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Four current senators are older than Leahy. Three of them are 87: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) won reelection in 2018, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is mulling another run next year and Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) is retiring. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) is 86 and just won another six-year term last year.

Leahy, who's 81, is supposedly planning to run again for his Senate seat that's happening next year. he's already been in the seat for 46 fucking years.

maybe there needs to be some term limits? perhaps? could be good? i think just a few? 

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On 5/22/2021 at 4:45 PM, Satans Little Helper said:

love this response to the "people are saying" question ;D

it's such an empty question it doesn't even warrant an actual answer


duh. also i think ms. psaki is an attractive woman. ❤️

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50 minutes ago, jaderpansen said:

duh. also i think ms. psaki is an attractive woman. ❤️

I used to think so also til my sister sent me this meme.

Warning: totally SFW but cannot be unseen.




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4 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

Jesus, this lady. Talk about a Karen driving the boat, her only strategy seems to be - gaslight anyone that ever confronts you about anything.


Reminds me of that flat earth logic from a youtube posted in the ufo's thread. There's a group of people which seem to insist in only believing stuff they can directly perceive. Like the earth being flat. It's an inability to conceptualise reality beyond perception.

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8 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

Jesus, this lady. Talk about a Karen driving the boat, her only strategy seems to be - gaslight anyone that ever confronts you about anything.


"Let me ask you a question then"

Proceeds to ask 8 questions in one.

Also, if I'm Arizona taxpayer, I'd be asking some serious questions about how much that "independent contractor" is billing the government. You know he's not paying for all that tech out of pocket.


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29 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

"Let me ask you a question then"

Proceeds to ask 8 questions in one.

Also, if I'm Arizona taxpayer, I'd be asking some serious questions about how much that "independent contractor" is billing the government. You know he's not paying for all that tech out of pocket.


I would tell her “it’s none of your fucking business what happened in other states. You are a party official in Arizona. Period.”

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1 hour ago, chenGOD said:

"Let me ask you a question then"

Proceeds to ask 8 questions in one.

Also, if I'm Arizona taxpayer, I'd be asking some serious questions about how much that "independent contractor" is billing the government. You know he's not paying for all that tech out of pocket.


the audit is being paid for buy a republican lunatic who i think is the one who owns the company doing the audit. the guy funding it is a conspiracy loon who was "stop the steal" proponent. 

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10 minutes ago, ignatius said:

the audit is being paid for buy a republican lunatic who i think is the one who owns the company doing the audit. the guy funding it is a conspiracy loon who was "stop the steal" proponent. 

It seems the first two audits were publicly funded and the third one is being funded partly by the state but mostly through private donations. Also, apparently the naming of the company was left to the owner's 9 year old son. Cyber Ninjas.

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2 minutes ago, jaderpansen said:

looks like senate reps are blocking the commission on the january 6 insurrection, only 6 went pro, 10 would have been needed.

the "gop" is so very lost.


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hey maybe some of those old GOP fucks will start sporting face tattoos, since they're engaging in this sort of gang warfare behavior we have going on in congress... lotsa room on those turtle chins to add some sweet ass ink.

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