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Coronavirus COVID-19


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25 minutes ago, dingformung said:

Before they are dead they transmit it to others, though

Yeah, and they usually influence impressionable young minds long before they die. They either reproduce or have nieces and nephews whom they can “teach” for a few decades. Unfortunately, natural selection just doesn’t work well on us. Our lifespans are too long for our own good.

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Got screamed at by a customer today over our covid policies. We require masks, and explain the safety measures as people enter. I didn't greet this dude, but from what I saw, he refused to wear a mask, called my coworker Rachel a bitch, gave a bunch of very loud fuck-yous to the 3 other staff members, myself included, and that was right as I walked up, lol. I wasn't having it and told him to get in his car and leave ASAP. Our property, our rules. "I don't give a fuck that it's your property!" blah blah. The entire store crew was shouting this idiot down at this point. I walked outside and watched him while he got into his car, encouraging him with occasional "let's go"s and "outta here, now"s and such. He finished by driving away screaming "you're all SHEEP! SHEEP!" to which we loled and waved goodbye. Shoulda filmed it. 

There were a half dozen other people that pulled their masks off once they were away from any workers. So that's fun. (yeah, I did indeed make them put their masks back on)

On the flip side, most customers were chill about it, and got a kick out of the few people throwing tantrums. It's nice to bond with your customers over a shared dislike of middle aged babies. 

tldr: the US is a greasy horror show and it makes me sad.

Edited by luke viia
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10 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

Let's hope if it shows obvious signs of being a pandemic, people know how to react this time. Specifically the USA.

don't get your hopes up. 

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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

don't get your hopes up. 

they aren't. They're down there somewhere.

The pessimist in me thinks if it does happen, America's boredom of the coronavirus will extend to whatever the next pandemic is, should it happen in a small time frame, unless perhaps it is way more deadly than the coronavirus.

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double ah fuck. 



New York Times: Internal CDC documents warn full reopening of schools is 'highest risk' for coronavirus spread

a bunch more people are gonna die. part of me thinks his psychopathic plan is help the virus spread so there will be more chaos come election time or it'll provide some cover for big dirt he's going to do.. not that he needs any cover these days. seems he can do whatever he wants w/o repercussions. 

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3 minutes ago, ignatius said:

seems he can do whatever he wants w/o repercussions. 

Half the country likes/loves him so yeah. He could make the worst possible choices and most of his followers would find something or someone else to blame.

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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

double ah fuck. 


a bunch more people are gonna die. part of me thinks his psychopathic plan is help the virus spread so there will be more chaos come election time or it'll provide some cover for big dirt he's going to do.. not that he needs any cover these days. seems he can do whatever he wants w/o repercussions. 

he's prolly just an idiot and it indeed looks like the president has too much power. way too much. and that needs to be changed. 

or rather, listen to Beau. couple of good points.


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I'm annoyed by people saying things along the lines of: "Oh it's gonna infect and kill conspiracy theorists, careless boomers and anti-vaxxers, good riddance.", while these people with their behaviour will infect thousands of others who are entirely guiltless (apart from that people don't deserve death for being shit heads). It shows that people who make such statements themselves seem to have a similar lack of understanding of how a pandemic works. People, ooof


Edited by dingformung
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15 hours ago, dingformung said:

I was shopping for a light bulb and the city was very full and people didn't really keep the 2m distance that was directed but everyone wore a mask in stores. Only a limited number of people can enter stores at the same time and there often is someone outside the store that tells people when they can come in and makes sure everyone wears a mask. At the bottom there are arrows to mark the ways that you can go to avoid people running into each other. In supermarkets you have to use a shopping cart so you naturally keep distance or otherwise they don't let you in. I'm thankful that people here seem to be halfway reasonable about the situation but I feel that the discipline starts to loosen and people go shopping just for fun not just when it's necessary. The good weather doesn't really help. I compared the number of infections and deaths with the voting behaviour in my state and as it looks in more green and left oriented areas people stay safer while in more conservative/right-wing areas there are more infections and deaths. Luckily the number of new infections and deaths is falling as for now but it can change very rapidly as we have seen in other places. There is a misconception that only because things are developing into the right direction people can relax and stop being careful while the reason things are getting better is because they have been careful. It's called "prevention paradox": The prevention having the intended effect makes it seem as if the prevention can be loosened. It's psychology. Prevention paradox is a very dangerous thing

Yes, it is the objective to develop a vaccine.

Deutschland sucht den Superspreader... abwarten.

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36 minutes ago, goDel said:

he's prolly just an idiot and it indeed looks like the president has too much power. way too much. and that needs to be changed. 

or rather, listen to Beau. couple of good points.


You still can't get enough of this dude? I mean, he seems to be a good guy and actually does make some valid points here and there but it takes him ages to get to the point and it's basically trivia. The video when he thanked Trump for stress-testing the US was pretty fucking stupid

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5 hours ago, dingformung said:

You still can't get enough of this dude? I mean, he seems to be a good guy and actually does make some valid points here and there but it takes him ages to get to the point and it's basically trivia. The video when he thanked Trump for stress-testing the US was pretty fucking stupid

Anyway, it's just a thought. Y'all have a good day.


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5 hours ago, dingformung said:

You still can't get enough of this dude? I mean, he seems to be a good guy and actually does make some valid points here and there but it takes him ages to get to the point and it's basically trivia. The video when he thanked Trump for stress-testing the US was pretty fucking stupid

Hmmm, about things that are pretty fucking stupid. I could name a few as well.


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3 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

WHO recommending businesses with recycled air conditioning turn them off and open all windows:


was reading yesterday about the expected big heatwave in chicago and how it's going to spell doom for lot's of people. In 1994 or 1995 there was a killer heatwave in that part of USA and like 700 people died from the heat. Can't imagine how it's going be if they have a heatwave like that this summer. 

I don't expect to go back to work until some time in august.. maybe not until september... probably only a couple days a week but it's all up in the air really. 

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20 minutes ago, ignatius said:

was reading yesterday about the expected big heatwave in chicago and how it's going to spell doom for lot's of people. In 1994 or 1995 there was a killer heatwave in that part of USA and like 700 people died from the heat. Can't imagine how it's going be if they have a heatwave like that this summer. 

I don't expect to go back to work until some time in august.. maybe not until september... probably only a couple days a week but it's all up in the air really. 

I remember in June 1994 living in west central Jersey it got above 100 F for a full week with humidity. We probably wouldn't have survived without AC.

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east coast heat is a monster in the usa. Fuck that humidity. Im ready to move to Taos nm and look at the stars

Edited by marf
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On 2/29/2020 at 2:53 AM, ignatius said:
On 2/29/2020 at 12:40 AM, darreichungsform said:

Death rate is 2%, which is comparatively high. If the whole world would be infected, 155260707 people would die (~ one hundred sixty million), that's two times more people than there died in World War 2.

it's very high. the flu that goes around every year is like .01% death rate or something.  if 70% of USA gets infected that'd be 4.6 million people give or take.. who'd die if death rate is 2%

So if our calculations from February were correct the current death count of 137000 people in the US is only 4.17% of the final death count (US) and more than 20 times as many people will ultimately die as there already have died. Let's hope we were wrong and let's hope there will be a vaccine soon. Good luck to you guys, your president is a disgrace

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