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8 hours ago, Alcofribas said:

i mean, he says it in the article you linked. he wanted to stop testing bc testing makes him look bad bc the more you test, the more positive cases you record.

it's preposterous and it seems like he stated a reasoning as a legal defense protection. i noticed it seemed like that at multiple points

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Twitter has a built-in feature! It changes any instance of “idiot” to “patriot”. 

I have to admit, it took me a while to figure this out. But now that I know, there’s so much that finally makes sense. Whenever I read “patriot” I just have to mentally superimpose “idiot”. And it makes complete sense again. Thanks, Elon.

Jurassic Park Wow GIF by Spotify

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On 9/17/2024 at 12:03 PM, zazen said:

It was about kakapo and the Lifetime Members Forum


That was the peak of the Golden Age of watmm.

We never deserved kakapo.

Or his lilac chinos.

He was a cut above all of this.

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On 9/16/2024 at 11:24 PM, Alcofribas said:

it's quite interesting to me bc the trump i saw during covid was inept, incompetent, careless. he brushed covid off until it became an undeniable reality, at which point he eventually said there would be no federal response and it was up to the states to manage. which is on par for a piece of shit like trump who has zero interest in leading the country. covid was an inconvenience to trump, it made him look bad, so he mostly just tried to pretend it wasn't his problem. 

but for mr. Rude her on watmm, trump is like an evil genius who was actually doing strategic biological warfare on the citizens so he could...stay in the white house...so that he can...be president? or whatever.

i find it hard to believe trump cares at all about any of that. trump just cares about himself, how he looks on tv, on twitter. he's a little clown strutting around imo

it's only because of information noise that people don't recognize the glaring impropriety of a president spreading plague while campaigning on why the election will be fraud because of the plague-related mail-in ballots, and then trying a coup using that lie among others. like just read that sentence. it's fucking weird and you have to give him the benefit of the doubt to let him get away with it, like assume he's a moral person and wouldn't do that. that he's not a sociopath compromised by putin, being steered to participate in a major covert military intelligence attack on the US.

i'll reiterate that i've qualified my language to indicate that i haven't reached the conclusion with certainty that he explicitly conspired with putin for this purpose. but it sure is funny that it looks like he did.

anyway regardless of putin, that fucker was deliberately trolling covid, spreading bullshit, undermining professional experts, and inserting himself to sabotage and stop the experts from doing what they prepared for years to do. the effect was spreading plague while he was also campaigning about mail-ins and then he tried a coup. i'm sorry but i don't see how you let him get away with that. people should acknowledge that's what he did. i cannot believe that in his mind he wasn't fully aware of the connection. i was watching and what i saw was a really fucked up dude who appeared to be deliberately spreading covid and preemptively setting the stage to contest the election. 

hard to believe right? why would he do that? kind of crazy and weird. he would have to be a sociopath compromised by putin or something for that to make sense. or maybe just a bent narcissist fearing federal prison and ruin. but i don't get why you would ignore the established putin connection.

On 9/16/2024 at 11:42 PM, ignatius said:

i think the reason he reduced testing in various places at different times is because he wanted the numbers to go down because then that would be reported on and he would look better in the press

you have to really strain to believe that. i don't.

  • it doesn't make sense. yes, he's an idiot, but think about how so many people were urgently advising him to the contrary. it strains credulity that he could reach the conclusion in good faith. 
  • the picture i see is that he always steered toward the iceberg. that's the thing, the consistency of the pattern. there's the covid theory and there's the putin theory and for both it's weird how consistently the data points indicate them. and it's weird how they both are consistent with each-other
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2 hours ago, perunamuusi said:

That was the peak of the Golden Age of watmm.

We never deserved kakapo.

Or his lilac chinos.

He was a cut above all of this.


