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About Siegecow

  • Birthday 11/20/1988

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    The Sideshow
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    Flossin my ice pack

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    Bahamas, The

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  1. well honestly who wouldn't have enjoyed a good shire sacking but lets be realistic here guys.
  2. we'll get through this. Together.

  3. Siegecow


    yes theyll stop at 21 million. But that doesnt make it not inflation? just predictable and controlled inflation for the next 20+ years.
  4. Siegecow


    I dont understand, looking at this graph it says there are approx 3 billion bitcoins circulating and that number is constantly increased over time until it tapers off. How is this constant addition of new bitcoins NOT inflation? As you can see the supply of bitcoins will more than double within 10 years. Unless the demand for bitcoin increases proportionally to match that inflation, won't the currency become more and more worthless? What's the point of investing in a currency that inflates at a much faster rate than any national currency and never decreases?
  5. Siegecow


    im also quite flustered that these things arent called credits You just cant fly around the galaxy trading bitcoins. Thats crazy.
  6. Siegecow


    this is a cool idea but bread would hate it because its still a monetary system. it also confuses me how there can be no inflation. If it really is just a bunch of nerds trading bitcoin for no reason then how much bitcoin is there to trade? why wouldnt that number get larger when more people started using bitcoin? What is the current value of bitcoin? If it's nothing why would it ever have value? If it already has value why does it? ps what the heck does "open source"/"anonymous" currency mean? edit: i guess i get the anonymous part, but that seems like it could be way sketchier than swedish banks
  7. for when balling is imperative
  8. Siegecow


    seriously. youd have to get way drunk
  9. dont you just fucking HATE IT WHEN YOU VIEW OTHER peoples profiles accidentally?

    anywyas hit me back later

    you know the number

  10. stay away from my kids.

  11. Yeah i really wish this show was only about white people. Also less characterization and story, maybe get rid of most of the conflict and challenges. Just a bunch of white men getting along traipsing through waves of zombies effortlessly. Now thats a TV experience i wouldn't have to feel conscious about.
  12. I get it! because he's spry and youthful!
  13. Siegecow

    south park

    ah to be in the privileged position where being at the top of your game consists of one-dimensional impressions of whatever's floated to the top if the public lexicon.
  14. Siegecow

    south park

    personally i loathe that, these "editorials" have all the wit and insight of a high schooler. Every episode is just tons of in-references to something popular; they invent or propagate some term that fans can run around calling each other for the next 6 months "muff cabbage, queef". People just want something to justify their hatred, and south park has become such a bastion of this kind of cultural lampooning that now all trey and matt need to do is make already infamous celebrity run around like an asshole, give randy some crazy shit to do, stan will throw around a few facepalms and theyve got another episode finished; angsty kids across the world now can have their hate-boners stroked off once again. In any case, still a better show than the fucking simpsons.
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