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The 2080's - The Past is the Future


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Guessing the artist's knowledge of the 80s is based solely on the GTA Vice City instruction booklet  :biggrin:


Best answer.

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A fun look at contemporary artists if they had been around in the 80's: https://www.behance.net/gallery/76639865/The-2080s-Past-is-the-future

Why is Steve Aoki's last name in katakana?
Cause the artist has zero creativity/desire to understand anything and is simply following a trend. He or she will probably be a multi-millionaire within two years though.
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Guessing the artist's knowledge of the 80s is based solely on the GTA Vice City instruction booklet  :biggrin:

Cause the artist has zero creativity/desire to understand anything and is simply following a trend. He or she will probably be a multi-millionaire within two years though.


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"This is a project inspired in a time that I love 'The 80s',"




The 80s were shit. Massive unemployment, huge pollution issues and a credible threat of nuclear war being imminent to boot.


This guy (m/f) can go f himself.

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