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About sergeantk

  • Birthday June 26

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  1. I've listened to it maybe 5 times already. Probably my album of the year. Good job, Frank.
  2. got a gaming PC for cheap from a friend, now i have a sweet gaming/music rig
  3. Gonna start watching more animes. Any suggestions? I've seen a lot of the more popular ones (Bebop, FMA, Gurren Lagann, Death Note, etc)
  4. guarantee this is the person who was asking about his handwriting earlier. guarantee this is the person who was asking about his handwriting earlier. oh no it fucking isn't ! In fact I reckon it could be genuine, a change of tactics it seems pretty legit to me if im honestt, if not the persons pretty talented with a lot of time on his hands it's not rdj
  5. Not to sound greedy, but I would love to hear some stuff from 95-2000. Seems like a possibility considering how he is releasing these somewhat chronologically.
  6. also dope https://soundcloud.com/user487363530/10-bcr78
  7. After having given up all hope entirely, the AFX mania has returned.
  8. so happy i checked this thread, shit. mirrors edge is dank
  9. super hyped about new smash, and mario kart DLC hit the spot.
  10. It means how many times you've read the rules, and to what aptitude.
  11. Sorry if jazz but flol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53fRcbcUYSY
  12. I read the paper next to the card and it says to bring the card and receipt to the store where it was purchased to get your copy of the album. So I don't think the cards are anything special or give any exclusive material. Ah, you're right. I thought I read "exclusive content" somewhere. Need more coffee today, even fell for your obvious trolling :) Also, stoked to read that the Japan only track is 7 minutes long I think the only Japan exclusive track Aphex ever had was "Respect List" (that was on the Singles collection, you also had 2 Mixes On A 12" For Cash as a Japanese only release, but those weren't exclusive tracks) so I reckon it'll be more worth the $$$ this time! 7 minutes of him reading WATMM posts
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