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WATMM is dying

hello spiral

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9 hours ago, chronical said:

this guy


I like this guy. where were you when I was being a little bitch?

Bend over & present ass cheeks, we can roll with a safe word, let’s say “Richard H Kirk” to add to our arousal & the gritty frisson of Sheffieldness given the Warp 30th birthday mega-Trevor-flavours (fuck me that’s a lot of music btw).

To counteract the gritty, let’s face it no-one wants gritty during ass play or maybe they do, wow, imagine that, maybe we could cue up an early Sweet Exorcist &/or Electronic Eye lp, the one w/Aquamarine Sheen on, to set the mood. 

Now before I do anything to you, as opposed to for you, I want you to tie this bandana over your eyes like the cunts in Suicidal Tendencies rock to, but no peeping. That’s it, all the way down over your eyes. Ok, how many fingers am I holding up? A middle digit? Incorrect, how rude *SPANK*, mind your manners.

Right, i’m leading you outside now. It’s Sheffield chilly, with a mad wind ripping in off t’moors (btw a T’ prefix b4 any t-word is riiight proper Yorkshire to keep our themes). Out of the doorway, feel that cold air? That’s fuck all compared to where we’re going.

Sorry, what was that, you think you can hear a large vehicle pulling up? Oh that’s nothing mate, just a Securicor prisoner transporter lift to stage 2. You’ll jizz like you’ve never jizzzzzzzed b4. Tempting, no? Don’t answer that & get shuffling. Shuffling? Proper riiight ankle irons for where yer going. Try n step inside the vehicle w/out embarrassing us all, ok. Riiiiight, because you’ve been good, so far, i’ll cue up various tracks from the ambient mega fred. What, you don’t like “an ambient”? Wtf kind of savage are you? For testing me you get the death metal a.i. generator at 200db over customised Pentagon-designed torture headphones. Mmmmm, I like that.

Ok we’ve arrived at our party. A party? Why yes of course, it’s only polite to share. No those aren’t prison officer boots you can see, pull the bandana up ffs. Nowww, the next bit is to be handled by an acquaintance, a professional asshole examiner. No he’s not as kind as me, sorry. You didn’t sign up for this? Richard H Kirk what? No hablo Ingles, mate.

@hello spiral - here he is youth, all yours. He’s a bit wilful, but enthusiastic & enthusiasm goes a long way on the specialsspecials wing for the really really bad boys. Enjoy.





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2 minutes ago, cwmbrancity said:

Bend over & present ass cheeks, we can roll with a safe word, let’s say “Richard H Kirk” to add to our arousal & the gritty frisson of Sheffieldness given the Warp 30th birthday mega-Trevor-flavours (fuck me that’s a lot of music btw).

To counteract the gritty, let’s face it no-one wants gritty during ass play or maybe they do, wow, imagine that, maybe we could cue up an early Sweet Exorcist &/or Electronic Eye lp, the one w/Aquamarine Sheen on, to set the mood. 

Now before I do anything to you, as opposed to for you, I want you to tie this bandana over your eyes like the cunts in Suicidal Tendencies rock to, but no peeping. That’s it, all the way down over your eyes. Ok, how many fingers am I holding up? A middle digit? Incorrect, how rude *SPANK*, mind your manners.

Right, i’m leading you outside now. It’s Sheffield chilly, with a mad wind ripping in off t’moors (btw a T’ prefix b4 any t-word is riiight proper Yorkshire to keep our themes). Out of the doorway, feel that cold air? That’s fuck all compared to where we’re going.

Sorry, what was that, you think you can hear a large vehicle pulling up? Oh that’s nothing mate, just a Securicor prisoner transporter lift to stage 2. You’ll jizz like you’ve never jizzzzzzzed b4. Tempting, no? Don’t answer that & get shuffling. Shuffling? Proper riiight ankle irons for where yer going. Try n step inside the vehicle w/out embarrassing us all, ok. Riiiiight, because you’ve been good, so far, i’ll cue up various tracks from the ambient mega fred. What, you don’t like “an ambient”? Wtf kind of savage are you? For testing me you get the death metal a.i. generator at 200db over customised Pentagon-designed torture headphones. Mmmmm, I like that.

Ok we’ve arrived at our party. A party? Why yes of course, it’s only polite to share. No those aren’t prison officer boots you can see, pull the bandana up ffs. Nowww, the next bit is to be handled by an acquaintance, a professional asshole examiner. No he’s not as kind as me, sorry. You didn’t sign up for this? Richard H Kirk what? No hablo Ingles, mate.

@hello spiral - here he is youth, all yours. He’s a bit wilful, but enthusiastic & enthusiasm goes a long way on the specialsspecials wing for the really really bad boys. Enjoy.





pls merge this thread w richard h kirk thread mods thx

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15 hours ago, Joyrex said:

LOL - your "little bird" wouldn't happen to be my Google Analytics, would it? 'cause you don't have access to that, do you?

