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Do you know any watmms in real life?


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contrary to what auxien will have you know *glares at auxien* all the aussie watmms i have met have been good and solid



it just worries me how many of you there are. it's disproportionate and i think there's some weird conspiracy and i'm watching all of you.

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ATOP and Auxien, ATOP also introduced me to another friend of his that I now dub tapes for


chatted with many of you via DMs or insta - QBLA, also deion sanders / tahlid and awepittance when they were still here


got to meet talk briefly with a few from DFN - laika, goiter, phonic, boomtss, Adieu, joyrex himself and said hey to a few others briefly - I can't remember the member name of the watmmer i talked to off/on most of the show 


somehow i still haven't propertly chatted / met bronchuseven IRL along with some other Texas based WATMMERs

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Sold a book to BCM once. Fairly sure I passed hello spiral in the doorway of a pub in Brixton when Autechre played. I saw one of the few women who post here, to my shame her name escapes me, at an art museum but didn’t say anything. I should be more friendly really.

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Sold a book to BCM once. Fairly sure I passed hello spiral in the doorway of a pub in Brixton when Autechre played. I saw one of the few women who post here, to my shame her name escapes me, at an art museum but didn’t say anything. I should be more friendly really.


You're the second person to say they've observed me in the wild and not said anything :fear:

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You're pretty intimidating let me tell ya.


When I was there last year I think I saw you walking/wobbling through ruskin park but it was late at night so I didn't say anything. Plus if it wasn't you I didn't have my stranger-danger whistle on me lol.


You don't drink around there tho do you?

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Sold a book to BCM once. Fairly sure I passed hello spiral in the doorway of a pub in Brixton when Autechre played. I saw one of the few women who post here, to my shame her name escapes me, at an art museum but didn’t say anything. I should be more friendly really.

You're the second person to say they've observed me in the wild and not said anything :fear:

Sorry, I was with an old university friend and both introducing myself to you then explaining the situation to him would have been crossing the streams.

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yeah shout out field day crew jan, spiral, andi, fenix, phudo+kat, tri and my best boy BLANK, i miss u blank, wherever u are in the world hope ur holding ur ground, sorry if i forgot ne1. also remember spying oscillik at 2015 ae manchester gig...doesnt really count tho. would like to say hello 2 more of u xxx kisses goodnight

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i know kokoon and audiorama. haven't seen them here or irl for a long time although we all frequent this small part of europe

they smart and moved on in life or have taken the hermit's ways of idm behind the walls of the ancient monastery

shout outs if you reading this

*tips half empty beer cans as he waves into the camera like a dork*


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I've been to the same events with some of the people here, probably the Aphex, Autechre and Ceephax gigs in Helsinki at least and maybe some other festivals like Kuudes Aisti? But I have no idea what most of you like so I really have no idea who I might have seen. 


Anyway, I'm a lonely loner.

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I've met a few - not as many as I would like!

modey, sweepstakes, ambermonk, hello spiral (not just observing in the wild either!), BulkyMclargeenhugen, Entorwellian, audioblysk, shit were zeph and yek at the AE show in Vancouver?


I need to meet some out here on the east coast! I guess Ottawa isn't really east coast...


Anyone of you fine folk gonna be at movement this year? I'll be there on Day 1 and 2...

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zephyr nova and i went to the same high school  :cisfor:


Did you guys know each other at the time? Or diff years..? That's p cool.


not really... he was a year older. we knew similar people though

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I've had 2 close encounters with WATMMers in the wild. I once almost met modey at a japanoise show in Melbourne but he bailed last minute. Also believe I was at a Zoviet France show in Newcastle with another WATMMer but didn't know what he looked like. 

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I've met a few - not as many as I would like!

modey, sweepstakes, ambermonk, hello spiral (not just observing in the wild either!), BulkyMclargeenhugen, Entorwellian, audioblysk, shit were zeph and yek at the AE show in Vancouver?


I need to meet some out here on the east coast! I guess Ottawa isn't really east coast...


Anyone of you fine folk gonna be at movement this year? I'll be there on Day 1 and 2...

Naw i wasn't at the ae show

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