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Memory Of The World Programme


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Memory of the World Programme

UNESCO's Memory of the World Programme is an international initiative launched to safeguard the documentary heritage of humanity against collective amnesia, neglect, the ravages of time and climatic conditions, and wilful and deliberate destruction.[1] It calls for the preservation of valuable archival holdings, library collections and private individual compendia all over the world for posterity, the reconstitution of dispersed or displaced documentary heritage, and the increased accessibility to and dissemination of these items.[1][2][3]

Humanity must have some people who remember some distant things that they knew happened in the past and go to study them.  Or they may be forgotten over generations.  This is what is required for the memories to be preserved across generations.  Who does it?  Historians.  Do they do a good job?  I don't know if I've really heard this interpretation of the study of history before where it's not only just something we should do on the side for Hallmark card level reasons as to why, but is instead legitimately something we actually have to do or the information will be lost if the interpretations are not taught from human to human despite texts existing, i.e. how education is done today.  How many people look backwards through texts very often in their lives (i.e. read about a topic from history and also explain it to someone else)?  I know of many people who in general do not.  Historians theoretically do but I've seen little to no public media representations of historians as a group who needs more help.  Yet if you look at it, clearly more are needed.

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all of these things u make topics about would b wonderful, but I can't help but feel there's so much shit rn that needs to b solved b4 any of it rlly comes along strong... who knows tho

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But it's good to have a positive and realistic longterm perspective (I don't wanna say utopia) in order to develop future society. The thinking shouldn't be solely focused on problem solving, it should be focused on designing a future worth living. The left should stop only pointing out societal deficiencies, they need to create visions.

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