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Coronavirus COVID-19


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BCM doesn't give a shit that millions are going to die and that anywhere form a 1/5th to a 1/3rd of the population is unemployed.

also lol get outta town with that shit. you trippin'
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27 minutes ago, Entorwellian said:

Donated $100 to the Share Food bank. Gave a box of n95 masks and hand sanitizer to the community home I'm working at,  doing shopping runs to the grocery store for other people and seniors in east vancouver twice a week. I would do more direct stuff but I can't afford to get sick, and if I survive it I'll be out there on the front lines. BCM doesn't give a shit that millions are going to die and that anywhere form a 1/5th to a 1/3rd of the population is unemployed. That is like Venezuela levels of potential social unrest.  Also that Western countries are engaging in Social Darwinism by killing off the old and weak. That is on par with Eugenics.


I'm freaking out about this because I am seeing how it is affecting the most vulnerable.

I don't want to see mass graves for the purpose of keeping a bloodthirsty economy going.


And yeah I am a prick and a douche and a fucking asshole and a piece of shit etc....

If you really do all of that then kudos! Good work

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Humans may become infected with hantaviruses through contact with rodent urine, saliva, or feces. Some strains cause potentially fatal diseases in humans, such as hantavirus hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), or hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), also known as hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS),[4] while others have not been associated with known human disease.[5] HPS (HCPS) is a "rare respiratory illness associated with the inhalation of aerosolized rodent excreta (urine and feces) contaminated by hantavirus particles."[4]

Human infections of hantaviruses have almost entirely been linked to human contact with rodent excrement; however, in 2005 and 2019, human-to-human transmission of the Andes virus was reported in South America.[5]



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58 minutes ago, perunamuussi said:

Italy: Only 12% of “Covid19 deaths” list Covid19 as cause
Report shows up to 88% of Italy’s alleged Covid19 deaths could be misattributed



It's established that most deaths had underlying health issues, that's not misattribution. This is a loopy take.

And then I read the 'about' section


OffGuardian was launched in February 2015 and takes its name from the fact its founders had all been censored on and/or banned from the Guardian’s ‘Comment is Free’ sections.

...backs away...

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12 minutes ago, BCM said:
45 minutes ago, perunamuussi said:
Italy: Only 12% of “Covid19 deaths” list Covid19 as cause
Report shows up to 88% of Italy’s alleged Covid19 deaths could be misattributed

very interesting, thanks!

Looks like very poor reporting. Perhaps fake news even.

It's true that it's a highly nuanced topic, but the underlying epidemiological definitions would be very clear. And of the upmost importance that it is internationally being applied as good as possible. Otherwise, the data is meaningless and research is useless. You can bet your life that plenty of researchers (and the WHO) have been and are looking at this like hawks. 

Without knowing the underlying epidemiological definitions, this article is worthless and pure speculation. Perhaps to get people to believe it's all a hoax. 

Also, the presented argument isn't very strong either. Yes, people don't die "from" Covid-19. They die because of complications related to Covid-19. And especially when comorbidities are involved.

If there are comorbidities, it's hard to say whether a person died because of disease X or Y. That's a given. Within the current circumstances though, the question soon becomes whether a patient would have these complications (with this severity) without Covid-19. Here you'd also have an argument about, well, lets say these complications might have existed before Covid-19, but suddenly became much more severe. Resulting in death. There's still an argument here where you could safely argue this death should be counted as Covid-19 related. Because otherwise, the impact of treatment might have been completely different.

Here's another mindfucker: if patient X dies of an untreated stroke (no Covid-19). And it's untreated because all physicians were busy treating Covid-19 patients and made a conscious choice not to treat patient X because of this, would you count this death under Covid-19? I'm sure that's a no, but really, this needs some thinking is not obvious when you think about it.

it's a no, i'd argue, because you want to assess the risk of dying to covid-19 by counting all patients with covid-19. including those with comorbidities, btw.

In short: looks like poor reporting to me.

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I'm not really sure I trust the off-guardians reporting tbh, they're obviously witches.

Edited by Gocab
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Queensland local elections stiiiiiiil going ahead on Saturday, despite an almost total lockdown. $133 fines for failure to vote. Still haven't received my postal vote yet. Ugh!

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3 minutes ago, Gocab said:

I'm not really sure I trust the off-guardians reporting tbh, they're obviously witches.

never heard of them. some kind of onion? or am i missing something?

couldn't be bothered to check as it looked like a bunch of elaborated nonsense. might be a poor form of satire, or something. dunno. i think it should be killed with fire.

Edited by goDel
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