Make Watmm Golden Age Again

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2 hours ago, may be rude said:


it's only because of information noise that people don't recognize the glaring impropriety of a president spreading plague while campaigning on why the election will be fraud because of the plague-related mail-in ballots, and then trying a coup using that lie among others. like just read that sentence. it's fucking weird and you have to give him the benefit of the doubt to let him get away with it, like assume he's a moral person and wouldn't do that. that he's not a sociopath compromised by putin, being steered to participate in a major covert military intelligence attack on the US.

i'll reiterate that i've qualified my language to indicate that i haven't reached the conclusion with certainty that he explicitly conspired with putin for this purpose. but it sure is funny that it looks like he did.

anyway regardless of putin, that fucker was deliberately trolling covid, spreading bullshit, undermining professional experts, and inserting himself to sabotage and stop the experts from doing what they prepared for years to do. the effect was spreading plague while he was also campaigning about mail-ins and then he tried a coup. i'm sorry but i don't see how you let him get away with that. people should acknowledge that's what he did. i cannot believe that in his mind he wasn't fully aware of the connection. i was watching and what i saw was a really fucked up dude who appeared to be deliberately spreading covid and preemptively setting the stage to contest the election. 

hard to believe right? why would he do that? kind of crazy and weird. he would have to be a sociopath compromised by putin or something for that to make sense. or maybe just a bent narcissist fearing federal prison and ruin. but i don't get why you would ignore the established putin connection.

you have to really strain to believe that. i don't.

  • it doesn't make sense. yes, he's an idiot, but think about how so many people were urgently advising him to the contrary. it strains credulity that he could reach the conclusion in good faith. 
  • the picture i see is that he always steered toward the iceberg. that's the thing, the consistency of the pattern. there's the covid theory and there's the putin theory and for both it's weird how consistently the data points indicate them. and it's weird how they both are consistent with each-other

you really are under estimating his stupidity and the fragility of his ego and manhood. don't forget.. this is a guy who drew the path of a hurricane on a map w/a sharpie so that his prediction would be viewed as correct. according to him he's never made a mistake in his life. he's always been right. he's always been correct and this above all else must be perpetuated in the press at all costs.. even if it means he said "don't do as much COVID testing.. there will be fewer positive tests and the numbers will go down and people will say i was right"


one of his Wharton school of business professors said long ago "he was the dumbest motherfucker i ever met"

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57 minutes ago, ignatius said:

you really are under estimating his stupidity and the fragility of his ego and manhood. don't forget.. this is a guy who drew the path of a hurricane on a map w/a sharpie so that his prediction would be viewed as correct. according to him he's never made a mistake in his life. he's always been right. he's always been correct and this above all else must be perpetuated in the press at all costs.. even if it means he said "don't do as much COVID testing.. there will be fewer positive tests and the numbers will go down and people will say i was right"


one of his Wharton school of business professors said long ago "he was the dumbest motherfucker i ever met"

lol but i'm not persuaded

an important part of the theory i'm describing is the preemptive aspect of trump contesting the election. he was clearly spending valuable attention, to subvert the integrity of the election, before it happened. 

in the moment, in 2020, september, october (it was just about every day in october), he was campaigning against the legitimacy of the election, before it happened. i'm sorry but you can't chalk it up to stupidity. as stupid as that fucker is. he was setting the stage to contest the election, earnestly, investing time and energy into it, for months before the election. a big part of that was his "mail ins are fraudulent" narrative.

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1 hour ago, may be rude said:

an important part of the theory i'm describing is the preemptive aspect of trump contesting the election. he was clearly spending valuable attention, to subvert the integrity of the election, before it happened.

Yes. Of course. He’s doing that now too. He’s kind of always done that. “If I lose it’s fixed. We can’t trust the results….” Etc. I don’t think this then dove tails with “let’s let everyone die from COVID because of the chaos it will create”.  Do I think he was interested in nonstop talking shit and saying whatever got him headlines? Yes. Does that mean he had a master plan about Covid policy and election interference being key components to some plan? Nah. Did he use Covid policy as a way to rile people up? Sure. But he will be opportunistic about anything that helps him. Sometimes that’s just batshittery and making nicknames for his opponents and on and on. Latching onto conspiracy theories. 

