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Mouse on Mars - Dimensional People

Lada Laika

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WOW. a vast, unpredictable journey. flows extremely well despite constant variation.


fun and exhilarating first listen, and there is still so much to unpack. these tracks are immense and details will definitely keep unfolding with repeated listens.

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got my vinyl in the mail today! Isn't that early? Blerp says expected to ship tmrw.


Rare that I get albums early. Rare as in basically never. Dope!

jealous! I just got the dispatch notification yesterday. cannot wait to hear tho

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Yes! New MoM!


Love the audio sample, reminds me of 'The Illking' from Idiology, same kind of vibe

I love Idiology and just discovered this music video from activist respoke, reminds me of the plaid video itsu. Sadly no ones doing music videos for idm anymore, or ?




Analogical Force puts up videos, but they're not all very intricate: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnalogicalForce

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cant wait for this. and yes i know we had a muziq album, ceephax album and 8 hours of ae in the same month

Put the AE down for just a bit....and give this a run through.  I have found AE is currently dominating my life...and this album is a helpful mind-enema.

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just received the vinyl and gave it a spin.


what a fun, sonically diverse record! MoM prove once again that """"experimental"""" music doesn't mean it has to be pretentious chin-stroking bullshit.


fav track: foul mouth

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hm. im sure some people will like this or find it interesting but this is just not my vibe. at least not right now. i really only liked the last track. its like they remade idiology but with lots of contributions from less interesting artists. why is beirut on this record? no clue. there are some fun parts i suppose but i'll just listen to that perfect record idiology again. certainly didn't feel anything special about the spatial mixing on my headphones and I doubt I will on the vinyl with my stereo speakers, as good as they are.


listening to this felt like watching a home movie that your friends made but you were sick that day. 

Edited by dr lopez
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This just arrived today. Holy fuck, this is dense. I love it. 


Same. I'm putting it up there as one of their best albums.


I get what Dlo is saying too though, especially his comments RE "remade ideology". 

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This just arrived today. Holy fuck, this is dense. I love it. 


Same. I'm putting it up there as one of their best albums.


I get what Dlo is saying too though, especially his comments RE "remade ideology". 



Yeah I can definitely see where that criticism is coming from, but hell... if you're gonna remake one of your albums, might as well remake your best. Viewed as Idiology II, this is a masterwork and a very worthy follow-up. 

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What I love is that you can’t see what is coming around the corner. You get into a groove and then you are hit by something random (and beautiful) out of left field.

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i hate the vocals. all of them. the hipster rap verse, beirut, swamp dog, the other unbearable twee "folk" singers.

That was what I was afraid of. National turd involvement means I won't touch this.


Yeah thanks for confirming what I suspected goys. <3 <3 <3 MOM but that 21 Forever compilation was a total phone-in, a few good tracks here 'n there but not enough to make up for all the knob-slobbing nonsense like "we're a hawk and a hacksaw," Mark Smith calling them cunts, chiptune happy birthday, etc.  At first I was excited at the prospect of a new album but when the details began to emerge I was like wtf, this is the same shitty formula dudes, c'mon.


At least the recent-ish Synaptics EP was p dece





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people like "a hawk and a hacksaw" on it. and even worse the guy said "im from a hawk and a hacksaw" on the dang recording


 knob-slobbing nonsense like "we're a hawk and a hacksaw," 





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Yeah the vocals can be a bit much at times, but in other parts I really love them. Usually absolutely can't stand vocals but I think they're mixed in really well. Daylight for example is an instant classic for me. Love it.

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a bit cynical about my first listen as it seems like they've thrown a curve ball to their older fan base. though i did watch that EB documentary, which made it look like they had a blast recording this. fingers crossed.

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