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What reverbs are y’all using?


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Anyone ever try Toraverb 2 https://d16.pl/toraverb2

I am thinking about giving it a shot. It has an adjustable 'ducking' parameter, looks like a built-in sidechain-compress-type thing that reacts to transients, turning the wet signal down when the incoming audio raises a threshold. This would be cool for drums and perhaps other stuff, was curious if anyone on here tried . . . ?

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The gating/ducking feature in Goodhertz MegaVerb works wonders. And the verb itself is so freaking stellar, it has a grungy, noisy vibe which is beyond amazing and useful in a track to contrast hi-res verbs.

For almost two decades I've used my verbs / delays as inserts, and I've been toying with sends/returns lately, and I think I'm a convertee now.

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For almost two decades I've used my verbs / delays as inserts, and I've been toying with sends/returns lately, and I think I'm a convertee now.

Nice! I saw an interesting little write up about using gates on reverb sends. The last section in particular made me want to try it, the one where he talks about drum sound enhancement: https://www.sweetwater.com/insync/sidechaining-how-it-works-why-its-cool/


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Thanks ! As far as gates are concerned (I love to use them everywhere creatively), DMG Audio’s TrackGate is king. It does 2 flavors of SSL gate/expander (which I’ve always loved since my Duende days) perfectly. Inexpensive too.

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On 10/26/2019 at 6:30 AM, Nil said:

DMG Audio’s TrackGate is king.

cheers, I've been looking for a decent gate plugin, was thinking Fabfilter's pro-G, but this DMG plug looks great (and is also much more affordable). I've been using Ableton's gate (not great) and the gate in Unfiltered Audio's Byome, which isn't bad (and it has the benefit of all kinds of modulation and interaction with other effects). 

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  • 2 months later...

After pissing about for ages I finally got round to hooking up my Digitakt to the Big Sky via midi so I can step sequence the Big Sky.  It's so fucking good, especially being able to toggle the tails on and off when changing presets throughout a pattern.  This just opened up the pedal about ten fold for me.

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On 9/15/2019 at 9:44 AM, Soloman Tump said:

I got a blackstar ht reverb off eBay

Sounds lush. Now I just want to drench everything in sweet warmth


Very annoyed, the valve died in this pedal. I left it in the garage and i think it got damp, its giving me the blinking error message of death.

Doesn't seem to be much after support with these things.

For what i paid for it and what they are worth, don't think I will try and fix it.



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  • 1 year later...



also, the FLux VerbSession V3 (got the creative bundle or whatever it's called cheap!)

fabfilter Pro-R

logic's space designer

ableton convolution verb

Valhalla Reverbs for the Tiptop Z-dp eurorack module

exponential Audio - Nimbus (was like $9 at plug in boutique a few months ago and is preatty awesome and can be weird)

audiodamage mangleverb - i odn't htink it's available anymore which is a shame as it's really good w/filter and modulation and stuff. creative reverb

and the Eventide UltraVerb which imo is just epic and amazing. 

oh, and i still use Freeverb sometimes!

51 minutes ago, bupkis said:

Has anyone ever tried this?



It looks interesting but is so pricey I was wondering if any has tried it and feels like it is worth the price

they do sales some times.. like 50% off i think? can't recall though.. but try the demo. if you like it wait for a sale or check KVR. i've seen it FS used there. 

Edited by ignatius
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8 hours ago, sweepstakes said:

Mostly hand-rolled allpass arrays in SuperCollider these days. Otherwise Erbe-Verb.

I have a Quadraverb and a BAM but I haven't used either in months.

I need someone to mansplain this to me 

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1 hour ago, estragon said:

Mainly just dual wielding Quadraverbs ATM.


how does the GT compare to the base? i think i'd read it's not a 1:1 thing but very similar for the most part

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57 minutes ago, sheatheman said:

I need someone to mansplain this to me 

He builds them himself in the SuperCollider programming language.

EDIT: here’s a good explanation of what allpass filters have to do with it.

EDIT: link:


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34 minutes ago, auxien said:

how does the GT compare to the base? i think i'd read it's not a 1:1 thing but very similar for the most part

The only difference is that the GT adds some insanely shitty analog effects (distortion/preamp/compressor). Once you bypass those, it's exactly the same as a QV plus. I sysexed the Quadraverb presets to the GT and couldn't any difference between the two once I matched the input gain.

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10 hours ago, mister miller said:

love this guys plugins. iron oxide is ?

as far as reverb, i use either valhalla vintage verb or GHZ mega verb on a send.

Yeah, I've got them all installed although there are so many I rarely use most of them.  It seems like a really subtle thing that any EQ plugin would be just as good for, but I've been REALLY liking the Ultrasonic plugin he released a few weeks ago. I've been working at 48kHz instead of 96 for a couple years (to save space and let me use an ADAT expander for extra inputs) and slapping it on individual tracks that have a lot of highs has been really good for keeping things from getting edgy and harsh but keeping them sounding bright.  I've tried using other lowpass filters up around the Nyquist frequency for the same job in the past and for whatever reason, his plugin does the job better to my ear (for what that's worth), maybe it's lower phase distortion or maybe it's just that there are no controls so I don't spend time second guessing it or apply too much, but for whatever reason it really works for me.  In general his plugins that you can barely hear but that add up over an entire mix are my favorites, I've also been using his weird dithers in front of hardware sends a lot although I don't use them on final mixes or masters since everything's' probably going to get compressed at some point before it's heard anyhow, so I just use TPDF for my final files.


I never messed much with IRon Oxide but I like ToTape 5 a lot, I've actually got an old Otari 1/4" and I still use ToTape regularly on individual tracks, only tape emulation I still use since I fixed the Otari up and got it running a few years back. Save the head wear on the Otari for final mixes and tape echo.


But to stay on topic, as far as reverbs it's pretty much down to VVV, the OTO Bam and a Behringer V-Verb for me (not counting built in effects in gear, probably my most used reverb is he Octatrack Dark Reverb but that's more because I've been doing live to stereo recordings through the Octatrack a lot recently).  BAM for big, lush, artificial sounding reverb, V-Verb for low-in-the-mix ambiences to make individual tracks sit in their own space without sounding like they have reverb, and VVV for when I want to use one reverb across a unch of tracks without committing to printing from hardware. Sometimes I'll go back when the mix is pretty much done and try swapping the BAM in for VVV to see if I like it better, and sometimes I do.


I've still got an Alesis Wedge kicking around from when nobody wanted them. I like it a lot for a lot of things but I don't have the desk space to keep it permanently hooked up right now so it gets underused.


EDIT: I almost forgot I've got an old Pioneer home stereo spring reverb that I use for special occasions when I can be bothered to hook it up.  It doesn't sound right for everything but when it's right it's perfect, another great thrift shop find.

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2 hours ago, rhmilo said:

He builds them himself in the SuperCollider programming language.

EDIT: here’s a good explanation of what allpass filters have to do with it.

EDIT: link:


Accurate, but what I'm personally doing is way less scientific/technical. I'm really just goofing around. I'm surprised recently how much richness you can get just summing a handful of comb/allpass with irregular/staggered times, and a little modulation to further smudge.

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