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Posts posted by SmokingGnu

  1. Or el/L being the twelfth letter of the alphabet, ie this being the 12th release, and there are a sequence of albums for it. (That was probably already mentioned and I'm just too lazy to check)

  2. September 2013, had just moved to the Chicago suburbs for a new job. Was pretty restless and irritable on account of not knowing anyone, my gf was living 3.5 hours away and I was too far away from Chicago to make trips on a decent basis. Figured if nothing else I'd have to entertain myself by finding and buying a shitload of new music, and I stumbled upon ae after using Monolake (my main source of ambient electronic music at the time) as a starting point. The melancholic vibes of Amber fit my mood perfectly at the time and kept me trucking things picked up a few months later.

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