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19 minutes ago, goDel said:

Lets just hope there will be one clear winner after Super Tuesday. Else, we'll be stuck with a shitshow about the primary being rigged and all that. 

IDK if they want Warren to stay in the race to sap votes from Bernie then by all means they can go ahead. I will dislike the, and Warren even more, but hey it could get the job done. Nothing illegal about it as far as I know. Now I don't expect Warren to do something like that, but who knows it's still early in the race, a million things could happen.

They're already sapping their own votes with so many of "the same" centrist candidates in the race.

Edited by Brisbot
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IF the election goes by normally, people drop out when it makes sense, and Bernie loses. Then Bernie was going to lose. Maybe next time.

Edited by Brisbot
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It's a shame if they do, because murica is obviously not ready to elect a female president yet.

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7 minutes ago, Gocab said:

It's a shame if they do, because murica is obviously not ready to elect a female president yet.

Thats what it looks like to me too, btw.

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A racist non-binary Communist climate denying polyglot with a peg leg would be fucking siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccck. Guy Fieri as VP. 

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6 hours ago, ignatius said:

biden's lack of any organization on the ground anywhere is weird and just smells funny.  what's  their strategy? 

he had no money. thats been reported for a bit.


6 hours ago, Brisbot said:

IF the election goes by normally, people drop out when it makes sense, and Bernie loses. Then Bernie was going to lose. Maybe next time.

bernie is taking ca, tx, other tuesday states, and the nomination

8 hours ago, auxien said:

idk, Bernie's got a lot of the Dem voters and establishment against him. like, seriously against him. things look good for him now and the obvious path seems to be his but i wouldn't undervalue norms and party line voters who do not want radical massive leftward movement that Bernie and others represent. 

they will come around. many of them anyway. i think this is just how it works. you dont get your guy, deal with it. bernie is a good guy.


7 hours ago, goDel said:

Lets just hope there will be one clear winner after Super Tuesday. Else, we'll be stuck with a shitshow about the primary being rigged and all that. 

bernie will be

10 hours ago, Zeffolia said:

super tuesday is the whittling down process, i bet we see at least 1 drop out

i could see a scenario in which amy, biden, and/or pete, drop out after tuesday.


7 hours ago, Brisbot said:

Also Biden apparently called Warren's campaign and asked her to stay in the race until after super Tuesday. I wonder why he is asking for that, hmm.

because of the video you posted. he expects to tank and then drop out. he is letting her know that he is not about to clean up.

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48 minutes ago, Candiru said:

Guys, what do you think this means? 


On 2/22/2020 at 9:19 PM, auxien said:

when you're running in the Dem primary and your two most powerful supporters are Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, well, gotta start looking sideways at some things. not sure most people are smart enough for that tbh

it's totally normal! nothing weird here! thanks for FEELING THE BERN President Trump!!! i wonder who Erdogan and Kim Jong Un support in the Dem primaries??? BERNIE?!!!?!?! maybe so, i like to think so!!!!!

wow look at all these CELEBRITIES who support Bernie! he's GOT THIS ON LOCK. that Cardi B endorsement is worth millions of votes! and wow, Shailene Woodley?!?!?!?! insane grab, look at Michael Moore too!!!!!!!! jhaha Lizzo ust got back Bernie's DNA results and he is 100% THAT BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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25 minutes ago, very honest said:

they will come around. many of them anyway. i think this is just how it works. you dont get your guy, deal with it. bernie is a good guy.

some will, but there's definitely a portion of the voters who will be in fact turned OFF if Bernie's the nominee. maybe the people he drives out to vote outweighs those who protest by not voting/voting 3rd party? can't say yet but this is a bigger factor than most of the internet realizes i'm pretty sure

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7 minutes ago, auxien said:

some will, but there's definitely a portion of the voters who will be in fact turned OFF if Bernie's the nominee. maybe the people he drives out to vote outweighs those who protest by not voting/voting 3rd party? can't say yet but this is a bigger factor than most of the internet realizes i'm pretty sure

Sanders has the highest voter mobilisation potential of all candidates.

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3 minutes ago, darreichungsform said:

Sanders has the highest voter mobilisation potential of all candidates.

sure didn’t fucking look like that in 2016 when he got his ass handed to him by Hilary fucking Clinton lol

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1 minute ago, dr lopez said:

huh??? it was really close dude


popular vote wasn't crazy bad for Bernie, but the delegate count is all that matters really...which is where Clinton beat him far and away


3 minutes ago, darreichungsform said:

Things have changed since then as you know

of course. but things may not have changed as much as Bernie backers seem to think. i hope i'm wrong here and the Dem voters turn out in droves for whoever is the nominee, but my hope (and y'all's hope) doesn't really mean jack shit when it comes November 3rd

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49 minutes ago, auxien said:

some will, but there's definitely a portion of the voters who will be in fact turned OFF if Bernie's the nominee. maybe the people he drives out to vote outweighs those who protest by not voting/voting 3rd party? can't say yet but this is a bigger factor than most of the internet realizes i'm pretty sure

how about the ones turned OFF if biden's the nominee? for me personally, i won't be going out of my way to vote for him because I DO NOT BELIEVE in him.

also: steyer is out and $150 million lighter


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11 minutes ago, auxien said:


popular vote wasn't crazy bad for Bernie, but the delegate count is all that matters really...which is where Clinton beat him far and away


of course. but things may not have changed as much as Bernie backers seem to think. i hope i'm wrong here and the Dem voters turn out in droves for whoever is the nominee, but my hope (and y'all's hope) doesn't really mean jack shit when it comes November 3rd

That's a justified worry. I still think that this time around we will have some more luck. Let's hope I'm right.

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3 minutes ago, dr lopez said:

warren came in a STRONG 5th place guys. She's back

she's also not looking strong in her home state. imagine the state which your senator of, doesn't even believe you should be president. can't even imagine what her campaign strategist is thinking right now



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29 minutes ago, auxien said:

popular vote wasn't crazy bad for Bernie, but the delegate count is all that matters really...which is where Clinton beat him far and away

Weren't a big portion of the super delegates already pledged to Hillary before people even began voting in primaries? The process made it hard for him to gain momentum because by the time many states got to primary voting, their state delegates would not have made a difference against the quantity of pledged delegates

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43 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

how about the ones turned OFF if biden's the nominee? for me personally, i won't be going out of my way to vote for him because I DO NOT BELIEVE in him.

that's a valid point as well, definitely some concern there. but the people who turn out and vote in the general are by and large the same kind of people who vote for establishment, mainstream, centrist-type Dems like Biden (older, center-leaning types). if they stay home because it's Sanders, that's a net loss of votes....so if he can't turn out MORE than that loss then Trump may seal it up again. and the problem is the people he needs to get to show up are his supporters who are generally young/very young which is not a very reliable voting block.

31 minutes ago, dr lopez said:

warren came in a STRONG 5th place guys. She's back

she's done for, duh. may fuck shit up and help lead to a contested convention (good) or maybe even get in as a VP pick, but she ain't got no path forward, like basically everyone except Biden and Bernie. pretty sure i said this last page already.

14 minutes ago, markedone said:

Weren't a big portion of the super delegates already pledged to Hillary before people even began voting in primaries? The process made it hard for him to gain momentum because by the time many states got to primary voting, their state delegates would not have made a difference against the quantity of pledged delegates

maybe so? don't remember. doesn't really matter.

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fair point auxien: so it comes down to whether people are so turned off by the nominee that they're willing to stick with trump, or whether they can stand behind the nominee. if biden loses and his voter block is more mature- perhaps they'll make the better the decision?

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