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Posts posted by stimpy

  1. Okay, I guess, I'm not the only one, who just registered to tell how much he loves the recent soundcloud uploads.. In fact I know, 'cos I've been reading this thread since last week Monday, when I woke up and the facebook-algorith told me "someone tagged aphex twin". It was that Pitchfork article and that was, when I knew that I won't do much paid work for the rest of the week.. ;)


    Since there seems to be no "Introduction-thread" in this forum, I'll tell you a lil bit about my afx listening habbits, here:


    I'm a big fan of his music since the Richard D James Album (favourite track: To cure a weakling child).

    Little later, I must've listened to the complete backstock and some obscure tracks - everything I was able to get back then, without the interwebs.. ;)

    There are phases of his musical live I like more and some, I really deeply HATE. For example, I can't listen to the SaWII-Album in complete: It's making me depressive and wanna cry.

    Then again, listening to Goon Gumpas fills me with joy and love and a whole lot of more positive feelings.


    The time, when I learned about Aphex Twin was some very hard time of my life: Aged 18, having huge personal problems (i won't talk about here), not knowing what to do nor what will come. Listening to the right Aphex-Tracks always gave me the warm feeling of being "home" and "understood" (I'm missing the right vocabulary..) I was missing so much, that time.

    That is, why I did a lot of thinking about my life when listening to Aphex Twin (or Boards of Canada or Plaid..) and many of the conclusions are still valid for me, my life and my personality, today.

    To put it into perspective: The music of Aphex Twin was just as important for my personality as the classic literature for boys at that age, I read: Siddartha, Naked Lunch, ... ;)

    I would'nt be the same as I am today, without Rich's music.


    I'm an extreme music-junkie with an own radio show, more music than I can listen to in my whole live and profound knowledge on Beats, Breaks and Funk music, but no other song ever manipulated my feelings as much as Rich's music always does in one way, or another..


    Because of this, I stopped listening to any warp'esque music back in 2002. I could'nt stand it anymore - had to go on with my life and so I did. ;) Everything turned out nice and today, I'm living in a beatiful house out in the country, together with my husband. My next big musical love was Breaks'n'Beats.

    I started doing a weekly show on bigbeatradio.com in 2005, called "HappyHappy JoyJoy", which I'm still doing today, but at no regular basis.. It's about 6 shows a year, now, but I can't stop completely.. ;)


    Okay. That's the past: Been an highly addicted warp fanboy in the 90ies, almost forgot about all the beauty in this music in the 00s but when the hype about "Syro" started, I was all triggered and alert on what's coming next. Of course, I ordered the LP at bleep and to be honest: I don't really like it. Maybe, it's a grower - I don't know, yet.


    But then: A week ago, everything changed. Suddenly there were 10, then 50, then 110 (and now even 150! \o/) tracks from some of my favourite eras, I could listen to for the first time! \o/

    Same style I love, same feelings, it always gave me, but completely unconnected with that (mostly bad) time of my life!

    This is, why I'm listening to all these new releases on repeat since more than a week, now.. ;)


    The conclusion of all this blah blah: I have to say THANK YOU, MR. JAMES!!

    Thank you for everything you did! It means the world to me. Your music is much more important to me being me, than any other music ever was or (most probably) will be.


    That said, one last funfact: I'm living just 20km away from Bad Vilbel.. ;)




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