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AE jam snippets played on Mixlr


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"ironically this will now be cut from the recording of this stream and sweatilly analysed and wanked over for years to come" (North Spiral)

So why isn't this reality yet?

In case you missed it: On 30.03.20 Sean AE randomly skipped through his jam recordings folders while being live on mixlr, offering a rare insight into track evolutions. Quite the fucking treat, thanks again for that!

Anywhoo i guess with the official onesix release being just ahead and mixlr transmissions having only ended yesterday it's not quite the time to dissect these yet, but hey, i thought i'd still make a start by timestamping shit and pointing out ("!") familiar tracks / variations as well as personal highlights... What about yours? Did i miss something?

This is the version i took for reference: https://we.tl/t-GwBers9Fq0 (thanks go to adm1n for extraction)

001    00.00-00.49        ?
002    00.49-01.55        ? (traces of spl47?)
003    01.55-02.00        ?
004    02.01-02.06        ?
005    02.07-02.20        ?
006    02.21-02.43        ?
007    02.45-03.53        ?
008    03.54-03.57        ? (onesix?)
009    03.59-04.01        ?
010    04.09-05.09        ?
011    05.06-05.17        ? (this rules)            !
012    05.17-05.54        ONESIX ("breakbeats")            !
013    05.55-06.25        ?
014    06.26-07.04        ?
015    07.04-07.30        ? (raunchy trek)                !
016    07.30-07.39        ?
017    07.41-08.01        E0                    !
018    08.01-08.36        AE_LIVE                    !
019    08.41-08.45        AE_LIVE                    !
020    09.05-09.12        ?
021    09.12-09.15        ELYC9 7HRES                !
022    09.15-11.22        ACDWN2                    !
023    11.22-11.23        ? (i call this one glocko, the second of sound)
024    11.25-11.30        ?
025    11.31-11.35        ? (somewhat familiar)
026    11.35-12.00        AE_LIVE                    !
027    12.00-13.24        ? (AE_DNB)                !
028    13.26-13.33        ?
029    13.38-13.39        ?
030    13.47-13.50        C7B2                    !
031    13.53-14.39        ?
032    14.39-14.51        ONESIX (moar "breakbeats")        !
033    14.52-15.24        ?
034    15.25-15.57        ? (xektses??)
035    15.59-16.01        ONESIX                    !
036    16.02-16.08        ?
037    16.09-16.16        ? (super quiet... onesix?)
038    16.16-16.55        ?
039    16.56-17.30        ONESIX (bubbles)            !
040    17.33-17.38        32A REFLECTED                !
041    17.39-18.05        ?
042    18.06-18.09        AE_LIVE                    !
043    18.10-18.41        AE_LIVE (G1E1)                !
044    18.43-19.02        AE_LIVE                    !
045    19.02-19.42        AE_LIVE                    !
046    19.42-20.07        ?
047    20.08-20.12        ?
048    20.12-20.17        ONESIX                    !
049    20.18-20.19        ?
050    20.24-20.30        ?
060    20.32-20.38        ONESIX (same as above)            !
061    20.39-20.45        ? (pan flute...nice!)            !
062    20.45-20.52        ?
063    20.52-21.16        ?
064    21.20-21.27        ?
065    21.28-22.23        BEST SHIT EVAR ("fol3"(not rly)+pads, heavily in love with this one)        !!!
066    22.25-22.31        ? (PEAL MA?)
067    22.36-22.41        ?
068    22.42-22.45        ?
069    22.45-25.15        ? (onesix?)
070    23.35-23.36        ONESIX                    !
071    23.43-23.47        ONESIX                    !
072    23.48-23.56        ?
073    24.00-24.32        ? (variations of some beat, LIVE?)    !
074    24.34-24.44        ?
075    24.50-24.53        ONESIX                    !
076    25.00-25.39        E0 (faster)                !!
077    25.40-25.43        AE_LIVE                    !
078    24.44-26.04        ?
079    26.04-27.20        ? (oh yes)        !!
080    27.22-27.27        ?
081    27.27-27.32        DEBRIS FUNK (outro i think?)                !
082    27.33-27.54        MESH CINERAL (proto version, interesting)        !!
083    27.59-28.26        ? (EASTRE proto?)
084    28.29-30.02        EASTRE                    !
085    30.06-31.03        FEED1                    !
086    31.16-31.22        FLH                    !
087    31.23-32.17        ?
088    32.17-32.22        AE_LIVE                    !
089    32.23-32.35        ?
090    32.54-32.57        AE_LIVE                    !
091    33.00-33.10        ?
092    33.11-33.19        AE_LIVE                    !
093    33.21-33.26        AE_LIVE (intro)                !
094    33.28-33.51        ?
095    33.52-33.59        AE_LIVE                    !
096    34.00-34.31        AE_LIVE (violvoic urly v)        !
097    34.32-34.58        AE_LIVE                    !
098    34.58-35.08        ? (ae_live proto?)
099    35.09-35.16        ? (")
100    35.17-35.35        ?
101    35.37-35.57        RECKS ON (pads only)            !
102    35.57-35.59        VIOLVOIC (live version)            !
103    36.01-36.06        ?
104    36.06-36.21        ? (weird house)
105    36.21-37.16        ?
106    37.24-37.28        AE_LIVE                    !
107    37.28-37.37        ?
108    37.39-37.46        ?
109    37.47-39.13        ? ("trip hop")                !
110    39.13-40.43        AE_LIVE (violvoic)            !
111    40.25-41.12        AE_LIVE (G1E1)                !
112    41.12-41.35        GLOS CERAMIC                !
113    41.37-41.42        ?
114    41.42-41.44        L3 CTRL                    !
115    41.45-41.48        AE_LIVE                    !
116    41.48                   AE_LIVE (intro diff version)        !




