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Fred McGriff

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Fred McGriff last won the day on May 14 2019

Fred McGriff had the most liked content!


About Fred McGriff

  • Birthday 05/29/1979

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    United States

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Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Pretty sure if you ask a bartender for a "gold on gold" he'll pour you half Ninkasi and half LH.
  2. Jesus christ man, how sweet would it be to hollow out a tree stump in your back yard and convert it into a functional kegerator?
  3. elder or younger? i need to know so I can tell you what the other is doing
  4. whilst Firestone Walker Double Jack is arching a 10 foot stream of pee into its butt.
  5. No idea, I never actually even really looked at it. I'm used to seeing way too many emoticons at work so maybe I subconsciously tune them out.
  6. lol I never knew that was a goatsebunny. *reports*
  7. i would not be able to recognize azatoth without his bert avatar. maybe he can move it to his signature in a spoiler as a reminder during his sentence?
  8. not the ones i was giving when i was in braces. bud ice with ice.
  9. they should have their mums as their avatars innit
  10. the 120 minute is like 18% innit.
  11. OMG this beer is incredible! It shows up the 120 Minute by a mile. It's so smooth and tastes like soft bananas, pears and mangoes. whoa whoa thats big talk WTF WHY ISNT THIS IN MY TOWN I've seen it before around here. gonna take the pepsi challenge.
  12. at least it's a good way to keep track of what you've had and a better way to remember what things tasted like and how much you enjoyed them maybe right?
  13. what is untappd, tec? Had this this weekend for the second time: it just might be the greatest and best beer ever
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