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About vertsk8er419

  • Birthday 04/19/1991

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    United States

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Community Answers

  1. case and point: https://www.last.fm/music/Wisp lets do Reid a solid and ratio these new artist photos... pls dislike ?: and pls like ?: and.. they are my new uploads that are being ratio'd by the 'shit zoomer artist'-s zoomer fans and i think they actually represent his music best. and if you feel so inclined just upvote all actually relevant Wisp artist images... you'll have to have a last.fm account ofc. Thank you for your service.
  2. lots of recognizable zvλd sounds in this one, may be my favorite jam so far. such a surreal vibe he brings. sounds similar to 6017302 A
  3. "live single take w/ elektron syntakt, elektron digitone, roland jv-880, sr-jv80-13, & hologram microcosm."
  4. it been unprivated! also, he's live solo rn (it bangs): so good
  5. oh he's been jamming for 36 mins atm:
  6. can you pm me these? i don't have either... would love to hear em
  7. big bump: zvλd is still active on his other youtube channel. averaging 1 live stream per day of improvised noodlings: show him your love and support!
  8. god bless you m8's shout out to usagi for the PM.?
  9. it's simply camcorder footage of his computer/gear playing the drums and synths from abundance10edit by Aphex Twin. "xxx" being a former member of the boards (dunno if he's still around or if he still goes by that username) thx n advance!
  10. anyone got it? i need that in my life rn. it's a yutube video entitled "abundance drums" or something of the like? anyone know what i'm talm bout? pls TRUMP 2020
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