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The visuals look like they're a 1-pixel high snippit of an image, like a "window" of a larger image that is scrolling down over the course of the videos. Looks like some of them could contain text?


If I had the patience I'd make a Processing script to "decode" them..

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okay so... like, um. wtf is happening. is this real life? 


XHK = 444 works, 13 hours of audio/visual noodles?


Some of these have zero views on them. Others only a couple...so this hasn't leaked out into the real world yet? No RA/FACT Mag/Rolling Stone shit yet? Warp isn't tweeting about it? 




(these are mostly rhetorical questions of course)




Thanks for making me howl out loud on the bus.

:beer:  i try.

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I return home now and bury myself in all this, without knowing what to say or think. Rob, Sean: Mr. Kubrick would be pleased not to be dead nineteen years ago, and be able to meet you for the last trip.

Thank you. Thank you.
darreichungsform, mcronhum, thanks to you too, and a welcome to your daughter on this Earth, Jules.
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The visuals look like they're a 1-pixel high snippit of an image, like a "window" of a larger image that is scrolling down over the course of the videos. Looks like some of them could contain text?


If I had the patience I'd make a Processing script to "decode" them..



modey u genius.



gotta go sleep, but you're on to something.


fuk processing tho.

ffmpeg & imagemagick:


you have to create the 'frames' and 'cropped' folders for this to work, u get the idea:


ffmpeg -i 1-w5zfEHRydVQ.mp4 frames/c01_%04d.jpeg
cd frames
mogrify -crop 640x1+0+240 -path ./cropped *.jpeg
cd cropped
convert *.jpeg -append out.jpeg
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The visuals look like they're a 1-pixel high snippit of an image, like a "window" of a larger image that is scrolling down over the course of the videos. Looks like some of them could contain text?


If I had the patience I'd make a Processing script to "decode" them..


modey u genius.



gotta go sleep, but you're on to something.


fuk processing tho.

ffmpeg & imagemagick:


you have to create the 'frames' and 'cropped' folders for this to work, u get the idea:

ffmpeg -i 1-w5zfEHRydVQ.mp4 frames/c01_%04d.jpeg
cd frames
mogrify -crop 640x1+0+240 -path ./cropped *.jpeg
cd cropped
convert *.jpeg -append out.jpeg

I am at my most Fox Mulder rn

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I did it in Processing just now.. here's #13:




edit, currently my script only works for #13 but can probably be modified pretty easily.. I used Processing because that's all I know haha

PImage[] img = new PImage[941];

void setup(){
  for (int i=0;i<941;i++){
  String zeroes = "";
  if (i < 100 && i > 9){
    zeroes = "0";  
  } else if (i < 10){
    zeroes = "00";
  img[i] = loadImage("130" + zeroes + i + ".jpg");

void draw(){
  for (int i=0;i<941;i++){
  image(img[i], 0,i);}
edit2: forgive the hackiness, I was in a hurry lol


edit3: oh yeah it only works on a folder of 1px high images

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The visuals look like they're a 1-pixel high snippit of an image, like a "window" of a larger image that is scrolling down over the course of the videos. Looks like some of them could contain text?


If I had the patience I'd make a Processing script to "decode" them..



modey u genius.



gotta go sleep, but you're on to something.


fuk processing tho.

ffmpeg & imagemagick:


you have to create the 'frames' and 'cropped' folders for this to work, u get the idea:

ffmpeg -i 1-w5zfEHRydVQ.mp4 frames/c01_%04d.jpeg
cd frames
mogrify -crop 640x1+0+240 -path ./cropped *.jpeg
cd cropped
convert *.jpeg -append out.jpeg


What the fuck! Unbelievable!


...And I do not know if it's because I'm inside the thing now, but article 401 seems sublime
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I am in love with this. And all with track art to boot.


#19 & #21 are beauties, might halt at #40 for a couple days (ala NTS, treat in chunks).


I've spent at least 10000 hours of my life listening to radio frequency traffic and static, until you develop an appreciation of the subtle treasures therein, so this fits me like a glove.

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Sean and Rob sweating bullets right now trying to recall if they fed any nude pics into their image stretch patch because they didn't think WATMM would actually try and decode this shit.

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I'm also starting to think that the correlation between the video and sounds may be dependent on color value and x coordinate, maybe they feed into different patches depending on the value what we're hearing is it changing as it scrolls through the 'window' 

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