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Elon Musk's Starman - Is this shitty future real wtf


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he seems like a meme who managed to market himself as some kind of real life tony stark to redditors and fuck yeah science people. he basically stumbled into his fortune and now he's blowing it on ridiculous developments but i guess if he accidentally gets the space program going again maybe that's a good thing? either way i kind of hate him.

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he's just the perfect reddit cat owner "because: SCIENCE" tech start up meme nexus that many people just can't let him go. but i feel like azalea banks is right about him.

he seems like a meme who managed to market himself as some kind of real life tony stark to redditors and fuck yeah science people. he basically stumbled into his fortune and now he's blowing it on ridiculous developments but i guess if he accidentally gets the space program going again maybe that's a good thing? either way i kind of hate him.


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i just admire him doing silly stupid stuff that most people think is stupid. and getting away with it. building a car company from zero? sure why not... building rockets? tunnels? the guy is crazy. admirable because he learns from his mistakes and eventually finds ways to get there. he's obviously not a scientist. but smart enough to use it in getting to where he thinks he needs to go. 


the charlatan angle is imo a bit of a cop out. yeah he does stupid shit. and eventually gets away with it by trial and error. it's that silicon valley "fail fast, learn faster" mindset which i admire. lots of failing. but failing doesn't make you a charlatan. nor not having done the regular schoolwork. whatever though. if some people think he's a charlatan (never heard of azalea banks), that's fine. whatever floats your boat i guess.


Elon Musk is very dumb and made his fortune by being bought out of Paypal by Peter Thiel for being stupid (the nail in the coffin was wanting to switch paypal's infrastructure over from windows to linux, costing them unfathomable amounts to do with no payoff.) I don't understand the whole sycophancy part of Elon as he really comes off as an airhead when he talks, keeping making impossible promises, huge claims and is using his sycophants to undermine the media. He is a tech-lord version of Donald Trump. One of the last things he was talking about was making his auto-factory more aerodynamic because he actually thought that it was wind resistance that was causing his factory to be slow :cerious: .

What Elon Musk and Donald Trump have taught me is that the internet, a marketing team and rich dumb boomers are the winning combination to creating a cult fueled by fear of the law of diminishing returns and long-term lead poisoning. Instead of a Ford-like competitor with a technological edge, Tesla is run like Kickstarter where the end result is a far throw away from the dream he was pitching, and people sunk so much of their time and money into it that they will blindly defend their dream, even if 85% of them are defective, falling apart and catching on fire spontaneously.


Hopefully the Chevy Volt or the Nissan Leaf keep the electric car going.


yes i agree with this post on this site



i can't wait for trump to drain the swamp so i can drive my model 3 thru it

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he seems like a meme who managed to market himself as some kind of real life tony stark to redditors and fuck yeah science people. he basically stumbled into his fortune and now he's blowing it on ridiculous developments but i guess if he accidentally gets the space program going again maybe that's a good thing? either way i kind of hate him.


He stumbled into his fortune?  Blowing it on ridiculous developments?  Accidentally gets the space program going again?  You hate him?


These types of views are, let's not mince words here, retarded, nobody stumbles into Musk's position and there's no reason to hate him.  He's not some Trump figure who inherited a fortune and ended up being a dishonest businessman, he did this himself through technical and managerial accomplishments.  He's a meme?  Seems like a misuse of the word.  He's among the top 100 richest people in the world and still actively engages in engineering work and brainstorming as opposed to being a suit


I know he's not a God, but I haven't really seen anyone claiming so and this hate of Musk fanboys seems to be attacking a red herring


Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade, so for this reason there's nothing wrong with calling Musk a visionary genius with a grand plan for humanity, and one of the few people in his financial position trying to bring us into a brighter future that makes actual sense.  Not a God, but a prime example of an excellent human


People can hate him for acting weird and being narcissistic sometimes or saying dumb things on twitter, but the importance of that stuff pales in comparison to the positive impact he's going to have on humanity

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These types of views are, let's not mince words here, retarded

women are stealing cum from bins


I'm picturing big metal bins, like those for clothes donation, being on the street corner for the purpose of dumping sperm into. Some poor homeless woman trying to get in and becoming trapped and asphyxiating to death for trying to take the cum inside on the news every few months.

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These types of views are, let's not mince words here, retarded

women are stealing cum from bins



straw man



it's more of an ad hominem really



It's a straw man that he misrepresented what I said in a much less nuanced way to the point where it's saying something I didn't say, and something that is retarded obviously


It's an ad hominem as well I guess, since even if he was making a valid argument that I was stupid and wrong about something in the past, it still wouldn't be relevant to this entirely different topic and it's for this reason a non-sequitur statement


Unless you're pointing out that my statement in the initial quote is an ad hominem, in which case fair enough I take that sentence back and it's still unrelated to anything else I said and not required.

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Why are you all communicating via pictures instead of words?  Is there some sort of tacit group understanding that these pictures are relevant and are in fact so expressive of the relevant words that need to be said on the part of the side supporting your view of this situation, that they can serve as valid replacements for words, even when no words have been said yet, only meme pictures?

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What's the cum-stealing bin women joke about? Fill me in with the lols

There was a thread about gender relations of some sort and I said that men in fact lack some legal rights women have, such as the legal right to abdicate parental responsibility after conception and before viability, which is objectively true, and some notably rare and exceptional women have exploited this legal situation by stealing the cum of their partners from trash cans and purposefully getting pregnant with it.  This has unironically happened, you can google and find ample examples, and it is a legal loophole which should be fixed, but it's also apparently so funny that it has become a watmm meme

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Why are you all communicating via pictures instead of words?  Is there some sort of tacit group understanding that these pictures are relevant and are in fact so expressive of the relevant words that need to be said on the part of the side supporting your view of this situation, that they can serve as valid replacements for words, even when no words have been said yet, only meme pictures?



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These types of views are, let's not mince words here, retarded

women are stealing cum from bins


I'm picturing big metal bins, like those for clothes donation, being on the street corner for the purpose of dumping sperm into. Some poor homeless woman trying to get in and becoming trapped and asphyxiating to death for trying to take the cum inside on the news every few months.



see sig.


anyway we don't need Elon, crypto is going to turn us all into third-eye ubermensch. job sorted.

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