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rs - the Racket Sequencer


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So as some of you know I've been working on a tool to do live coding in Lisp, specifically in the really cool Racket variant of Scheme. The tool is called rs (the Racket Sequencer) and it allows you to do sequencing by sending Racket code to a REPL.

If you type

(set-rs-t-seq! drums  (list bd '() sd (list hh hh)))

(assuming you've defined what "drums", "bd", "sd" and "hh" are) you will start playing boom ... tschk  tss tss

But you can get much more creative, of course.

Here's a quick overview video I made that shows how you do pedestrian boom-tschk. First three minutes are setup, live sequencing comes in at 03:00-ish


All this is not, unfortunately, plug and play. The tool itself can be installed as a regular Racket package (raco pkg install rs) but to get the base MIDI library to run, you need to compile some code. This is fairly easy to do on a Mac with developer tools and on Linux (as @sweepstakes kindly tested out for me). On Windows, though ... who knows?

The main documentation for this rs is here: https://docs.racket-lang.org/rs

A small library for doing more creative stuff, such as conditional events, repeat (retrig) and rotating sequences is here: https://docs.racket-lang.org/rs-l

Some demo files can be found here: https://github.com/mcdejonge/rs-demos

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Congrats mate ! I can't give it a try yet (got an EP to finish first) but I'm really curious to hear / see what you're going to do with it.

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