The requirement for all new and renewing members to purchase a subscription has been in place since August 2013 - six years now. I implemented it because it was the same small group of people supporting the site, and in the interest of fairness I wanted everyone to contribute. The plan was to grandfather in the Members with a cutoff date TBD where posting would require a subscription, but I've held off on that, mostly due to the delayed forum upgrade, which is now done.

Again, been like that since 2013.

Care to expand on that? The Content Streams feature should be able to give you a customized experience that should meet most people's needs...


Now, with all that said - I am open to the idea of allowing optional subscriptions, Patreon, etc. as long as it doesn't result in resentment towards people who aren't paying, or who have never paid, etc. I am not really keen on the idea of Google AdSense or ads in general (plus people just AdBlock them).

We do make enough each month to cover our hosting and software costs on a regular basis now, and if things did get dire I could always do public outreach as I did in the past (although as I mentioned, I didn't think it was fair for the same bunch of people always paying while the majority got a 'free ride'.

One of my fears is if we open the floodgates so to speak, would the overall quality go down? You could argue the pay-to-play model keeps the trolls out (I can't recall the last time we banned anybody for instance).

I certainly want WATMM to grow, and we go through periods of slowness - but I assure you, we are very heavily trafficked, even if users aren't directly participating:


As you can see, that's 1 year's worth of analytics, and almost 90% are new people - I haven't wired in the subscribing users into GA yet so I can see how that tracks, so I can't really give hard numbers on that just yet.

Interesting statistics thanks for posting. For me its still the new mobile layout that keeps me from posting on mobile like I used to. I even switched to tapatalk for that reason. 

Currently you can see about 5 topics in condensed mode at the same time (expanded you can see 3 topics max at the same time). Before you could see close to 8. That really slows my engagement level on mobile resulting in a much lower post rate. 



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I wonder if it has something to do with the resurgence in popularity of certain artists, and the fact that so many members here are contrary as fuck and hate the fact that people like their special thing now?



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3 minutes ago, MadameChaos said:

I wonder if it has something to do with the resurgence in popularity of certain artists, and the fact that so many members here are contrary as fuck and hate the fact that people like their special thing now?

what artists are you referring to? i haven't felt much hate against say new people talking about afx.. but maybe I don't hang around the featured artist subforums enough to see...

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@Joyrex In addition the mobile theme has 1 1/2 topics displayed when opening the page vs 5 topics before the new update. So you now have to scroll down to see more than 1 topic in unread content on mobile (iPhone 8  ) In expanded mode you can't even see 1 full topic. these are really bad UI patterns for engagement  





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The featured artists page could be expanded: Xenakis, Parmegiani, Elaine Radigue, Pauline Oliveros, TG, Chris & Cosey, Cabaret Voltaire, Coil, Zoviet France, Hafler Trio, Merzbow, take your pick really from electronic music’s vast spectrum that seem to garner an array of listeners who’ve alluded to them all over the board elsewhere. Just a thought. Granted, that’s why there’s a main music discussion page topping the main index, but spread the love a bit imho.

The ambient thread is the mf tits doe, no spanking included, but the drone fred died on the vine hence alluding to some of the above artists & possible page layout options.

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24 minutes ago, MIXL2 said:

what artists are you referring to? i haven't felt much hate against say new people talking about afx.. but maybe I don't hang around the featured artist subforums enough to see...

I jest, mainly it's due to a lack of fun threads like the epic bull wallet paint challenge etc.

I agree that the new format is hard to navigate.

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5 minutes ago, Freak of the week said:

^your academic electronic music resource

Define academic in relation to the cited artists?

Premise - It’s driven by a desire to expand & broaden the repertoire of the same 6-8 artists usually cited. Admittedly, that’s tricky when the majority are so Ae obsessed, but from an experimental & musicological perspective it seems a shame to narrow down the focus when you could draw in new members with more of an interest in different shades of sound & sound development.

Not being academic or elitist, just a simple discussion point. And yeah I have the DeepListening Band text, but it doesn’t include a discussion forum unfortunately *wink*


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18 minutes ago, MadameChaos said:

I jest, mainly it's due to a lack of fun threads like the epic bull wallet paint challenge etc.

I agree that the new format is hard to navigate.

Bull Wallet

Photoshop this bear

Bad Taxidermy


Pillars of light in these dark times

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@hello spiral Don’t be a cunt all your life, have a day off for once

think of your long term blood pressure, strokes & vascular dementia 

bask in the sunshine, take a walk, fuck your cat, put some lags through a bunch of cell searches for contraband, you know, constructive things

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