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Will BOC Release A New Album?


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I messaged the bros and they sent me this picture, what could it mean? Get sleuthing!



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On 2/13/2021 at 11:46 PM, brian trageskin said:


I think this is one of my favourite posts of all time. I’m sure if ‘The Brothers’ could see it they would lol as well ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

A former school friend lives up near Berwick in the Scottish borders.  He is adamant that he has met one of the brothers as part of a hiking and twitching social group.  He's not a BoC or electronic music fan and only realised when a friend pointed out to him.  He can't remember which one it was, he seemed to think he was called Andy for some reason.  You can believe this if you want, but he's not one to make stuff up, he's a GP and quite a serious person.  Anyway, I mention this as it's perfectly possible that they just have different interests and priorities beyond music these days.

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15 minutes ago, kakapo said:

A former school friend lives up near Berwick in the Scottish borders.  He is adamant that he has met one of the brothers as part of a hiking and twitching social group.  He's not a BoC or electronic music fan and only realised when a friend pointed out to him.  He can't remember which one it was, he seemed to think he was called Andy for some reason.  You can believe this if you want, but he's not one to make stuff up, he's a GP and quite a serious person.  Anyway, I mention this as it's perfectly possible that they just have different interests and priorities beyond music these days.

No truer words were ever spoken (bolded)

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Obviously it’s  their hobby not their day job. Which is a double edged sword. Bad because releases are limited but good because what they do release is honed to hexagon sun perfection. Simples!


I think it’s not healthy to believe in the long years  in between releases they are  communicating via some some BoC encrypted code. Mathematical psychosis. I know a lot of times there seems quite genuine posts from perhaps people who are close to them who say please forget about this. But they don’t.

Maybe it’s like when I was younger I was totally obsessed with ghosts. Im sure I saw one when I was 17 in a church yard in rural Wales. Now I’m older,  I’m sure it was me playing mind game tricks with myself. I just wanted it to be real. 

Bit of a mild drunk ramble there. Goodnight.




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(But they don’t = twoism) ^^^


I think Mike and Marcus will finish with BOC once their contract is over. Which might be a good thing. Would be interesting to hear them create music from other genres and free from the BOC concept/vision that they are currently loyal to. Once the Warp contract has been fulfilled they’ll probably be much more chill with sharing their music.


That’s another mild drunk Sunday ramble ?


Edited by beerwolf
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I had a pretty vivid dream last night that a new BoC album came out, totally under the radar and was hyped only by late night public TV informercials. It wasn't space themed, the sound landed somewhere in between TCH and Geogaddi. Weird and ethereal. I listened to it the whole way through. Of course this morning I couldn't recall a single tune, but I know the dream happened. 

What I'm saying is, I think something is coming. 

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On 3/11/2021 at 11:46 AM, kakapo said:

A former school friend lives up near Berwick in the Scottish borders.  He is adamant that he has met one of the brothers as part of a hiking and twitching social group.  He's not a BoC or electronic music fan and only realised when a friend pointed out to him.  He can't remember which one it was, he seemed to think he was called Andy for some reason.  You can believe this if you want, but he's not one to make stuff up, he's a GP and quite a serious person.  Anyway, I mention this as it's perfectly possible that they just have different interests and priorities beyond music these days.

I know what hiking is but what is "twitching"?

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it'd be nice if they would pop up and say something, anything about wtf is going on with them. if they are no longer planning to release music then that's fine, just seems like a courtesy to all their fans to at least let us know that. I know they don't owe us shit, but c'mon...

remember when TH was released in the Cali desert, and some warp rep said Mike/Marcus texted him to say they love us all? this is an odd way to show your love, by completely ignoring those who really dig them.

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4 hours ago, zero said:

it'd be nice if they would pop up and say something, anything about wtf is going on with them. if they are no longer planning to release music then that's fine, just seems like a courtesy to all their fans to at least let us know that. I know they don't owe us shit, but c'mon...

remember when TH was released in the Cali desert, and some warp rep said Mike/Marcus texted him to say they love us all? this is an odd way to show your love, by completely ignoring those who really dig them.

I agree with you, and think about it more than is probably healthy and normal (obviously), but that’s never really been their M.O. 

As long as they’re still officially with Warp it’s a safe bet they haven’t hung up their boots. I’m guessing life stuff happened and I’m sure the global pandemic didn’t help. 

I hope they come back with an uplifting or more calming album next time around, given the anxiety and stress of recent years. Of course a weird cultish dark album would be acceptable too ?

Edited by Friendly Stranger
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4 hours ago, zero said:

it'd be nice if they would pop up and say something, anything about wtf is going on with them. if they are no longer planning to release music then that's fine, just seems like a courtesy to all their fans to at least let us know that. I know they don't owe us shit, but c'mon...

remember when TH was released in the Cali desert, and some warp rep said Mike/Marcus texted him to say they love us all? this is an odd way to show your love, by completely ignoring those who really dig them.

not saying a thing is probably a better marketing strategy in their case, whether they've retired or not

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5 hours ago, zero said:

it'd be nice if they would pop up and say something, anything about wtf is going on with them. if they are no longer planning to release music then that's fine, just seems like a courtesy to all their fans to at least let us know that. I know they don't owe us shit, but c'mon...

remember when TH was released in the Cali desert, and some warp rep said Mike/Marcus texted him to say they love us all? this is an odd way to show your love, by completely ignoring those who really dig them.

'they don't owe us....but they owe us'

it's no wonder they keep their fanbase away with a very long stick relaying light messages through label reps. 

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3 hours ago, auxien said:

'they don't owe us....but they owe us'

yeah I get it, slight bit of contradiction there. guess I just don't know how to properly say that I would love to hear some new tunes from them, without sounding slightly frustrated that it's been 8 years now without a mention of anything coming down the pipe. I really don't spend much time thinking about it, only whenever I see this thread pop up, I suppose.

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Maybe one day they might be less hermitical. It would be strange to never bathe in a little bit of the warmth of their loyal fans base. And have a bit of a group hug ?

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