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7 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

Is that even allowed?

Just looked it up, seems vague, not explicitly forbidden by the 22nd Amendment, which states that a president can't be 'elected' more than twice. There's also the 12th amendment though, which states that the vice president cannot be "constitutionally ineligible" to be president. So it's down to the interpretation of the courts, which given the current supreme court makeup would no doubt prevent it. Would never happen anyway, so it's a pointless discussion.

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That's where I'd put my money.

But coming back to the earlier discussion: this election the VP choice might be more important than ever. Seeing both are some of the oldest since "ever".

from 538:


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44 minutes ago, caze said:

Would never happen anyway, so it's a pointless discussion.

after Trump winning and what he’s done in office with pushing against or ignoring norms I think the ‘would never happen’ argument is moot. 

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1 hour ago, marf said:

Trump can brain fart and get away with it, in fact he gets away with everything.

he makes "strong man brain farts". so long as he looks in control and says mean stuff or scores points w/personal insults then he thinks he won and his base will too. if biden has "confused brain farts" he'll look fragile and weak even if he makes same amount of brain farts as trump. 

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Biden doesn't display any signs of senility though. He just occasionally grasps for the right word to use because of his stammer.

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They don't call him teflon Don cause he's strong. It's cause everything slips off him like a Denver omelet


Not to be confused with the "strong man brain farts". Totally agree

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would be hilarious if he picked AOC.

creepy uncle Joe wouldn't be able to resist smelling that head of long, dark, beautifully washed hair

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19 minutes ago, zero said:

would be hilarious if he picked AOC.

creepy uncle Joe wouldn't be able to resist smelling that head of long, dark, beautifully washed hair

lawl- don't think he'd pick her. kamala harris is/was the favorite- but joe needs someone with more appeal to boost his support which, frankly, is not strong enough to guarantee a win. with his current superPAC and bloomberg's firm- he has no choice but to pick someone more 'establishment democrat' to ensure they fall in line


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The Governor of New Mexico, Michelle Grisham, might be a good option to broaden his appeal, as he did poorly with Latinos in the primary. Don't know much about her aside from that though.


no, not her, her: Catherine Cortez Masto

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she's too young and inexperienced anyways. i mean.. she's savy and smart and i think will be great in congress for years to come but he needs someone mature or more broadly accepted by mainstream as well as by more progressive people. so.. middle of the road w/perceived experience etc. 

if biden was younger and appeared to be in better shape he'd have more leeway but he's old and many people think he needs to pick a VP who can really step in and do the job if he is unable to. so, he has to be very thoughtful about his VP pick. needs someone w/real ability to lead. someone american people will listen to. a lot of people do not listen to AOC even if she's right about a thing she's viewed as partisan and far left.

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"The most important thing — and I've actually talked to Barack about this — the most important thing is that there has to be someone who, the day after they're picked, is prepared to be president of the United States of America if something happened," Biden said.


he knows he's old af and that's an issue for basically anyone voting for him


26 minutes ago, ignatius said:

she's too young and inexperienced anyways. i mean.. she's savy and smart and i think will be great in congress for years to come but he needs someone mature or more broadly accepted by mainstream as well as by more progressive people. so.. middle of the road w/perceived experience etc. 

if biden was younger and appeared to be in better shape he'd have more leeway but he's old and many people think he needs to pick a VP who can really step in and do the job if he is unable to. so, he has to be very thoughtful about his VP pick. needs someone w/real ability to lead. someone american people will listen to. a lot of people do not listen to AOC even if she's right about a thing she's viewed as partisan and far left.


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AOC is a bit of a cartoon character created and amplified by the media. She’s cute, but she still thinks like a waitress with opinions on Twitter and not like a politician due to lack of experience. She has no idea how much her “gotcha” comments are used against her and her cause. 

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1 hour ago, Candiru said:

AOC is a bit of a cartoon character created and amplified by the media. She’s cute, but she still thinks like a waitress with opinions on Twitter and not like a politician due to lack of experience. She has no idea how much her “gotcha” comments are used against her and her cause. 

lol oh fuck off, she has an extremely articulate and detailed platform, she's been an effective junior congress member, and she's managed to come off as more experienced and mature than peers in her party who have been in office for decades. she's arguably done more than Obama did before he ran for presidency is a fraction of the time.

99% of what opponents rip her on is completely made up bullshit memes boomers and edgelords cobble together, the ire directed at her stems from the fact that she scares the absolute shit out of the establishment - the idea of a young qualified outsider, and a socdem at that, with no PAC or lobbyist driven financial backing winning a seat in the US house was fucking unhead of a few election cycles ago. 

5 hours ago, caze said:

The Governor of New Mexico, Michelle Grisham, might be a good option to broaden his appeal, as he did poorly with Latinos in the primary. Don't know much about her aside from that though.


no, not her, her: Catherine Cortez Masto

he did absolutely shit with Latinos, part of how Bernie swept Nevada and was a close 2nd in Texas

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She doesn’t even come close to scaring the shit out of the establishment. That’s also just a meme. She’s not very serious at all. It’s posturing.

National elections are not held on Twitter. I’d agree with everything you said if we were talking about Katie Porter, but AOC is not helpful the way you think she is, just like Bernie wasn’t.

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