Formatting gone to shit... oh well whatever.




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1 hour ago, jaderpansen said:

"ironically this will now be cut from the recording of this stream and sweatilly analysed and wanked over for years to come" (North Spiral)

i meant to write Hello Spiral oc... oh dear.

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7 minutes ago, misuta Go said:

couldn't hep it. thanks for making the initial selection mate, made my day...

yer very welcome. i should add that i combined some consecutive snippets / skips into one stamp if they obviously were from the same source. also mind that some of the titles are merely speculative and / or made up bullshit. pretty sure about most tho.

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2 hours ago, amad said:

ae-BEST SHIT EVAR is a very fitting name for that particular track

credit for the naming goes to jaderpansen. i kept it whre i could cuz it works pretty good...
(personal favourite: intro diff version)

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  • 5 months later...

Since i was unpatiently going thru the file for twitch thread discussion (on who did which tracks, suggesting Saddam did these), i want to add 103 (36.01-36.06) as early/alternate nineFly, or rather the source of it that was morphed

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1 hour ago, Amen Lare said:

Since i was unpatiently going thru the file for twitch thread discussion (on who did which tracks, suggesting Saddam did these), i want to add 103 (36.01-36.06) as early/alternate nineFly, or rather the source of it that was morphed

dang man you're right! can't edit OP i'm afraid but yeah...

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4 hours ago, Mic Finger said:

"Traces of spl47" also has traces of plyPhon and 90101-51-1, no?

Hey chill out! How about none of that and not more of everything

I mean you can go far with such "traces", not the strong part of that beautiful list

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3 hours ago, Amen Lare said:

Hey chill out! How about none of that and not more of everything

I mean you can go far with such "traces", not the strong part of that beautiful list

you're probably right, kinda far fetched, just something about the snare sound that immediately reminded me of it.

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16 hours ago, jaderpansen said:

you're probably right, kinda far fetched, just something about the snare sound that immediately reminded me of it.

It's sonically reminiscent and not only in the snare, i would agree it probably belongs to "spl" fame, but there's a lot of similar ground covered in recent huge batches, so the list loses clarity a bit when we start detecting traces

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  • 3 weeks later...
7 hours ago, jaderpansen said:

20.24-20.30 = X4

... right before our ears the whole time! ?

which begs the questions: y no best shit evar/ 26.05/ pan flute on puls? sean pls!

