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‘Because the Government has given up, everything now depends on God’

Indian volunteer funeral worker I just heard on BBC

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4 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

‘Because the Government has given up, everything now depends on God’

Indian volunteer funeral worker I just heard on BBC

fuck. i hope their gov gets it together and finds some competence somewhere. 

also Brazil topped 400,000 dead from COVID recently. 


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On 4/29/2021 at 10:03 PM, dcom said:

I'm Finnish. We have probably one of the best healthcare systems in the world, and it costs practically nothing to go to the doctor. Our health insurance is handled by the state (no, it's not communism) and it's paid for from taxes. We have no fear of life-destroying debt from medical procedures, and as a nation, we Finns trust our government and health care system - which isn't trying to make as much money as possible from the care. Besides national health insurance there's mandatory work health insurance, which is paid for by our employers. I have an extended one that allows me to go to any healthcare provider I choose, and I pay nothing. Zero. All vaccinations I've ever had have been free. I've had the influenza shot for yonks every year. My last major operation years ago was a tonsillectomy to alleviate sleep apnea - free, with two weeks fully paid sick leave for recovery. Meds have a yearly cost cap, when you reach it you pay only a fraction of the price for all meds after that. When our son was born, the delivery and three day stay at the hospital with our own room and five meals a day for both parents cost us a total of 100 €.

I don't fear vaccines because I live in a country where we can trust them by default. A Finnish anti-vaxxer is an evolutionary regression.



Edited by drome
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More Alaska shenanigans - state legislator banned from flying because she refused to wear a mask: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/4/26/2027681/-Alaska-legislator-banned-from-flights-to-capital?detail=emaildkbow

I don't see how a 14-hour drive is worth it. JUST WEAR THE DAMN MASK.

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One of the problems with the conspiracy theory business and the self titled so called sceptics is that they always forget that being a sceptic about authority and institutions is not enough in itself.

You also have to be truly sceptic about your own biases and prejudices.

Being a sceptic about everything, without being a sceptic about YOURSELF first, without being self-critical and having a minimal level of intellectual self-discipline and self-awareness about the fact you are a human being capable of having your views distorted by emotional reactivity and irrational thinking is just rearranging your prejudices in a way that is pleasing to yourself and doesn't endanger your view of the world.

It is not intellectually honest.

And it is not what scientists do.

On cannot simply say ''i've done my research'' if you are not being subject to intense peer reviews in a methodic, rational, thorought process. And multiple times.

Scientists are double checked all the time.

Yes, they still need to be kept in check and be questioned but are you questioning yourself (and that conspiracy youtube) video with the same intensity as you are questioning the facts of experts that have worked in fields that are INTENSIVELY peer reviewed?

Are you peer reviewed? who is keeping you in check? 

Who keeps the youtube video in check?

The answer is usually nobody.

And this is why we need scientists.





Also dcom for WATMM president

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18 minutes ago, brian trageskin said:

why do you have a 2nd account is the true question @thefxbip 

mods pls ban 

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haha right?

lost my password and my old email

If Joyrex can tell me what is the email i used i could relog


 i think one can recognize my signature ''spaced paragraphs'' writing? ?

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it's a trust problem. i don't trust mine, or anyone else's government in any way whatsoever. i don't trust their narrative, and the people they get to relay that narrative. there are countless examples of governments lying, colluding with big business and acting in ways that only benefit themselves and their mates.

i wish i did have confidence that the people who govern us are doing things for the right reasons and that i trusted them. would make things much simpler!

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1 hour ago, BCM said:

it's a trust problem. i don't trust mine, or anyone else's government in any way whatsoever. i don't trust their narrative, and the people they get to relay that narrative. there are countless examples of governments lying, colluding with big business and acting in ways that only benefit themselves and their mates.

i wish i did have confidence that the people who govern us are doing things for the right reasons and that i trusted them. would make things much simpler!

https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2014-03-12-intelligent-people-are-more-likely-trust-others  :trollface:

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4 hours ago, BCM said:

it's a trust problem. i don't trust mine, or anyone else's government in any way whatsoever. i don't trust their narrative, and the people they get to relay that narrative. there are countless examples of governments lying, colluding with big business and acting in ways that only benefit themselves and their mates.

i wish i did have confidence that the people who govern us are doing things for the right reasons and that i trusted them. would make things much simpler!

It's quite understandable.Governments are full of crooks.

BUT science (medical science) and government are not the same entity.It's what lots of people seem to fail to understand.

There is a point when some people will just automatically say things like ''they're paid by the government'' or ''work for the government'' to just deny anything scientists may say or any scientific fact. Well mate, what if a scientist working at NASA tells you ''the earth is round''? is that a government conspiracy? 

