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Posts posted by SUPiERo

  1. Hello!
    People, please help me find what is missing in the collection!
    Maybe someone knows where to buy something from this list:

    Non-Album Tracks:
    01. 1999 - Autechre meets David Sylvian - Shadowland [indiependent mix]. CDr: https://www.discogs.com/David-Sylvian-Years-Of-Memories-Vol-IV/release/3389874 .
    01. 1999 - D-Breeze - Crazy For Love. LP: https://www.discogs.com/Various-MASK-500/release/19800 ;
    02. 2007 - Unique 3 - The Theme (Autechre Remix). CDr: https://www.discogs.com/Unique-3-The-Theme/release/3323819 ;
    03. 2009 - The Black Dog - Tunnels Ov Set (Autechre Remix). CDr: https://www.discogs.com/The-Black-Dog-We-Are-Sheffield-EP/release/1885777 .
  2. Let's write a petition to Warp released CDs or vinyls! These diamonds should not only be in a downloadable form. Or you can make crowdfunding...

    Sorry for my English curve.



    Sean and Rob, thank you for being with us all these days. It was great and unexpected!

    And the last question:

    Guys, do you consider yourself happy?

    Sean, please give the name of my collection of CDs and vinyls Autechre :music:

    Wish you all the best! :beer:

    Sean, you do not like my avatar? Or am I asking too stupid questions? :wink:



    ah hi

    sorry i have a cold and i keep missing things today

    no excuse tho


    yeah i mean, i dunno, what's happy? does it even mean anything?


    your collection is now called autechre


    Thank you again! Guys, keep us happy for the fantastic tracks! You are out of the competition! Until we meet again :music:



    Sean and Rob, thank you for being with us all these days. It was great and unexpected!

    And the last question:

    Guys, do you consider yourself happy?

    Sean, please give the name of my collection of CDs and vinyls Autechre :music:

    Wish you all the best! :beer:

    Sean, you do not like my avatar? Or am I asking too stupid questions? :wink:


    hahah we don't mind yr avatar. what is it?

    define happy


    So I see myself in the mirror after listening to your tracks... :rolleyes:


    Hi, Sean and Rob. Please answer the following questions:

    1. What hath made you most proud of? (track, album, or something other than music). And they would like to forget?

    2. What is your favorite place on the planet?

    3. Please give a name for my new home audio system :happy:

    Thank you very much :beer:

    heya, liked your wedding photo btw, wasn't ignoring yr post. but i can't scribble on it.


    1 dunno what makes me proud really. probably just actually getting a record out, and being out and watching people i didn't know hear it . that was a significant point i think.

    2 deep water below clear skies sunshine/moonlight/stars

    3 vanishing point


    Rob, thank you for your answers. :yeah: We are very pleased

    Please answer by 5 short questions. We have reduced our list of questions. :smile: We understand that you all have time to answer difficult :rolleyes:

    1. Which track Autechre us to include? He will always be associated with our Honeymoon
    2. What are your favorite wine and cheese?
    3. FC Barcelona or Real Madrid? Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi?
    4. Porsche or Ferrari?

    can you name my left foot?

    1tp4.jpgpic related - it's proper fukkd

    sprane 3




    Hello, Rob and Sean! Thank you so much, that the answer to the questions of fans here :beer:
    Excuse my bad english, I'm from Russia
    Please answer my questions:
    1. 2 weeks ago I got married. The best gift for me and my wife would be if you wrote a few words on my photos. :emb: Certainly no need to print and scan photo. Just draw something in Paint, if not difficult. Received an unusual electronic signature. Here's a link to the photo:
    2. Which track Autechre us to include? He will always be associated with our Honeymoon :music:
    3. We fall in love with photography. Please give the name of my camera :wink:
    4. What are your favorite wine and cheese?
    5. FC Barcelona or Real Madrid? Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi?
    6. Porsche or Ferrari?
    7. What is the most surrealistic place in the world where you've been?
    8. What are 5 albums Autechre would you take to a desert island?
    P/S/: My wife and I will be perfectly happy if you follow our small request and answer our questions.
    P/P/S: You - the most brilliant artists in the world! Thank you for what you are! We wish you good health, great shape and good mood! In addition to new albums waiting for your boxes with rarities, remixes and live performances! Come to Moscow! In advance many great big thank you! :smile::smile::smile:


    this can't be real, can it?


    Sorry. :cry: May be at least a couple of questions answer? :emb:


    hahha just messing.


    re the wedding, u could ask a professional instead tho'


    Sean pls :crazy:



    Hello, Rob and Sean! Thank you so much, that the answer to the questions of fans here :beer:
    Excuse my bad english, I'm from Russia
    Please answer my questions:
    1. 2 weeks ago I got married. The best gift for me and my wife would be if you wrote a few words on my photos. :emb: Certainly no need to print and scan photo. Just draw something in Paint, if not difficult. Received an unusual electronic signature. Here's a link to the photo:
    2. Which track Autechre us to include? He will always be associated with our Honeymoon :music:
    3. We fall in love with photography. Please give the name of my camera :wink:
    4. What are your favorite wine and cheese?
    5. FC Barcelona or Real Madrid? Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi?
    6. Porsche or Ferrari?
    7. What is the most surrealistic place in the world where you've been?
    8. What are 5 albums Autechre would you take to a desert island?
    P/S/: My wife and I will be perfectly happy if you follow our small request and answer our questions.
    P/P/S: You - the most brilliant artists in the world! Thank you for what you are! We wish you good health, great shape and good mood! In addition to new albums waiting for your boxes with rarities, remixes and live performances! Come to Moscow! In advance many great big thank you! :smile::smile::smile:


    this can't be real, can it?


    Sorry. :cry: May be at least a couple of questions answer? :emb:

  8. Hello, Rob and Sean! Thank you so much, that the answer to the questions of fans here :beer:

    Excuse my bad english, I'm from Russia

    Please answer my questions:

    1. 2 weeks ago I got married. The best gift for me and my wife would be if you wrote a few words on my photos. :emb: Certainly no need to print and scan photo. Just draw something in Paint, if not difficult. Received an unusual electronic signature. Here's a link to the photo:

    2. Which track Autechre us to include? He will always be associated with our Honeymoon :music:

    3. We fall in love with photography. Please give the name of my camera :wink:

    4. What are your favorite wine and cheese?

    5. FC Barcelona or Real Madrid? Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi?

    6. Porsche or Ferrari?

    7. What is the most surrealistic place in the world where you've been?

    8. What are 5 albums Autechre would you take to a desert island?

    P/S/: My wife and I will be perfectly happy if you follow our small request and answer our questions.

    P/P/S: You - the most brilliant artists in the world! Thank you for what you are! We wish you good health, great shape and good mood! In addition to new albums waiting for your boxes with rarities, remixes and live performances! Come to Moscow! In advance many great big thank you! :smile::smile::smile:

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