That "best shit ever" 21:28 has similar hats and resemblence of 7FM ic (tho pads are closer to marhide)

Pan flute of 20:39 is super close to ecol4 (around 06:00)

Some of the unknown cuts definitely hit close to that ecol4, x4 type

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4 hours ago, Amen Lare said:

That "best shit ever" 21:28 has similar hats and resemblence of 7FM ic (tho pads are closer to marhide)

Pan flute of 20:39 is super close to ecol4 (around 06:00)

Some of the unknown cuts definitely hit close to that ecol4, x4 type

lol yeah pan flute totally IS ecol4, maybe i should actually listen to shit before complaining ? . not rly hearing the 7FM connection tho. if anything it reminds me a bit of Lema. Anyway enough good stuff left to fill plus without resorting to vaguely alt versions of sign tracks. but obviously they wanted them on there instead, despite sitting on other material, so who am i to judge...

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btw remember how sean said these were all "old", as in pre-revamp? and it indeed seems like sign and plus are still somewhat rooted in the familiar system, hence the beany artwork maybe, signifyng the connection? makes me all the more curious about the new live set and bummed out we didn't get to hear it in q4 2020 as planned. of course that's an insignificant first-world-problem compared to ppl actually dying or losing their jobs because of the situation but yeah.

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19 hours ago, jaderpansen said:

btw remember how sean said these were all "old", as in pre-revamp? and it indeed seems like sign and plus are still somewhat rooted in the familiar system, hence the beany artwork maybe, signifyng the connection? makes me all the more curious about the new live set and bummed out we didn't get to hear it in q4 2020 as planned. of course that's an insignificant first-world-problem compared to ppl actually dying or losing their jobs because of the situation but yeah.

From the chat log:

2020-03-30 12:36:45 Autechre: most of these are old as well

2020-03-30 12:37:14 Autechre: not gonna play any of the new live jams, no spoilers

2020-03-30 13:02:43 ivan ooze: can we hear 5 secs of the new album pls? :)

2020-03-30 13:03:10 Autechre: no all the new stuff is under wraps sorry :)

2020-03-30 13:03:38 Autechre: still might release some of these but not in the next batch

In fact, he played some of the new (if only seconds), and according to the NYT interview SIGN is post-revamp, PLUS should be too but maybe not these particular tracks.

Edit: well, maybe not definitely post-revamp, that's not clear if 2018 was involved


Autechre recorded the album it releases Friday, “SIGN,” through much of 2018 and 2019, and completed it in February and March, when the coronavirus was only beginning to affect Europe and the United States. As on nearly all of Autechre’s albums, the track titles are deliberately inscrutable: “si00,” “esc desc,” “psin AM.” The capitalized album title, Brown said, is “an initialization, but we don’t want to tell anybody what it stands for.”


Edited by Amen Lare
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  • 9 months later...

This bit from the 1999 coachella set sounds like an ancestor of "AE _ OH YES" file from the jam folder clips innit

(should be timestamped for 1:24:52, section lasts til about 1:26:00)

Edit:  found the "oh yes" clip: 


Edited by toaoaoad
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3 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:

This bit from the 1999 coachella set sounds like an ancestor of "AE _ OH YES" file from the jam folder clips innit

(should be timestamped for 1:24:52, section lasts til about 1:26:00)


this wasn't live though. was a DJ set. from rob's mouth "just some light DJing really"

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1 minute ago, ignatius said:

this wasn't live though. was a DJ set. from rob's mouth "just some light DJing really"

Yeah, the set definitely sounds that way, mostly just tracks we know already, but there are a few of these bits that are still uncredited/unreleased tracks. Mostly just wanted to point out the similarity between the two, i.e. I wonder if the "oh yes" file has its roots in this track, or maybe I'm just being thrown off by the "animals screeching in the jungle" vibe

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