Well some people truly believe that. Flat Earthers lol.

Well ''the earth is round'' is no different from a medical scientist telling you ''there is a pandemic and we have to act''.

But yeah, the mistrust have gone so far that even basic facts are doubted and everything is deemed a conspiracy from the start even if it doesn't make any sense.Government does have indeed part of the blame.But it doesn't mean you should put your brain switch to off and say everything is a conspiracy if it comes from the words of a scientist paid in some way by the government.They do have a basic independance of thought and are kept in check by independant scientific entities and peers.


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27 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

It's quite understandable.Governments are full of crooks.

BUT science (medical science) and government are not the same entity.It's what lots of people seem to fail to understand.

There is a point when some people will just automatically say things like ''they're paid by the government'' or ''work for the government'' to just deny anything scientists may say or any scientific fact. Well mate, what if a scientist working at NASA tells you ''the earth is round''? is that a government conspiracy? 

Well some people truly believe that. Flat Earthers lol.

Well ''the earth is round'' is no different from a medical scientist telling you ''there is a pandemic and we have to act''.

But yeah, the mistrust have gone so far that even basic facts are doubted and everything is deemed a conspiracy from the start even if it doesn't make any sense.Government does have indeed part of the blame.But it doesn't mean you should put your brain switch to off and say everything is a conspiracy if it comes from the words of a scientist paid in some way by the government.They do have a basic independance of thought and are kept in check by independant scientific entities and peers.

https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/394201/full-stops-and-spaces  :trollface:

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On 5/1/2021 at 12:00 AM, ghsotword said:

The post was meant as ironic, if it wasn't clear. I'm not actually a Hitler supporter and I prefer modern and postmodern art over classical art

my bad lol ignore what i said ?

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That second shot is no fun.   I was prepared to feel a lot sicker than I did, but I wasn't prepared for how painful it would be.  I've had a few painful things happen in my life and I'd put that at #3, just below e.coli poisoning. For about 12 hours I literally couldn't use my left arm because the pain was so bad that if I tried to bend it more than a few inches it would just overwhelm everything.  Full on rolling in and out of bed because I couldn't prop myself up on my elbow, almost unable to get a shirt off or on, unable to stand up fully, having pick my left arm up with my right hand and move it around if I needed to reposition it levels of pain for about 10 hours, mostly in my bicep but running all the way from my left ear to the last joint of my left thumb and everything in between (for some reason my left fingers were fine).  None of the other symptoms were that bad, had a fever of around 99.7 for a couple hours late the first night (normal for me is around 97.4-97.8 so 99.7 is most people's 100.5), just bad enough that if I got out of bed I'd start shaking and my teeth would chatter even though it was in the mid 60s, but not as bad as I remember fevers being (other than maybe an hour or two in January that were borderline I haven't had a fever in at least 8 years before this).


Worth it, of course, but pretty intense.


EDIT: the other weird thing is that it hardly improved at all until about 20 hours after the shot, and then it started to get better really quickly.  I'm still sore and tired now (almost exactly 50 hours later) but I only feel slightly worse than I did the morning after the first one and my arm's actually a little less sore than that already (but my neck and shoulder are still sore and they didn't hurt at all after the first one).

Edited by TubularCorporation
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^damn @TubularCorporationthat sucks. good you got it obv but sucks it hurt so bad, don't think i've read of anyone having that bad of time just with the pain of the shots, guessing it maybe just hit in a weird muscle or something? idk, the soreness/tiredness isn't uncommon but that bad pain from the shot just sounds like a fluke hopefully. i guess if you did get some slight tiredness/side effects related to the vaccine but not with the shot itself then that means the vaccine did get in your system correctly so hopefully all's well there (i'd assume a poorly placed shot of many medicines/vaccines/etc. could negate some effects, dependent upon lots of factors that me as definitely-not-a-doctor am not totally aware of). if it's going away it's probably all good, maybe worth mentioning if you get a booster down the way or the next time you see a general doctor or whatever, just in case.

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It was painful the first time too, not so much at the site of the shot but lower on my bicep (same place it was most sore this time).  I think it's pretty common, they tell everyone that their arm will be sore for a few days at the place I got both my shots.  My mom's arm swelled up a little when she got her second one.


I think it's just how I react, hopefully the boosters will be more like the first one.  The other symptoms weren't as bad for me as most people I know, but the arm pain was nuts.  Basically gone now.

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On 5/2/2021 at 6:16 AM, BCM said:

i don't trust mine, or anyone else's government in any way whatsoever

Does that mean you don't trust anyone who works in the civil service? Or anyone who is employed by the government? Or are you limiting it to politicians?

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