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On 9/18/2024 at 9:22 AM, ignatius said:

absolute dumbest take. 


I wish people would stop paying attention to this cunt. he is deliberately saying the most outrageous shit he can, there is way too much handwringing and knicker-twisting amongst the general public about it.

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1 hour ago, usagi said:

I wish people would stop paying attention to this cunt. he is deliberately saying the most outrageous shit he can, there is way too much handwringing and knicker-twisting amongst the general public about it.

It’s always what he’s done. It’s how he got his door in the door in congress in the first place. Also being backed by Peter thiel. He’s a douche. A dumb fuck. Absolute cunt. But a lot of people just aren’t aware of how batshit he is and where his stupid underlying philosophy comes from. 

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7 hours ago, may be rude said:

lol but i'm not persuaded

an important part of the theory i'm describing is the preemptive aspect of trump contesting the election. he was clearly spending valuable attention, to subvert the integrity of the election, before it happened. 

in the moment, in 2020, september, october (it was just about every day in october), he was campaigning against the legitimacy of the election, before it happened. i'm sorry but you can't chalk it up to stupidity. as stupid as that fucker is. he was setting the stage to contest the election, earnestly, investing time and energy into it, for months before the election. a big part of that was his "mail ins are fraudulent" narrative.

I still think that a simpler explanation is that he did the mental algebra (let's not call it mental calculus) that on the chance he did lose (polls were saying it would be close and he knew that), he could continue saying it was rigged; if he won, he could say something like, "even though it was rigged and there were irregularities, my people, such beautiful people, came through and we won."

He knows there's no downside to taking the path he did.  Sure, he was preemptively contesting the election but the question is why was he doing it.  I think it's simpler to say it was a slightly-above lizard brain reaction to protect his ego and not some elaborate 4-d chess scheme.

Seriously, every time you think about a decision Trump made on a certain issue, ask yourself if that decision can be explained by him protecting and furthering his ego and perpetuating his main-character syndrome, then ask if that is more or less likely than any other reason.  Perhaps on some it's not but I'll bet that on the majority, it is.  And again, I'll go back to my default setting of believing the simplest, least complex, most logical explanation.

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5 hours ago, usagi said:

I wish people would stop paying attention to this cunt. he is deliberately saying the most outrageous shit he can, there is way too much handwringing and knicker-twisting amongst the general public about it.

They’re trying to retake the narrative, and Dana Bash and those deer in headlights idiots made it happen.

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15 hours ago, may be rude said:

it's only because of information noise that people don't recognize the glaring impropriety of a president spreading plague while campaigning on why the election will be fraud because of the plague-related mail-in ballots, and then trying a coup using that lie among others. like just read that sentence. it's fucking weird and you have to give him the benefit of the doubt to let him get away with it, like assume he's a moral person and wouldn't do that. that he's not a sociopath compromised by putin, being steered to participate in a major covert military intelligence attack on the US.

i read the sentence a few times and i don't really understand it tbh. 

are you saying "information noise" [not entirely sure what this is] us the only thing preventing people from recognizing that trump conspired with putin to spread covid as one of the steps in his coup strategy? 

i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about in the next sentence where you say it's "weird" and we have to assume trump is moral. so, either he deliberately spread covid as a strategy for overturning the election, or he's moral? these don't seem at all like the only two possibilities and multiple people itt have pointed out a very viable third possibility: trump didn't give a fuck about covid except in so far as it made him look bad or hurt him in some way. you can dismiss this possibility as "preposterous," however, there's plenty of precedent and evidence for it, whereas your "theory" has none. you're just saying that things "seem" a certain way to you.

