the-artificial-intelligence-thread/page/26/#comments

at the end of the statements he adds a link to the quotes he talks about. these did not go well with copy pasting them here 

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23 minutes ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

ha thats cool as shit.. what if you give it "funky disco track in the style of a 4 track tape demo, applied to dancefloor braindance, breakcore"? :sorcerer:

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OpenAI has launched an iOS app for ChatGPT, promising that an Android version is coming “soon.” The app is free to use, syncs chat history with the web, and features voice input, supported by OpenAI’s open-source speech recognition model Whisper.


will be curious to see how many people actually download and ‘use’ this 

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i’ve used Bing Chat a few times to help me do shit in Processing. would use this app for the same but they want a phone number and the whole nine yards so i noped out of that.

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1 hour ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

We're never going to be able to believe video evidence ever again.


at the 0:02 mark right when he turns his head (aka the moment Tom's face gets superimposed on the other dudes body), you can tell it is ever so slightly off before the software corrects it.

video forensic experts will be sharpening their game thanks to all this deep fake BS.

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I asked Chat GPT a random question with Internet access enabled and it started using the Internet because it had the impression it needed up to date information to better answer the question 

It’s was a weird „one second let me google that“ moment 

It also took quite a while browsing and reading the content 

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use chat gpt to clean your fridge

use chat gpt to carry in your groceries

this one new trick to use chat gpt to never have to talk to your mother in law again

chat gpt, learn how to sell chat gpt over the phone with chat gpt

teach your parrot to ward off burglars with chat gpt

learn how to get laid with chat gpt (sex edition)

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9 minutes ago, zero said:


another day, another news story about AI wiping us all out:

Artificial intelligence could lead to extinction, experts warn


extinction is inevitable with the heat death of the universe :emotawesomepm9: might as well get a little hologram waifu that helps with shopping lists on the way there.

I wonder why you decided to post this here? it's just fear mongering, do you just want us to circlejerk complain about it? Or discuss.. AI leading to extinction? I'm so tired of seeing media exploit people's fears for clicks.

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17 hours ago, Alcofribas said:

this does not take into account the pedantic argument made by keith fullerton whitman that the orville is a computer.

Is it really even IDM if no pedantry is involved?

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2 minutes ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

Technically, because "IDM" is a creation of the American press, and because it has been disavowed as elitist by our leaders, we must not use the term, even in jest.

Very pedantic argument - quite IDM.

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1 hour ago, chronical said:

Or discuss.. AI leading to extinction? I'm so tired of seeing media exploit people's fears for clicks.

same, i’m just waiting for the real AI overthrow & elimination of humanity. all this clickbaity shit is just cockteasing. 


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1 hour ago, chronical said:

I wonder why you decided to post this here? it's just fear mongering, do you just want us to circlejerk complain about it? Or discuss.. AI leading to extinction? I'm so tired of seeing media exploit people's fears for clicks.

all of the above? I was making an obv sarcastic post... I lol'd when I saw that headline pop up...again.

yes I agree it seems to be stale at this point discussing about AI wiping us out. we went down the rabbit hole on it in this thread a few pages ago, including myself. 

1 hour ago, dcom said:

Say what now?





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