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  1. with the weed in there? wonder if you can get high from banging a chick who has weed stuffed in her popola. like a weed tampon. wow, weed in a tampon. the possibilities. *drinks more battery fluid* there's weed lube you can get for that damn if I used that with a chick without her knowing she would think I have the best dick in the universe
  2. If someone buys this for me I will paypal you 50 USD plus the cost of the record
  3. enjoy. that's a wicked line-up. I bet dave and jodey will play unreleased stuff.
  4. https://www.teslarati.com/musk-joins-trumps-advisory-council-along-ceos-uber-pepsico-ceos/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=elonquotes Musk joins Trump’s advisory council, along with Uber and PepsiCo CEOs
  5. I guess, when he gets crazy people on he sort of just lets them talk. Gavin Mcginnes is good example.
  6. I'm not talking about playing the game in a sense that you are compensating for a lack of all those things you've listed. I'm just saying, in any job or organization you have to play nice if you want to further your career. Once you get some clout and some draw then you can start doing more controversial stuff or shaking things up, but until then you've got to make good decisions. Sam didn't do this. You can't just disassociate with people once something has happened. If people are causing problems and they are associated with you then you have to make statements and disavow publicly. And now making fun of Joe Rogan regularly and suggesting that he be invited on the show, which he may be anyhow, because Joe may not know or care about what Sam has mocked him about, is more spineless and desperate behavior from Sam. Sam reminds me a lot of some shitty friends I've had that are really disloyal when it matters, but expect you to give a fuck about them when they need you.
  7. funny how he spent so much time ripping on joe rogan but now he's suggesting that he should be on JRE.
  8. it's funny how idm/electronic music skirts the fine line between being straight up video game music sometimes. I was playing a morphology remix track for someone they other day, and they were like, "this sounds like 90's computer hacking movie scene music" and they kind of ruined that track for me.
  9. someone should make a meme of people wearing those little hats on their dicks. would be grand.
  10. Yeah, Sam wasn't playing the game intelligently, that's for sure. Sam could probably do an indiegogo or something for production costs or get an investor if he wanted to though. I think he didn't realize how nice it is having a studio being run to produce your shit. I dunno. it's all speculative. He should have told the dregs to back off though.
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