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i'm looking for the name of an electronic musician i discovered somewhere between 2009 and 2012 i suppose, when i stumbled upon his new release on clone.nl (not 100% sure it was on clone though). 


nationality: for some reason i think he's swiss-german. i think the track names were in german. or something.


he looked geeky, in his early 30s, had a beard, brown hair, weared glasses. 


music on said album: sounded like a recreation of specific forms of synth-pop/ pop music from the late 70's/ early 80's. 

exclusively vintage analog gear, exclusively sequenced music, nothing played manually. 

very rigid, not-groovy uptempo 8th note-beats made with a Roland CR-78 iirc. 

exclusively major melodies and chords. 

notably, my favourite track features dominant 7th sus4-like chord progressions, playing every 8th note (i hope i got the usic theory right, i'm learning). 

the general vibe was joyous, innocent, energetic. 

iirc, the press release specifically mentioned the album's purpose to go back to a time when electronic music was innocent and fresh. 


anyone got ideas?


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the german lead misguided you all. i said i thought he's swiss-german, as in german-speaking swiss, as in switzerland, not germany. i'm a 100% sure he's not german.

maybe he's not swiss at all, but for some reason it seems to fit. 


also, i forgot to mention the guy is completely unknown. only a teeny tiny handful of people would have heard this.

i knew this was gonna be tricky since my recollection is so vague and possibly wrong. 


the best clue i have is the press release i think. i'm quite certain something among those lines was the commentary to the album. not the exact words but the general idea. 

also the CR-78. quite certain it was all made with it. 

btw i've been doubting it was made solely with vintage synths. it just sounded that way. it all sounded substractive, no FM synth or anything. 


if only i could remember where or how i found this, the search would be much easier.

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also, keep in mind that album is uptempo not-groovy happy synth-pop only. not house or techno or disco or whatever.

btw, i couldn't care less about anything on that album except for that one track with the suspended dominant 7ths-like chord progressions, that i really really liked.

another clue is that the rest of the album sounded like old school uptempo happy heroic video game themes. replace the 8-bit sounds with classic Roland gear and you get the idea.


i'm thinking of emulating what i have in mind to give you an idea but i don't even have a DAW anymore, just a virtual synth and audacity.

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I'm intrigued, how are you sure he isn't German?


i just know it. my brain tells me so. he might not be swiss at all though, in which case i'm relying on false memories. 


he's either swiss, american, canadian, or nothing. i'm 99 % sure he's no other nationality. not british, german, dutch, belgian or scandinavian. it's either switzerland or north america. 

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(also Eero Johannes is from Finland)



it's not eero johaness. he's not scandinavian.


it's way less known (i've heard johaness's name). went under watmm's radar. it's not an interesting album at all imo, it only contains one excellent tune, with that very specific cliché chord progression in the chorus that's featured in many classic pop songs.

iirc the music theory of it is that kind of move:


I dominant 7 sus4 

I dominant 7 

IV dominant 7 sus4

IV dominant 7 




I know, I know and I know


But op doesn't really seem to know anything concrete about this release. Maybe he dreamed it?


i didn't dream it. in fact i downloaded it illegally when it was released, just to hear that tune. i don't have that computer anymore so i lost the files. 


i know i heard snippets of it on some site when it came out, i think it was clone, not sure though. and i went on some website (probably the label's) and read the press release. unless i'm mistaking this with a completely different thing but i'm fairly certain it was for that thing.


I think we need to widen the net.

Maybe look at Holland...


lolo. it's not one of those dutch guys, i'm quite certain!


it''s very obscure, i don't even think anyone on watmm  except me heard it back then. 


not remembering the album format is a pain in the ass too.

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Can you name a similar track or artist?


From your description I was imagining something quite different from that Eero Johannes album.


i wish i could find a similar track. my cultural knowledge is too limited though. i just know we've all heard that kind of chord progression before, we all know that sound and its rythmic structure is cliché too: 


1 I 7 sus4 chord x 8 (played 8 times)

2 I 7 x 8

3 IV 7 sus4 x 8

4 IV 7 x 8

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Before the insistence on non-Germanness I was thinking Roland Faber. He had the beard + specs for a while, loads of vintage hardware, and so many projects he must've done something that sounds like what you were describing.


Also since we're just saying whatever now: as I'm trying to imagine those chords sitting at my desk I hear something like Cyber People's Void Vision in my head.


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You're wrong Tregaskin. But don't worry - I got this.


He's Norwegian.


It's Erland Øye!





Before the insistence on non-Germanness I was thinking Roland Faber. He had the beard + specs for a while, loads of vintage hardware, and so many projects he must've done something that sounds like what you were describing.


Also since we're just saying whatever now: as I'm trying to imagine those chords sitting at my desk I hear something like Cyber People's Void Vision in my head.


not that guy.


i think the chorus in void vision is VI-V-I-IV in minor. 

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