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On 9/19/2024 at 12:37 PM, Alcofribas said:
On 9/18/2024 at 8:34 PM, may be rude said:

it's only because of information noise that people don't recognize the glaring impropriety of a president spreading plague while campaigning on why the election will be fraud because of the plague-related mail-in ballots, and then trying a coup using that lie among others. like just read that sentence. it's fucking weird and you have to give him the benefit of the doubt to let him get away with it, like assume he's a moral person and wouldn't do that. that he's not a sociopath compromised by putin, being steered to participate in a major covert military intelligence attack on the US.

i read the sentence a few times and i don't really understand it tbh. 

are you saying "information noise" [not entirely sure what this is] us the only thing preventing people from recognizing that trump conspired with putin to spread covid as one of the steps in his coup strategy? 

as i've said, it's difficult to prove with certainty an explicit agreement between trump and putin for him to try a coup.

my sentence about information noise (you know what it is - bannon's flooding the zone with shit, which has drowned out reality in the modern info space) did not refer to the putin part. that sentence was about just one component of what i've been talking about since page 305, and that component is bad enough, which is the following. the following public facts (aka pieces of evidence) paint a damning picture of trump, and, if people weren't mostly tentacle fucked by garbage info, this is something people would be talking about:

  • trump spread covid
  • trump spent tons of campaign bandwidth messaging that covid ballots are going to make the election be fraud
  • trump tried a coup  

that's bad all by itself, without putin. i just can't help but notice that the putin stuff all lines up and actually helps explain the covid/coup stuff.

as a matter of fact, i was anticipating it, wondering how he would set the stage for a coup, at the beginning of 2020. it was a real, strange, nagging question in my mind. part of the reason why i anticipated it is that i followed the russia stuff closely.

people itt resting their arguments on assuming trump's intentions. i think eventually people will realize

On 9/19/2024 at 12:37 PM, Alcofribas said:

i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about in the next sentence where you say it's "weird" and we have to assume trump is moral.

i'm trying to convey, without spending 100 hours building a report for you folks, my reasoning. as someone who had cultivated a good info amalgamator and was unfortunately watching things way too closely, i saw some shit. the experience of observing the consistent pattern of trump always steering toward the iceberg is usefully described as weird.

to explain my point about morality, i think a lot of people assume trump wouldn't have these intents in his head as he was doing the damned actions, and i think that's because people don't realize how dark of a character trump is. did you know he knew he had covid during the debate with biden in 2020? he tested positive days earlier, his chief of staff mark meadows wrote that in his book. that's the kind of dude we're talking about, he could have killed biden, and he did it deliberately. 

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Dude I'm not sure if you're actually trying to convince other people to believe what you believe (not likely to happen) or simply justify your own believing it. Either way kinda seems like a huge waste of effort.

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18 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:

Dude I'm not sure if you're actually trying to convince other people to believe what you believe (not likely to happen) or simply justify your own believing it. Either way kinda seems like a huge waste of effort.


it's right there for anyone to see. it's important that i describe it so others can look into it and think about this. it's very concerning. it's crazy concerning, absolutely nightmarish to think about the scenario of trump being compromised by putin and spreading covid to set the stage for a coup. it's alarming that so, so many data points present this consistent picture. i laid out a decently compelling case, i think. i appreciate people bearing with me, and helping me to put it down, here. page 305 is a good starting point

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50 minutes ago, may be rude said:


it's right there for anyone to see. it's important that i describe it so others can look into it and think about this. it's very concerning. it's crazy concerning, absolutely nightmarish to think about the scenario of trump being compromised by putin and spreading covid to set the stage for a coup. it's alarming that so, so many data points present this consistent picture. i laid out a decently compelling case, i think. i appreciate people bearing with me, and helping me to put it down, here. page 305 is a good starting point

How do you know you’ve made a compelling case if no one itt finds it compelling?

Trump showing up to a debate with Covid proves nothing. I’m sure thousands and thousands of Americans have knowingly exposed people to Covid bc they simply don’t give a fuck. I’ve seen it in my own workplace numerous times. 

You’re always claiming you’re tapped into all these amalgamations of info or whatever but you have not shared any unique sources or documents about any of this stuff. That should tell you something about your theory. 

page 305 on watmm dot com is not a source. 

