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Miyu Kojima Creates Miniature Replicas of Lonely Deaths


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Twenty six-year old Miyu Kojima works for a company that cleans up after kodokushi (孤独死) or lonely deaths: a Japanese phenomenon of people dying alone and remaining undiscovered for a long period of time. The instances first began to be reported around 2000, and are thought to be a product of increased social isolation coupled with a greying population.


Part art therapy and part public service campaign, Kojima spends a large portion of her free time recreating detailed miniature replicas of the rooms she has cleaned. A word of caution: although recreated without the corpses, some of the replicas can be quite disturbing.




In this instance the victim passed away in the bath due to heat shock and wasn’t discovered for 2 months. The reheating mechanism in the bath caused the decomposition to accelerate.

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joyrex was there i heard

Funny you say that... I did work for a funeral home back in the late 90's and we went to get a body of a guy who died in his hot tub - he had been in the water so long when we pulled him out, his foot actually detached from his ankle...

most idm 2019

I was thinking of originally posting it as that... great minds think alike

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