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2 hours ago, Alcofribas said:

You’re always claiming you’re tapped into all these amalgamations of info or whatever but you have not shared any unique sources or documents about any of this stuff. That should tell you something about your theory. 

page 305 on watmm dot com is not a source. 



alco i shared a bunch of sources but they weren't unique enough for you?


you want more sources, there are a lot. what do you want? 



trump spread covid



from june 30, 2020: COVID-19 Is Surging. Donald Trump’s Response Is Shrinking


Trump White House made 'deliberate efforts' to undermine Covid response, report says

btw that article links to a report from the House of Reps Select Subcommittee on the Corona Virus, and the link is broken in the article, but i found a working link: https://coronavirus-democrats-oversight.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/coronavirus-democrats-oversight.house.gov/files/SSCCInterimReportDec2021V1.pdf


NIH study finds:


This article examines the Trump Administration's inability to mount a timely and effective response to the COVID‐19 outbreak, despite ample warning. Through an empirical exploration guided by three explanatory perspectives—psychological, bureau‐organizational, and agenda‐political—developed from the strategic surprise, public administration, and crisis management literature, the authors seek to shed light on the mechanisms that contributed to the underestimation of the coronavirus threat by the Trump Administration and the slow and mismanaged federal response. The analysis highlights the extent to which the factors identified by previous studies of policy surprise and failure in other security domains are relevant for health security. The paper concludes by addressing the crucial role of executive leadership as an underlying factor in all three perspectives and discussing why the US president is ultimately responsible for ensuring a healthy policy process to guard against the pathologies implicated in the federal government's sub‐optimal response to the COVID‐19 crisis.



here's something relevant, references a lancet study:

US could have averted 40% of Covid deaths, says panel examining Trump's policies


that's separate other studies that arrived at similar conclusions. like, here's an article about some separate research from brookings

U.S. COVID response could have avoided hundreds of thousands of deaths: research



trump spent a lot of time messaging about how mail-in ballots would invite fraud, though it was always easily debunked



npr, june 22, 2020:

FACT CHECK: Trump Spreads Unfounded Claims About Voting By Mail


npr, august 28, 2020:

Trump Keeps Pushing Debunked Mail-In Voting Claims


nyt, sept 28, 2020:

Trump Is Pushing a False Argument on Vote-by-Mail Fraud. Here Are the Facts.



trump tried a coup 



THE UNITED STATES V. DONALD J. TRUMP, defendant - federal indictment of trump for coup

because of the immunity ruling, one area of evidence was removed, the part dealing with abuse of doj, as part of the coup. it's important to understand that the coup was a hub-and-spoke conspiracy with around a half dozen components:

  • spreading the lie
  • false slates of electors (giuliani was orchestrating)
  • pressuring state officials (the raffensperger call - threatening him with federal legal action)
  • misusing DOJ to mislead state officials (the jeffrey clark letter they tried to fire the Acting Attorney General so they could send to states)
  • pressuring pence to reject electors for some states (sending the election to the house of reps for a vote by state delegations by which the republicans had the majority)
  • january 6th

anyway, this is the revised indictment and it still includes the same charges and counts, despite removing the doj set of evidence.

there are multiple counts per crime, but there are 4 crimes he's charged with, in that indictment:

  • conspiracy to defraud the united states - this is him being charged with lying to the public
  • conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding
  • obstruction of official proceeding
  • conspiracy against rights - this is him being charged for interfering with our right to elect the president


here's the jeff clark letter


here's the raffensperger call


House January 6th Committee investigation hearings - PBS youtube playlist of all, full hearings


he was indicted for his coup in a separate indictment in the state of georgia. here's that indictment.


recently it was revealed that the arizona grand jury wanted to indict trump for his involvement in the elector scheme in the state of arizona. they only didn't because of a norm to defer to the feds when investigating the same thing:

Arizona prosecutors asked grand jurors not to indict Trump in state’s fake electors case

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